3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

EaterOfBabies wrote:
Hi and thanks for the excellent build. I'm enjoying it a bunch. One question that I was hoping someone could clear up is what gem setup should I drop if running BoR with roots? The loss of a 4-link leads me to believe I drop my CWDT setup, but that seems dangerous. Or, does it simply come down to you either run non-BoR with roots, or run BoR without roots?

Thanks again.

BoR 4link: dual strike setup
axe 3link: aura setup
axe 3link: cwdt-immortal-inc.dur
gloves 4link: leap slam- fortify- vengeance- faster attacks/totem/culling
b1gb1ackh0le wrote:

I have good news, versus single target this high attack speed actually generates 10 leech instances as long as you keep attacking. So without savage hit proc and pain reaver proc (like sometimes will be the case in a boss fight) character leech is still very good and benefits greatly from Vitality Void. Blood Drinker and maybe some extra % physical leech on gear is a nice bonus on top.

Source is Wiki Leech section:

At the very bottom:

"In The Awakening expansion the leech mechanics were changed with the goal to make it harder to leech against a single enemy. Before, Life/Mana was recovered at a constant rate, without taking into account how many enemies were hit by the skill. The leech mechanic was then changed so that a new leech instance was created per hit. These instances can stack meaning a single hit against multiple targets will grant multiple instances, as will multiple hits against a single target.[4]"

i agree dual striker benefits greatly with vitality void. i think you forget that with vaal pact leech duration=0.
Cool build man :-)
Xcuse me for noob question , but from levelling tree not clearly (for me) how to begin , to duelist's area or to resolute technic at first ? Thanx
Last edited by Hylewix#0451 on Nov 28, 2016, 8:07:13 AM
Hylewix wrote:
Cool build man :-)
Xcuse me for noob question , but from levelling tree not clearly (for me) how to begin , to duelist's area or to resolute technic at first ? Thanx

buy "cleave" after 1st quest, go to (in order) "juggernaut" "lust of carnage" "unwavering stance" "barbarism" "master of arena" "resolute technique". before "resolute technique" you can use "versatility" it helps with dexterity, intelligence and mana cost.
use 2 link "cleave"- "added fire"
when you get "+2 to melee weapon and unarmed range" from "master of arena" and find 4 link, swap to "dual strike"-"melee splash"-"faster attacks"-"melee physical damage"
at level 28 you can buy "Lakishu's Blade" and use 3link there.
at level 31 use "blashemy"-"warlords mark", it helps with mana and life leech.
at level 38 change "faster attacks" to "multistrike". also pick up every rare melee one handed weapon (axes and swords while using "cleave", everything for "dual strike"). you need maximum physical dps you can find despite base.
i think this way is good for new player at the moment. in next patch GGG will change melee mechanics, so all the recommendations will need adjustments.
Thank you , triwesterki , for so detailed answer on my question. I use elreon's iron ring & 2 claws "Last resort" with dual strike from the beginning and before Lakishu. There are no problems with mobs and mana.
How is this build going with the Hall of grandmasters , especially vs Aegis builds such as Mull Gubben?
Would like to watch this if possible. Thnx :-)
i tried in perandus, with max blockers i had draw, we can beat each other all day. i won 2 halls and had draw in two others. i had to use block reduction gem but i did not. presently i guess this map is harder because i refused by spell block.
Umbra did 1 hall with 6 portals. he was unlucky, most his high level enemies had "bloodless", you can not leech against them.
triwesterki wrote:
i tried in perandus, with max blockers i had draw, we can beat each other all day. i won 2 halls and had draw in two others. i had to use block reduction gem but i did not. presently i guess this map is harder because i refused by spell block.
Umbra did 1 hall with 6 portals. he was unlucky, most his high level enemies had "bloodless", you can not leech against them.

THank you for useful info on the subject. It's interesting are there some builds which haven't problems with blockers , without help of block reduction gem ? The question falls away , the builds on dot or secondary damage :-)
Last edited by Hylewix#0451 on Dec 1, 2016, 5:56:30 AM
Hey guys!
Is it possible to adapt this build for Blade Flurry usage? Will it better or worse?
Pls post a passive tree and gear changes for that. Thank you :)
blade flurry is best melee skill(i mean unfair and broken in compare with others). 400% of base weapon damage(all others deal 200%), highest attack speed and aoe, least mana cost. but dual striker can not use it. we use axes, resolute technique, bloodlust (face to face playstyle). my build has spent 40 points for life, as crit build you can not afford it, you have to invest in accuracy, crit chance, crit multi. dual striker is very far from good blade flurry build. but power of new skill allows you to ignore all game mechanics and have success.
i'm sure if i change nothing, just pick up good dagger, blade flurry will work better than dual strike with mirrored axe, haha.
now seriously, as i said for good blade flurry build you have to invest in crit and accuracy, if you want to play maradeur i suggest to start from this tree www.poeurl.com/TTG, then pick up weapon nodes sword, claw or dagger. there i did not chose ascendancy, berserker will be good beacuse more damage and crazy leech(easy with any reflect), but juggernaut is ok so because free unwavering(not necessary for blade flurry) and 1k accuracy (very useful if you have not 3 of tier 1 accuracy suffixes). i'm not sure which subclass is good here.
but strongest blade flurry build is a CI based, to chose shadow or duelist and go CI is optimal.

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