[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!
Essence of Hysteria 34c now.
1 month = Essence of Hysteria 1ex? |
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Hello, love your build so far! But i got 3 questions:
1. Do you recommend to buy rat nest setup for bosses like Rigwald in Dark Forest or Dominus overall to kill them quickly just because of their mechanics(strong bleed from Rigwald and one punch shot from Dominus)? (I must admit that i have not tried this bosses with this build, maybe dmg its easly outhealed) 2. After watching your video i noticed that your character teleports near target automaticlly. What causes this? 3. In forum guide you advice to wear Razor of the Seventh Sun in offhand, in your video guide it's in main hand, and when i look at your character its in offhand :P So.. in which hand should i wear it? Again thanks for guide and your effort! |
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I should've bought the essences when they were 8C... Releasing that new video just made the "gone cheap" part turn into "gone expensive".
I think you can teleport using flame dash in your CWDT setup so you're always moved to the target. Last edited by InFerNo_#7158 on Dec 20, 2016, 6:30:26 AM
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" I usually forget about the stationary part. But if you're whirling everywhere you should have Fortify up, which is even better. Fortify applies to everything that hits, and is applied after resistances. I have exactly zero need for Ruby flasks or Purity of Fire or any other max resistance boosts in reflect maps, and I had zero problems before I went double-curse with a WM in a CWDT, as well. So I'm not sure why I am and always have been an immortal death lord in reflect maps and you guys are beefing it like some sort of...beefing machine. You must not be keeping your Fortify up or something. Last edited by TimeDilation#5779 on Dec 20, 2016, 7:11:21 AM
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" Or 15c again. Price spike's come when supply is lower than supply, and when 15k people watch a clip on one day, that kind of thing happens. When the view rate drops, the prices will as well. In the beginning people were complaining because there was like only 3 eye of innocence at day 3 and sold for couple of exalts each. Then after a week or 2, they drop to 30c, which is extremely cheap. Then we released this clip, and it went to 60c in less than half a day. So prices doubled from 1ex to 2ex for all core items, in less than 24h. 2ex is still cheap and costs about as much as 5 of the maps I ran. If you can run those tier maps, you can afford 2 ex, which I usually have farmed to about lvl 75-80. Till then, cloaked in savegary is a very good protector. " 1. Rigwald is a hard one which vaal molten shell makes it a bit safer against. Granite flask+basalt is also an alternative with anti bleed pot. Dominu's is a piece of cake, just don't get hit by his heavens hit, as it will most likely one shot you. 2. As one mentioned, it's CWDT lvl1 linked to flame dash, unless you really plan to afk down bosses, I don't recommend this as it's frustrating to see your char go in another direction than the one you plan to go. 3. Doesn't matter, the effect of the weapons isn't dependent of weapon slot. " Welcome to the club :D. When crafting essence of hysteria on a sceptre you need to have 1 prefix free to be able to craft spell damage on it and a non pure spell damage mod on the sceptre. The spell mod can be crafted with catarina on sceptre, if those two conditions are met. Best of luck! IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
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" Thanks, I found out there was 2 sets of "spell damage" in catarinas workbench and I can craft the 4c one. Love the build already and I'm showing it off now and probably more in the future at twitch.tv/tuckingfypotsu. |
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About prices, as CrispieD stated, it all depends on demand and publicity of those itens.
Just as a general look, on the league first days, bino's were being sold arround 2 - 3 ex, first because of demand, and secondly because of mathils bf build guide. I just checked and found bino's being sold for as cheap as 20c. (and a scammer listing it for 2 alch to see if someone elses list for that price so he can buy and re-sell on the "correct" price). On the 3 first league days I was able to buy my essences of histerya for 6c each, but the razor and ammulet where to high in price (razor arround 50c and eye arround 5ex). Just waited a few days, boom... bought eye for 30c, razor for 8c (and now you can find em for 2c). The same goes for rat cage... I was able (luck?) to find one for 30c. You just need to be checking poe.trade every now and then, and try to keep an eye on the trade chat, as people often sell things on different prices there. |
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" That's really lucky for Rat Cage, especially if you got it in Breach. The cheapest I see right now on .trade with a buyout, regardless of sockets/links/colors is 49c, and the next is nearly 70c, and the one after that is almost 100. But Rat Cage+VMS combo, while fun, strikes me as not necessary for boss melting. I'm currently melting up to T15 bosses in a matter of seconds without it (though I do have a Vinktar's). |
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Yeap, it's on breach. But I agree on vaal molten shell not being necessary, as I melt bosses FASTER (without being afk of course) using BV main setup than with VMS. Just need to hold space bar pressed and done. But I wanted to test the lag, so I used VMS on rat cage AND normal MS on a low lvl CWDT... inside a breach. Crashed my PoE client!
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Anyone have a shitty extra sceptre or helmet they rolled with Hysteria that they could sell me? Just rolled this character and I'm really pumped to play it, but Hysterias are just going up in price :\
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