GhazzyTV - THE Spectre Summoner [LOW & HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS]
-double post deleted it sry-
Last edited by marcel2142#6303 on Mar 20, 2016, 9:16:43 AM
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Hey currently lvl 48 did make the switch to spectres now,
I got a question, how are you doing lab? Wich spectres are you using? Your sentinel will most likely die in the first 1-2 Areas of Lab dont they?. |
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" Minions barely take any damage what so ever from traps, spectres & Animate guardian included. So no, they are more than fine. :) Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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Build seems wonderful and am just starting out on it right this moment. Just had one question however.
Was curious as to why you call for Purity of Fire in particular, and not Purity of Elements? Is this just to help the Spectres vs reflect or is there something I am missing? |
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" Matter of personal taste, I preffered to smack purity of fire for higher resistance to 1 rather than spread general res gain as it also provided me with increased max cap resistance. I ll be bringing the build towards Uber Atziri when GGG fixes Beacon of Corruption then i will again want to have higher fire res vs atziri fights. On top of this, it helps the Flame Sentinels vs reflect enemies which really isn't much of a problem anyways but it does help :) Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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Why Sentinels over Revenants? (I know Revenants were quite popular after introduction of A4, what changed?)
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Where are you summoning flame sentinels from? Is it act 3 merciless laboratory or a map?
Last edited by Calavera#7287 on Mar 20, 2016, 8:47:18 PM
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Yo, I've 5l pledge etc nice shit from your pure srs build but i can't order my little creeps to the right kill order on the trio encounter. They left the tittybich last and i exploded (tested on SC.)
e:thx for your contributions. Big fan. Last edited by KawaiiLoli#0016 on Mar 21, 2016, 10:39:58 PM
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" Hey, I JUST added a "FAQ" section in the guide saying this: "Why Spectres over Revenants / Knitted Horrors? Spectres is a very complex topic and here is the answer to all your questions about which one to use: Now that we have been provided with support gems such as Elemental Focus as well as Controlled Destruction we have the possibility of using 6 extremely high damage providing modifying gems. This means that Flame Sentinels who doesn't require any Projectile modifying support gems and that also has the most aggressive AI making them consistently attack the enemies. This makes them the most superior spectre to use for pure damage output. Stygian Revenants requires a projectile modifying support gem to be viable for mapclearing and with that as well as their slightly less aggressive AI compared to the superior Flame Sentinels makes the Stygian Revenants inferior for pure damage output. However, they are perfect to utilize for shocking with these support gems: Raise Spectre + Spell Echo + Chain + Innervate (If more sockets add: GMP & Increased Duration for higher duration shocks). Now with the Soul Weaver ascendancy node giving spectres such insane damage one shall not ignore the possibility of using the 100% piercing big fat asses in Dried Lake known as "Knitted Horrors" these guys are doing pure physical damage and does the most damage of all spectres available atm. However, their AI is even worse than that of the Stygian Revenants. The important part here is to look past their bleed which is insignificant but instead focus on the fact that they do 100% physical damage and have such high projectile speed that they can shoot roughly 1.5 - 2 screens away. So using proper support gems as well as Hatred Aura they can pretty much one shot most content 1.5 - 2 screens away in open world maps. This makes them inferior for higher tier maps that are not in an open world, as well as in maps where the enemies does not get killed instantly. Though, with a ton of spectres they can still be very viable. Main problem remains in their horrible AI making them in the end inferior to that of Flame Sentinels." Hope that helped! :) " Map when ever possible, but i always start with Eternal Lab of course! " Cheers bro! Glad you like it :) The solution is simple: "Play with the new horrible dogshit AI" You have to act agressively and literally stand on top of that damn bitch to force the spirits on her like a rapist without a leash. Problem with this can be survivability if she drops a rain on your ass but you gota stay near enough for them to prio her yet far enough to move if she drops a rain to cast spirits from another side of her. This way she'll melt instantly. I'd refer you to my youtube video elaborating my opinions about the SRS AI on my youtube channel: Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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As far as I can tell, leveling is a chore. I mean really, past lvl ~25 it was unbearably slow as self found. I have some Lifesprigs and stuff but it's nice only at the very beggining.
I've bought two of these: and it got significantly better. Still not on par with Bladefall but also not as mana hungry. Running with Clarity and Discipline because at lvl 46 I can barely break 2000hp. I can't wait to switch to Spectres as standing and casting being this squishy is asking for troubles. Lost 1 Witch at lvl 28 due to Perandus chest boss (the one with shield charge - literally one shotted me with 1000hp and 500es on Normal difficulty) " Thank you for very swift response! While we're at it - is there some general Summoner guide to how take care of your summons? Convocation and HP flasks applying to summons, sure but are there any neat tricks a newcomer to this type of play should know? Last edited by Marrond#4432 on Mar 22, 2016, 2:57:27 PM
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