being one shot over and over


That's sounds great. I would love that to be impossible. I think your very confused as to what is possible and impossible with the terrible rng in this game. We can all only base our assumptions based on our own personal experience but you seem to think that everyone else must share yours. After about 40 campaign playthoughs I find it almost impossible to get 10 exalts in campaign regardless of rarity on gear. And that 10 is the top end if it's a really good rng run. Stop saying it's impossible because you have no idea. There are people with worse luck than me. Atleast there were since launch. Most have probably quit which is why forums are dying now. You don't have a clue how bad it can be clearly.

Darling, you base your assumptions on your personal experience and everything screams "user error" so far.

I engaged with many new players in-game and none of them were poor like you and I read maaany forum and reddit posts and your 0-3 exalt thing in 6 Acts is so far unique to you.

You probably can not find a single other player who cleared the entire campaign and AFTER the currency drop rate patch (mid December) who had 0-3 exalts like you.
Darling, all you have done for weeks is try to discredit every negative thing everybody posts on these forums. Most people participate in forums they agree with to contribute. You on the other hand exclusively run around telling people they wrong. I think you will find you have a problem lol

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