1.3.0b Patch Notes

Centre of the universe.
SmvtnySmok wrote:
Dear... someone how crate the game.


I can handle that you've nerfed melee builds and you just doesn't care. I doubt you've ever played this game, because if you do so you'd probably fixed all lags/desyncs already. Instead it's worse and worse but you've add a new microtransaction!

Sencond thing: do not use words that you do not understand. Balance? Try to check dictionary first and stop trolling very patient PoE players.

Third thing: A warm and honest #### to devs for christmas.

Actually, they DO play the game. I was watching Chris destroy Rory on PVP on the stream last night, enduring the same desync as we suffer. We were all making fun of the desync they were getting. You should've watched the Twitch stream. :P

And to be fair, there's not much you can do about desync in this type of game. Too much stuff happens all at once, and the client gets thrown out of sync with the server.

Oh, and by the way Chris - Share cake, or NERF!! :D
Wiedza wrote:
Puncture now bleeds for 10% of hit damage at all levels. It also gains more increased physical damage per level.

Same 80% at level 21 as pre-patch.

Not just the increased phys is still the same, but the patchnotes say nothing about a nerf to 50% flat dmg while moving.
Yeah, the deal with puncture need serious clarification. I might decide to abandon puncture if it is "working as intended", I just want to know if the serious nerf was an accident or if they really wanted to kill the skill.
Eshu wrote:
Repulsive. The previous skill tree changes were celebrated because tehy were build-enabling THIS crap on the other hand did nothing just destroyed. And not only the top/OP builds but literally everyone... Balancing a game to its most insignificant aspect is the dumbets thing imaginable. YOu would have hurt less peopel if you erased PVP - and if you did these hard nerfs to promote it .. it is a failed effort - the new master and the new gems would have been enough for those that wanted to do it. Now if i took every single block node on the tree I would still barely have maxed block with ALL items master modded or corrupted to have block chance - the only solid way to block now is the BOR - I don1t see the point in flipping the bird to all the ES characters out there... And after yu destroyed block added gems that are based on blocking... I have been looking for a more inconsiderate and disgusting company than Nexon but it seems I finally found it...
ouch lol
what about the guild stash tab I still can't use? The first tab of my guild stash won't let me take things out or put things in. I can view what's there but can't interact. I keep all my damn currency there.
Chris, do you think you could tell us if punctured mobility damage was supposed to be nurfed or not? It's not clear from the patch notes to me and I'm assuming that puncture not getting the extra bonus phys is a bug.
2 questions about stash tab highlighting:

Is there a keyboard short-cut like control+F to have the cursor directly in the text box instead of clicking it ?

Is it possible, as we type to 'remove' tabs that contain no corresponding item within (like Procurement do) or at least make them greyed-out or make their name red ?

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