Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Hey Enki, I don't play on global but on my region server which is Garena - SEA and by far love your build very much. Would like to ask you a question, all my skills gems set up are 90% similar to yours now. My problem now is I would like to know how do you keep HoT, Clarity, PoL/PoE and Arctic Armor running but also have slots for Arc, Assassin Mark and Vaal Haste for me to cast. Can't seem to make everything useable.

Have you maximized the avail slots on each item? 3 slots on each weapon, 4 slots each on gloves, helmet and boots?
My current Nemesis, which I cannot handle properly nor figuring out how you HC-guys do, is Magnus Stonethorn, the rogue. If other mobs are around I can benefit from the arc chains, but I often encounter him 1on1 and the arc spell doesnt reach that far itself. To be able to nuke him, I need to get in range, and those flameblasts usually oneshot me. Even with AA+PoF+PoE.
boondoxsaints wrote:
My current Nemesis, which I cannot handle properly nor figuring out how you HC-guys do, is Magnus Stonethorn, the rogue. If other mobs are around I can benefit from the arc chains, but I often encounter him 1on1 and the arc spell doesnt reach that far itself. To be able to nuke him, I need to get in range, and those flameblasts usually oneshot me. Even with AA+PoF+PoE.

small advice for magnus
if you remove spell echo from your setup it reduces the time you spend in one place. and just with faster casting it doesnt do the animation twice giving you time to cast repeatedly or once and lightning warp out or run out of the flameblast (movemenet flask required)
boondoxsaints wrote:
My current Nemesis, which I cannot handle properly nor figuring out how you HC-guys do, is Magnus Stonethorn, the rogue. If other mobs are around I can benefit from the arc chains, but I often encounter him 1on1 and the arc spell doesnt reach that far itself. To be able to nuke him, I need to get in range, and those flameblasts usually oneshot me. Even with AA+PoF+PoE.

small advice for magnus
if you remove spell echo from your setup it reduces the time you spend in one place. and just with faster casting it doesnt do the animation twice giving you time to cast repeatedly or once and lightning warp out or run out of the flameblast (movemenet flask required)
Sorry guys for the late replies, i finally got internet now in my new appartment aside from my smartphone.

@JuicedG: That sucks. Otherworldly Devos are some of the worst things you can encounter in Bloodlines. Most of their damage is chaos, so neither IC nor AA would help you. My advice is, if you know there's devos in the map, don't use LW at all. While walking you can trigger them one by one, or pop your quicksilver and in worst case skip the map.

tl;dr: Otherworldly Devos ain't nothing to fuck with.

@memberx: Those are ok'ish stats. You're missing the 6th link and went a weird way on the tree, missing some Purity of Flesh and Arcane Potency, also the Witch cast speed. All those factors will push you to 25k+ with charges, you won't even need Storm Weaver.

@RYOUSUKEN: Thanks! Cool to see the build is enjoyed on Garena aswell. If i understood your question correctly, it's like boondoxsaints already wrote. If you maximize all slots on gear, you gonna have enough slots for all gems. I sometimes switch out Faster Casting on the Light Warp 3L with Portal cuz' i'm lazy.

@boondoxsaints: Magnus is one of those cases where you'll notice every bit of cast speed you have. With a short cast time, you can shoot 2-4 arcs and will still be able to dodge his flameblasts. Otherwise you can also try what fakeThranduil suggested.
Hi, i'm rather new to the game and decided to try your build. I'm playing the 1M League and just can't see anyway to up my damage and become stronger. I'd like to be able to kill atziri for the first time but i just can't see it happening considering i've had over 80 RIP's so far. What can i do to boost my damage? Getting new wands seems far too expensive for the reward of only a little more damage. Currently showing 11K DPS with Faster Casting and 12K DPS with PCoC charges. 3595 HP, 1977 Mana. 36K dps seems like a pipe dream.

Here is what i have so far:

My gear:


My Build:

Last edited by Vangoule on Apr 10, 2015, 7:11:06 PM
@Vangoule: Hey, your stats ain't that bad for your gear. In order to reach 30k+ tooltip DPS you would need a 6L, Lv3 Empower, wands with Leech, Spellcrit and Cast Speed and on top a crit amulet.

With a few small changes you'll still be able to reach 20k+ with a 5L CoD - get an amulet with Crit Multi and either Crit Chance or Cast Speed, get wands with 10%+ Cast Speed, 80%+ Spellcrit and a slot for Leech and switch Life Leech gem with Lv2+ Empower. That should be enough to beat Atziri, the fight is more about learning the mechanics and dodging things rather than a gearcheck.

Btw. did you take those minion life nodes on templar side on purpose, or was that a mistake while posting this tree?
I've finally managed to get all of my links and resists capped and sorted out, and acquired the last of the gems for the build this afternoon as I wrap up A3M. I just wanted to hop on here to the thread and post how much I'm truly enjoying her now.

As you said in the introduction, PCoC makes this build shine - after automating my defenses and curses, I can feel how strong this build really is. Anyone out there using CoH for their arc builds are definitely missing out. Now that I've gotten to a point where I have a bunch of sustainable power charges (I underestimated the effect of the duration node by the Templar tree - amazing), my quality of life has improved greatly. Hats off to you Enki for the continuing effort/responses and improvements, and thanks for the guide!

Edit: Too bad I've perfected it just in time to get stood on it's head with all the craziness coming in the Awakening patch!!
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
Last edited by Khavali on Apr 11, 2015, 8:29:22 PM
@Khavali: Hey, thanks for the kind words! Cool to see you fully enjoy it now :)

Awakening will be really interesting. Mostly stoked about jewels and their possible rolls and corruptions. Will probably take a few days, but i'll surely update and try to squeeze out the full potential of all changes once the patch hits.
Follow-up post:

I also wanted to see about getting some feedback on my current gear setup and passives. I was dual wanding for all of my leveling so far, up to maps. But once I got to mapping she started to feel really squishy. Resists are all over-capped, as much as they can be at early end-game, but her life is still a bit low because of the way I've progressed through the tree (not as efficiently as I could have). Disregard the phys. damage mana leech on the Topaz ring, it's just a placeholder for now until I get something a bit better with a more appropriate mod on it. A friend of mine found the shield and I couldn't pass on it, at the sacrifice of some cast speed. The block chance has helped noticeably, and I've compensated for losing cast speed from my second wand with the amulet and by crafting it onto the shield. Overall it just feels more comfortable. I'd love to get lightning leech on something in the near future; I think it would be a big enhancement.

Here's my current gear:

Current Tree:

I'm on the lookout for a nice belt with a high dex roll so I can spec out of those three points on the tree, and at this point I had to take few things in an odd order to sort my resists and strength/dex balance. Luckily strength will soon become a non-issue based on the tree pathing. I'm headed straight for Shaper right now and then based on feedback here, I'll figure out what the heck to do. Ultimately I want to spec back into Dark Arts and go back to dual wanding, it just was becoming unfeasible for now.

I've been mucking around with it all afternoon going blurry-eyed for sure; I'm probably missing something obvious so thanks in advance for any advice/criticism!
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar

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