done with POE 1 until some sort of revert or legacy 3.13 server. Tired of non stop dying in maps

we got no new leag for almost year... what changes lol
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We got 8 new official leagues a week ago (as well as 8 of them were merged with Standard leagues), if you haven't noticed...
done with POE 1 until some sort of revert or legacy 3.13 server. Tired of non stop dying in maps.

Ok, I'll bite. Why are you constantly dying in maps? There is only one possible answer: Your build sucks. I'm serious, with a halfway decent build it's actually somewhat hard to die in maps. Please read a few build guides or watch a video on how defence layer stacking works.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Yeah, I just posted earlier about similar experience. Of course the first and only response even when I had mentioned it was only a t3 magic map and a build with 1.5M dps could not touch it, was hur dur must be a build issue. It was a soul eater mob with extra life. Could not even make it's shield bar move, on A FN blue T3 map!

If a soul eater mob has too many souls, just walk away from it. It's ok. You'll survive. The fact you thought it was worth posting about on the forum is insane.

It almost certainly IS a build issue, but it's neither here nor there. Sometimes you get a combo you can't deal with, so you move on. That one mob isn't going to be a blip on the total active time of the character.
Nubatron#4333 wrote:
The OPs name feels a little ironic.

i made it while it still made sense

after 2020 i hate them all especially poe and poe 2
done with POE 1 until some sort of revert or legacy 3.13 server. Tired of non stop dying in maps.

Ok, I'll bite. Why are you constantly dying in maps? There is only one possible answer: Your build sucks. I'm serious, with a halfway decent build it's actually somewhat hard to die in maps. Please read a few build guides or watch a video on how defence layer stacking works.

i shouldn't need to have a perfect build to complete map progression!!

I used to at least enjoy progressing maps before the unneeded changes that started in 3.14

i was just testing an ea build that i knew probably wouldn't work but i was testing it in white red maps and still getting fucking 1 shot by random shite even tho i made sure to have some defenses.

games just dogshit now and i'm deleting my account
then delete you dont need any build to progress maps.

You could do it on a 4 link heavy strike.

Sorry you are struggling but it has nothing to do with what version this game is currently.
Mash the clean
then delete you dont need any build to progress maps.

You could do it on a 4 link heavy strike.

Sorry you are struggling but it has nothing to do with what version this game is currently.


Op just learn the game you play or dont play it.
Hi op. We all know that there will never be a "legacy 3.13 server" or reversion to the game as it was years ago. You may consider letting go of your obsession with that era of PoE as it is only causing you mental harm.

In regards to your complaints about early mapping being so crushingly difficult, I am confused what you are up to with your builds as someone could quite literally clear white maps with an idea as silly as 3 linked split arrow on a witch using gear from the ground you collected from acts 6-10. So I'm not sure what you are still doing wrong after all these years.

Lastly, I had a hunch about what I would find if I looked over your old posts and I was not surprised. 27 pages of complaining. Wondering when you are going to actually quit? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself at all for years on end. Probably time to save yourself the stress and move on permanently.

Oct 25, 2021, 8:18:10 AM - "the last 3 days will most likely be my last of poe."

Aug 26, 2022, 5:24:22 AM - "i won't ever be playing again."

Oct 31, 2022, 11:59:22 AM - "Now I'm embarrassed to even say I played this game."

Nov 14, 2022, 7:49:04 PM - "I'm out for good when ED is over."

Dec 13, 2024, 3:43:02 PM - "POE 2 bad and POE 1 bad and ggg bad"

Dec 13, 2024, 3:36:26 PM - "I wont be playing poe 1 or 2 unless they delete the "last 5 years of trash they've done to poe.

Dec 17, 2024, 3:45:07 PM - "game's bad on all levels"
Last edited by loudpinks2000#5182 on Mar 3, 2025, 11:57:48 AM
All those therad names are just "Im not having fun playing PoE and im mad that others do when they should not".

Same as "PoE is dying".

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