[2.3] CoC Cyclone Discharge Trickster! HC/Level 100 Viable!

Uhhhhh why? If money is an issue should matter I would suggest the protector (chest) over devotion because you can run the build w/o the amulet. If not get both of them. The amulet is just an added feature but not required to run this build.
Last edited by Atnola on May 20, 2016, 11:39:51 AM
can someone give me leveling tips?
I leveled using lighting trap and multi traps. Also used firestorm with poison linked. These gems while using dual life sprig wands. Did this set up auntil level 35 when I could use Voll protecter chest. Just make sure you have a crit flask. Helps out a lot cause your crit will be low.
I have leveled like described here:


Worked fine for me!
Last edited by SlevinKelevra on May 20, 2016, 3:05:11 PM
ViciousGhost wrote:
im currently 85 and running auras: AA, blasphemy+assassins mark (because my crit chance in town is only 39%), and discipline.

i got about 120 lightning res without purity of lightning so i currently dont run it.

with my setup i steamroll every map (only have tried up to t8 cause no drops -.-)

insanly op build and i only put in like 2ex for my gear

Hum. Why to use AA in this buid? Just to leave chilled ground and chill on hit?
Because the % less phys damage and % less fire damage are only applied when you stand still. Which, with this build, should be literally never. You're always either attacking with Cyclone or moving with Whirling Blades. Or am I missing something?

I'd drop it and see if the remaining mana is enough for an Ice golem. Or the purities (which is not to overcap res, but to increasing maximum resistance form 75% to 80% or so.

I personally use not only Blasphemy+Assassin's Mark (which is great) but also an Ice golem with a "100% incresed effect of the buff granted by your Ice golem" in my helmet.

And it's crazy. 65.86% crit chance in hideout with a 8.18% crit-base dagger. With Assassin's Mark, it's roughly a 75% crit chance without power charges.
I whirl blades into a mob pack, that grants me the first power charge and from there, it's just wave of destruction after wave of destruction. No even need the Diamond flask.

Good thing about golem is: the buff is always applied, no matter what. Assassin's Mark is great, until you come accross a map with "monsters are immunes to curses" on it.
Bad thing about golem is: it dies sometimes, specially on high tier maps with some mods that really hurts.
Timezone: GMT (+2:00) RST
"When you are in a map, find a Zana, go inside her mission and then you have to complete a mission for another Master and you feel like Leo DiCaprio on Inception"
Last edited by MiguelKP on May 20, 2016, 10:32:18 PM
SlevinKelevra wrote:
bobveka wrote:

Post your passive tree, this is certainly odd. Just about any build with that gear shouldn't be having issues. Personally though I ran blasphemy with assassins mark while I had a low crit chance and permanently had my diamond flask up. Once you start critting fine, I'd switch to enfeeble.

I have to run blasphemy with warlord's mark, otherwise I would have no endurance charges. My passive tree:



The big thing that stands out when looking at your tree is not having the power charges, Well and missing accendency points.

Defense's of this build relies on
1: Big ES pool / lots of damage to leech it up quickly with vaal pact.
2: Physical defense: Endurance charges / CWDT+Immortal call+increased duration+enfeeble.
Magic defense: Puritys mainly so you don't one shot yourself with discharge.

Seems maybe not enough damage and of course the missing cwdt setup.

Personally I would drop the 3ES nodes above scion and the 2dagger nodes near nightstalker and go use the 5 points to grab the power charge near witch including the point above it "Spell damage per power charge". Get the 3reds and 1blue on feet for proper CWDT setup. I'm sure someone dose or will help you with lab @the noticeboard but It will probably come with a small price(idk what ppl on phc charge).
Stalkst3r wrote:

The big thing that stands out when looking at your tree is not having the power charges, Well and missing accendency points.

Defense's of this build relies on
1: Big ES pool / lots of damage to leech it up quickly with vaal pact.
2: Physical defense: Endurance charges / CWDT+Immortal call+increased duration+enfeeble.
Magic defense: Puritys mainly so you don't one shot yourself with discharge.

Seems maybe not enough damage and of course the missing cwdt setup.

Personally I would drop the 3ES nodes above scion and the 2dagger nodes near nightstalker and go use the 5 points to grab the power charge near witch including the point above it "Spell damage per power charge". Get the 3reds and 1blue on feet for proper CWDT setup. I'm sure someone dose or will help you with lab @the noticeboard but It will probably come with a small price(idk what ppl on phc charge).

Ok, once more: I have to run warlords mark (do not have 30ex for the amu)! So enfeeble is not doable. And it is not possible to run the 2 purity auras. Of course I use the CWDT+IC setup (without ID, but it should not be a big problem).

In the meantime I run much smoother. Got some passive points from leveling and act 3 piety. I guess I was missing some % cc. Next step is to get the ascendancy points from cruel and merc. Right now Im really satisfied and have a lot of fun with this build!

Another point could be, that I am playing HC and never spent so much currency for a build. Thats why I maybe played too "scared".
Last edited by SlevinKelevra on May 21, 2016, 4:31:38 AM
Grocery wrote:

We also use elemental equilibrium so that mobs we hit have -50% Lightning and Fore resistances and +25% cold resistance. This is obtained by having cold damage on either your weapon or jewelery while having NO fire damage or lightning damage on any gear. Your cyclone should simply say that it deals a small amount of physical damage and cold damage.

Hi, why cold damage, but not fire and lightning?
ign: SheCull / Sorrow_Shadow / Tipzy_ / WhatEverLaDiu
I'm thinking to use the skill tree reset to put this build on my shadow, but i definitively cant afford a Voll's Devotion. Can it works without it or its a obrigatory item?
Yeah this build can work fine without voll's devotion

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