Burned Miscreation - Unrightous Fire

Especially their unrightous fire skill/ability as specters. Has anyone Done any science on this?

What I know:

1. Multiple creatures wont kill faster, ability/skill doesn't stack.

2. Flammability and/or elemental weakness works and buffs damage output.

What I want to know

1. If IIQ/IIR gems are linked to specter, will the bonus apply if mob is killed by unrightous fire skill/ability?

2. Any other way to buff damage output of unrightous fire DOT? As in Fire Penetration, Increased Burning Damage, Minion Damage or Concentrated Effect?
1. DoT never works with IIQ/IIR.
2. Not that I know of.
1) No iir and iiq gems dont work with burning dmg or any DoT
2) Fire pen increases burning dmg and minion dmg do increase the dmg but i am not so sure about conc effect
Game? Who needs to play the game? Forums are funny enough

Last edited by n00bi#1708 on Jul 15, 2013, 2:47:36 PM
Shame about the IIQ/IIR not working.

Their kill speed is so addictive, everything melts especially after dual curse.

They are extremely fragile, and it wont help that they always run in for melee.

Good way to keep them alive is to Spam Frost Walls + Faster Casting + Increased Duration. The unrightous fire burns everything thru the walls anyway.
Minion Life should increase their damage as the base damage uses the mob's life.

Minion Damage, Fire Penetration, etc should all work as well. Conc effect I think works, but I would personally say Increased AoE would be better.

(Proof on life: during the beginning of open beta they used to do a TON of damage when running 6 man party, but almost nothing in solo. They later patched this bug, not sure what patch)
Last edited by TheuberClips#2320 on Jul 15, 2013, 6:22:23 PM
Now it works!

ign: WarriorsOfEternity Scion Battle Spectromancer low life 8 auras | Domination (Standart) League | Life
ign: _Forsaken Shadow Dual Dagger Melee Crit 40k dps (68k abyssus) | Standart League | wasted
It's a DOT, fire penetration doesn't boost it's damage. Best links are inc burning/minion damage/remote mine/con aoe/inc aoe.
Last edited by FullBlownDaddy#6810 on Jan 15, 2014, 2:26:05 PM
Wait so an iir gem linked to the raise specter does not increase iir if they die from the burning damage?

But it would increase iir if I linked it with say a zombie and it killed someone with physical damage right?
The necro is strong in this thread.
iseefresh wrote:

2. Any other way to buff damage output of unrightous fire DOT? As in Fire Penetration, Increased Burning Damage, Minion Damage or Concentrated Effect?

Increased life buffs damage from Unrighteous Fire.
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Benjamin Franklin

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