3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

1. no "stone of lazhwar". investments to life are more useful, than block.
2. no "blade barrier" on skill tree, more damage with "slaughter" and "cleaving"
3. 1 more jewel!
4. "kaom's roots" are nuts for build. life+unvawering
5. i reach 8900 life with "belly", anyway i recommend for all new players or in a fresh league use bringer of rain and concentrate to spend currency on axes, jewels, rings etc. better to have good axes and bor, than 6link belly and broken axes.
I'm fed up with meta skills so I've been looking for a melee build (non Blade Flurry obviously) to run during next league. Think I'll run this one.

Couple of questions though:

1. Frenzy charge generation seems like a tempting idea. With high attack speed Frenzy would take a second to generate charges during boss fights (with no regen Blood Rage is out of the question). Technically free damage. I imagine gem socket is a problem here?

2. Not planning to take this above 90. Think that 3-point jewel cluster in bottom left can be dropped, couple o 5% life nodes, melee damage starting marauder node. What about the Vitality Void cluster (leech below Duelist)?

Something like this, 219% max life:
Last edited by HankCzinaski#1818 on Nov 23, 2016, 8:31:04 PM
1. i tested frenzy gem. i think it is not worth. mostly because you don't need this buff, you kill everything enough fast. or you have limited time to deal damage like in hydra boss fight, or you need attack every millisecond to sustain life like in uber trio fight.
blood rage adds some fun to playstyle, with 7k hp degen is not a big problem. but problem is a mana cost of blood rage. so i don't recommend use frenzy or blood rage. try if you want, drop endurance charge on melee stun or curse.
2. vitality void is important node, you will feel discomfort on degen ground or against bleeding without it.
3. in new league i guess you will use Bringer of Rain and rare boots, so you need unvawering on skill tree. also not easy to get rare items with good suffixes in start of league, probably you want some resistances from skill tree
'iron reflexes' is useful node before t16. it is worth 2 points while leveling.
reach 6k life and 10 aps, then you can upgrade items and change your tree how you feel
something like this
www.poeurl.com/RpR with 'roots'
4. then you need 7k+ life if you want farm t16 with this build. GGG plans changes for life nodes in next patch. i hope we can reach more life with less investments.
Another user (thx xpctarget) messaged me with a tree that skips Bloodless and goes for Blood Drinker, which is a better option than what I linked in my previous post.

Considering that and your own suggestions for the leveling tree I have some nice options for getting to lvl 90.

Thanks for the advice guys.
Last edited by HankCzinaski#1818 on Nov 24, 2016, 6:22:02 PM
yep, i've got this planned for next league. taking the blooddrinker cluster in the Shadow area:


226% life @lvl 96. if I ever get that far...

i've come to realise that there are only 3 ways of playing POE:

1. kill everything before it even comes close (not doable for a lot of builds)
2. go tank mode with block, evasion and high regen (only works for some high ES tanks)
3. leech the shit out of everything.

since I am a melee player only the third option seems to be the valid one nowadays...
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
Last edited by xchokeholdx#5719 on Nov 25, 2016, 2:58:15 PM
Was interested about how important Vitality Void is and since I never bothered to research into leech mechanics, it was a good opportunity. Made a leech calculator for the community.


If I input stats from the screenshot of your "belly + added fire" setup I get:

1. Without Vitality Void, without extra 2% leech proc on Pain Reaver:
127 hp/sec per hit
1758 hp/sec total instant leech

2. With Vitality Void, without extra 2% leech proc on Pain Reaver:
329 hp/sec per hit
4570 hp/sec total instant leech

3. With Vitality Void, with extra 2% leech proc on Pain Reaver:
582 hp/sec per hit
8086 hp/sec total instant leech

Calculations made assuming 10 leech instances but with that aps it's a constant. All without savage hit proc obviously.

With Vaal Pact there's no benefit to "% increased life leech per second" and "% of max life per sec to max life leech rate", however "% of attack damage leeched as life" is indeed crucial.

Last edited by HankCzinaski#1818 on Nov 26, 2016, 12:58:36 AM
yes it's my bad, "blood drinker" is better option. i have to change my current skill tree.
i just remind you guys, you have to be "unwavering". i did my character in perandus, i started to use "roots" on lvl 94 after 8ex spent for items with high resistances and life.

Calculations made assuming 10 leech instances but with that aps it's a constant. All without savage hit proc obviously.

With Vaal Pact there's no benefit to "% increased life leech per second" and "% of max life per sec to max life leech rate", however "% of attack damage leeched as life" is indeed crucial.

you don't need extra % of leech on white mobs where you have 10 instances, pain reaver always procs, all die very fast. but you need it in some bosses scenarios where you have just 1 instance.
leveling passive trees added to LEVELING PASSIVE TREE, STARTING GEAR,
triwesterki wrote:

you don't need extra % of leech on white mobs where you have 10 instances, pain reaver always procs, all die very fast. but you need it in some bosses scenarios where you have just 1 instance.

I have good news, versus single target this high attack speed actually generates 10 leech instances as long as you keep attacking. So without savage hit proc and pain reaver proc (like sometimes will be the case in a boss fight) character leech is still very good and benefits greatly from Vitality Void. Blood Drinker and maybe some extra % physical leech on gear is a nice bonus on top.

Source is Wiki Leech section:

At the very bottom:

"In The Awakening expansion the leech mechanics were changed with the goal to make it harder to leech against a single enemy. Before, Life/Mana was recovered at a constant rate, without taking into account how many enemies were hit by the skill. The leech mechanic was then changed so that a new leech instance was created per hit. These instances can stack meaning a single hit against multiple targets will grant multiple instances, as will multiple hits against a single target.[4]"

Last edited by HankCzinaski#1818 on Nov 27, 2016, 3:01:10 AM
Hi and thanks for the excellent build. I'm enjoying it a bunch. One question that I was hoping someone could clear up is what gem setup should I drop if running BoR with roots? The loss of a 4-link leads me to believe I drop my CWDT setup, but that seems dangerous. Or, does it simply come down to you either run non-BoR with roots, or run BoR without roots?

Thanks again.
Last edited by EaterOfBabies#6442 on Nov 27, 2016, 2:03:22 PM

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