being one shot over and over

if the point of this game to just die? why are bosses unbeatable? im dying around 40x to every single boss i encounter and each death is from a one shot. the witch im playing has basically 0 damage and 0 defense. this class doesnt even have a single defense skill.

this game is such a disappointment. as bad as diablo 4 is its still better because at least its playable.

uninstalled and downvoted on steam.

not coming back to this trash.
Last edited by moxxpoxx92#6664 on Mar 3, 2025, 8:29:36 AM
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2025, 10:05:50 PM
Yeah no offence but you look like a tourist, not a bad thing by itself but I'm afraid you got baited. D4 is probably a better game for you.

Sometimes I wonder what would've happenned if Diablo 3 & 4 didn't exist just to see how these people would handle harder ARPGs like PoE.
Tech guy
Warrax#2850 wrote:
Yeah no offence but you look like a tourist, not a bad thing by itself but I'm afraid you got baited. D4 is probably a better game for you.

Sometimes I wonder what would've happenned if Diablo 3 & 4 didn't exist just to see how these people would handle harder ARPGs like PoE.

I don't know if D3 and D4 had anything to do with this mentality because easy and simple games always existed.

Personally, I think the huge wave of new ppl playing video games over the last few years caused this "respect my time" and "a game has to be for everyone" mindset.
I haven't seen such a "movement" in decades of gaming where ppl don't want and/or can't invest the bare minimum into a game, but then go around and openly blame the game. Especially with such toxicity. Making a feedback post like this one is totally valid, but then basically spamming in other threads that the game is garbage is unnecessary.
Sadly the game is about constant gearchecks.

Its a well known issue that endgame powerscale and enemy escalation is out of control.

I agree a major issue could be described that the game does not have any defensive builds for two reasons:
- everything oneshots you anyway, so glasscannons are the only path you take
- many endgame mechanics revolves around a literal timer so defensive playstyles puts you in a disadvantage

The other issue with defensive builds that it feels like just learning what enemies you can ignore. I play an infernalist and my current experience is running around while minions clean things. (I'm sure it will change once I hit t10+ maps)
But my thorn warbringer I can either stand still while enemies die around me or my hp goes from 100 to 0 in a splitsecond.
Theres no between. It feels like instead of a glasscannon I am just a "Prince rupert drop" build but without the damage to do actual endgame content.

I want to see my health actually goes down not just seeing the "you have died" screen and the small brainfart moment of realizing why my skill arent activating when I was spamming them. XD
Kraivan#1745 wrote:
I agree a major issue could be described that the game does not have any defensive builds for two reasons:
- everything oneshots you anyway, so glasscannons are the only path you take

I disagree. I'm playing a level 96 minion Infernalist with currently over 10k ES and 1K life plus grim feast. I've died only twice in endgame even though I use ALL waystones no matter what mods there are on it (although I do select them depending on what maps/bosses/league events are on the map).
Only one of those deaths was a one-shot and it happened because my dumb ass thought it would be a good idea to do Doriyani in a stone citadel with a 34% elemental penetration waystone.

The clear-speed isn't the best, but acceptable, yet the build is tanky as hell. Practically nothing even gets my shield down to the regular level.
C4Guy#0918 wrote:
Kraivan#1745 wrote:
I agree a major issue could be described that the game does not have any defensive builds for two reasons:
- everything oneshots you anyway, so glasscannons are the only path you take

I disagree. I'm playing a level 96 minion Infernalist with currently over 10k ES and 1K life plus grim feast. I've died only twice in endgame even though I use ALL waystones no matter what mods there are on it (although I do select them depending on what maps/bosses/league events are on the map).
Only one of those deaths was a one-shot and it happened because my dumb ass thought it would be a good idea to do Doriyani in a stone citadel with a 34% elemental penetration waystone.

The clear-speed isn't the best, but acceptable, yet the build is tanky as hell. Practically nothing even gets my shield down to the regular level.

Yeah, these "tankiness doesn't matter because you are oneshot anyway" and "only glass cannons are viable" takes are only true in a bubble, but not in reality.

I played all classes in endgame, some multiple times, tested zoomy builds, tanky builds, glass cannons, low-investment and so on, and all were viable.
Some better for specific things than others, but that's actually the point...
not every thing should be good at everything.

That the game isn't balanced atm makes it for some ppl probably worse than it should be and will be, but GGG already said this will happen in the EA version.
Like... when I entered T16 maps I had 15 deaths... while that character entered yellow maps with negative res and half the deaths were in "Chaos Trial".
if the point of this game to just die? why are bosses unbeatable? im dying around 40x to every single boss i encounter and each death is from a one shot. the witch im playing has basically 0 damage and 0 defense. this class doesnt even have a single defense skill.

this game is such a disappointment. as bad as diablo 4 is its still better because at least its playable.

uninstalled and downvoted on steam.

not coming back to this trash.

if the point of this game to just die? why are bosses unbeatable? im dying around 40x to every single boss i encounter and each death is from a one shot. the witch im playing has basically 0 damage and 0 defense. this class doesnt even have a single defense skill.

this game is such a disappointment. as bad as diablo 4 is its still better because at least its playable.

uninstalled and downvoted on steam.

not coming back to this trash.

git gut
IGN: UgaBugaMajkaFaja
Don't like dying over and over on your character? Try Hardcore and never die more than once on any character to a boss.
Bartender, your finest ale please.
Have you ever tried fixing your character build and developing a tiny bit of skill at the game?

There are builds that actually permit you to be this bad and still get through the campaign and mapping, like the minion infernalist. I had a really rough time on my first playthrough with the witchhunter. It's not the game's fault - its you

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