Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" Update: Uber Lab down. Gear still trash :) |
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So I just bought a base with Arc chains an additional time enchant on it with the intention of crafting it into my endgame helm. Superior Hubris Circlet, 24% quality.
I'm a crafting noob though so need some advice. How to approach crafting on this item? It's a base with high ES, so I assume aim to turn it into a pure ES item with at least one lightning mod? I will still be res capped with some margin even if I have no resistance on this item. I attempted essence crafting it with what I had of screaming / woe and did get a couple of decent items, but only decent. Looking at fossil crafting dense/metallic looks promising to craft ES/lightning so I bought a few dense fossils + a bunch of metallic along with potent and prime alchemical resonators. Would appreciate some tips so I don't waste a lot of my currency. Should I just load up potent resonators with dense + metallic, scour and retry if I don't get the mods I want? Is it worth using primes with a third fossil in it instead? Prime resonators are 10x the price of potent. Last edited by ScaryAtheist#7621 on Apr 7, 2019, 9:16:18 PM
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I have a ring which "Adds 7 to 10 Cold Damage", will this proc hypothermia, or do I specifically need cold damage added to spells?
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" I'm pretty sure that's still fine but to be absolutely sure, mouse over your arc in the skillbar. If it has cold damage on it, you're fine. |
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Hi guys, this is my gears, my dps is about 25k right now, what i need to upgade them, please help me :D
Last edited by Kendoris#2099 on Apr 8, 2019, 5:44:58 AM
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As replied on stream, damage-wise it's superior together with lots ".. gained as extra chaos damage" on gear and a full shaper-item set, but you do lose the shock immunity and clearspeed bonus or Arc damage and all that for roughly the same price as an Inpulsa's.
No need for quality on any of them.
After the nerf. Easy way to tell is that i'm using Energy Leech, Zealotry and in some also Unleash, which all didn't exist before the nerf.
Not sure what's actually supposed to be different in that version other than that it's using both damage auras and Enlighten, but good to know that it's working even with such a low MoM-pool.
Yes it will get better, Arc gains more chains at some levels which togehter with Unleash or eventually Inpulsa's is a good clearspeed boost, while getting further in your passive tree and Ascendancy will be an overall boost.
Not sure what you mean. Since you're using Storm Brand for easy EO procs and got Inpulsa's, just switch out Unleash with CD.
The chaos recipe is a good way to make currency in the current PS4 economy.
Equipping an amulet with Strength implicit or crafting it on gear with your Crafting Bench will help until you got all the Strength nodes.
Could look out for trap gloves that also give you some life, and many of your gems are missing quality. Boot enchant is also an easy way to get some more damage or clearspeed.
Try working on your flasks first. Life flask should be an Eternal Life, and the utility flasks should be other bases. If you haven't taken the right flasks from quest, just add them to your item filter temporarily. You're currently missing Cold Damage on your Arc to make Hypothermia work, if you haven't gotten any Hypnotic Eye Jewel yet to easily roll that, replace the gem with Unleash. After that i'd recommend to look out for new boots and jewelry, could also alch some of the latter.
You replace HoT with Wrath or Zealotry around Lv70, once you got all reduced reservation nodes.
If you check my Wrath Glance Hubris Circlet listed in guide, i've crafted that with just Metallic Fossil spamming and nothing else. Costwise that's probably the best and there's not that many prefixes to roll anyway, so you can get Life + ES or one and an open prefix to add the other fairly easily.
Lv21 Arc and boot enchant would be the easiest ways. You should also scour flasks, put 4x Glassblowers on each and then roll them for more duration, that will be more helpful than just ~3s of buffs during bossfights.
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" My understanding is you need Becon Of Ruin and something that specifically add cold damage to spells |
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Has anyone tried a Spectre/shield combo with this yet?
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I wonder, as there are pretty large amount of people using this build, and the recomended Crafted Daggers are (in my opinion) great if you are spell casging non-crit based character...
Do you think that it's worth offering copy of my daggers? If so, what should be the fee for it? Crafting those required around 5-6ex each, so i think fracture fossil + 1ex should be OK as the price? Or i should put higer price? Also, is it even worth to offer something like that? And how i should offer it - on trade chat? Somewhere on forum? Last edited by Zeratul_PL#2990 on Apr 8, 2019, 10:09:03 AM
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" I'm assuming you're PC? |
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