I got a warning for cheating after todays patch

on one hand i dont like 3rd party apps

on another GGG refuses to give players proper tools.

in torchlight infinite if you access their in game trade they have a rough price checker.

this will never happen in poe until the day ggg decides that ingame tradehouses/online only trading is allowed.
[Removed by Support]
Is this for real?

So, instead of doing their job and implementing a price checking tool into the game, they are banning players from using an app that does the job GGG should be doing.

Fantastic. Backwards thinking at its best.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I got the same message and I play PoE 2 on a steam deck. I only use loot filters. I made a post in the tech support forum about this as well.

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