[R.I.P.] life Mjolner done right by Rico - Juggernaut version - R.I.P. thx to "balancing" policy

Gvault2011 wrote:
First of all thanks for the great build. From all i tried so far this is the most fun!

I wonder since you also play the witch with that build, which of those two do you think is better all around (tank and damage)?!


Witch. It is a whole different gameplay style thou (no cyclone).
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
hey there.

First of all: thanks for this pretty guide, helped me a lot and I simply LOVE this build for the simple fact, that it is dirty cheap for what it offers (at least since this league - no CDR).

However I noticed one thing: in PoB you added the stats for Onslaught to the belt - with a comment that Onslaught does not work in PoB.
I think this is incorrect: checking the calculator tab and then attack speed, it gives details on where the speed comes from - and onslaught is listed last in that list.

So I think you are not doing 5.82, but 5.47 instead...
I guess it is nearly impossible to reach 6.0+ attack speed, unless being at least level 97 and having godly jewels + Mjölnir corruption...
Saibaschbeis wrote:
hey there.

First of all: thanks for this pretty guide, helped me a lot and I simply LOVE this build for the simple fact, that it is dirty cheap for what it offers (at least since this league - no CDR).

However I noticed one thing: in PoB you added the stats for Onslaught to the belt - with a comment that Onslaught does not work in PoB.
I think this is incorrect: checking the calculator tab and then attack speed, it gives details on where the speed comes from - and onslaught is listed last in that list.

So I think you are not doing 5.82, but 5.47 instead...
I guess it is nearly impossible to reach 6.0+ attack speed, unless being at least level 97 and having godly jewels + Mjölnir corruption...

Maybe they corrected it in later updates. In a version I was using there was no bonus from Onslaught (I double checked it).
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
This Build is absolutely fricking awesome.

Thank you Rico for all the time and work you've put into creating it - i'm having a blast of fun :)

Currently i've reached a point where i try to aquire lvl 21 gems and throw currency at my Kingsguard in hope of that thrice cursed 6-link^^.
Since my knowledge of PoE Mechanics is not that deep i wanted to ask you guys some things.

1. Does a 5% chance to proc freeze or shock from the Controled Destruction Support outweight the higher damage of the Elemental Focus Support?
I vaguely believe that the ailments wont proc often enough in Bossfights for that to be the case. Is That right?

2. Can Glove Enchantments trigger Elemental Equilibrium?

3. Can i trust the ingame shown Cyclone aps during a fight?

If someone can find the time to help me with these that would be nice - thanks :)

Last edited by CoffeePlant#3366 on Jan 31, 2019, 1:10:12 PM
Having some issues with Uber Elder and trying to sort out if it's a user error issue with the fight or a gear issue. Run into problems with shaper balls when attacking elder and getting caught out without being able to tank them or move out of the way. Same with tanking shaper while getting ice shards from Elder.

CoffeePlant wrote:
This Build is absolutely fricking awesome.

Thank you Rico for all the time and work you've put into creating it - i'm having a blast of fun :)

Currently i've reached a point where i try to aquire lvl 21 gems and throw currency at my Kingsguard in hope of that thrice cursed 6-link^^.
Since my knowledge of PoE Mechanics is not that deep i wanted to ask you guys some things.

1. Does a 5% chance to proc freeze or shock from the Controled Destruction Support outweight the higher damage of the Elemental Focus Support?
I vaguely believe that the ailments wont proc often enough in Bossfights for that to be the case. Is That right?

2. Can Glove Enchantments trigger Elemental Equilibrium?

3. Can i trust the ingame shown Cyclone aps during a fight?

If someone can find the time to help me with these that would be nice - thanks :)

1. In my honest opinion, Controlled destruction is outright better because when you crit you do not gain power charges, you lose them! Though, this build does not have any added crit.

Edit: Further thinking about this, how are we applying shock to begin with and our crit shouldn't be above 5% base anyways! Essentially if we have a 5% chance to inflict a status ailment, you should be proccing it once every 5-6 seconds assuming you miss 5% of the time. So, that would depend on the duration of of the status effects.

2. Enchant on gloves AND boots can trigger elemental equilibrium. The only enchant you should be going after is 10 pen on boots. I chased my lab enchant with a second pair Inya's.

3. Yes and no, Cyclone attacks twice per attack, so if you have 5.7 APS you're hitting twice, 5.7 times per second (hence using two skills).
Last edited by CanisVY#2562 on Feb 2, 2019, 12:34:01 PM
dinobrutalityx wrote:
Having some issues with Uber Elder and trying to sort out if it's a user error issue with the fight or a gear issue. Run into problems with shaper balls when attacking elder and getting caught out without being able to tank them or move out of the way. Same with tanking shaper while getting ice shards from Elder.

As far as your gear lvl goes it is fine except lvl of the purities - you need lvl 20 for +4% to max resistances. Also maybe switch Elemental Weakness for Enfeeble during this fight. This combined with lvl 20 purities will give a bit more room for errors.

I dont have much guide for you regarding gameplay vs Uber Elder. It is the most difficult fight in the game for a reason. That said for me Uber Elder is hit&run type of fight. Mobility - being on a run contantly is a key here. To attack Uber Elder you must create yourself some distance to Shaper, approach him from the angle that provides you the most range to Shaper. This way you will have enough time to dodge his balls by maunally moving up/down or left/right depending on theyr angle. Stop attacking and move away when needed to reposition yourself.

Shaper is a bit easier to be attacked you just need to avoid his beam so when he does it - cyclone on his back. As soon as you're in a melee range with him Shaper will stop firing his balls. Just dont approach him from the line of fire, do it from the angle so he will miss his projectiles. Elder cold spears shouldnt freeze you, they may chill you but this is where Unstoppable ascendancy node steps in to help. Also you may use movement flask with anti chill and freeze. Same goes for Elder's Siphon attack, especially when Shaper is on the loose firing his balls. When Elder does his siphon on you - leap slam behind him and move away of Shaper's projectiles.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Feb 4, 2019, 6:44:51 AM
Thanks for the guide! This is honestly one of the best builds I've ever played. The biggest drawback is having to buy more stash tabs to store all the epic map lootz you can farm with this build. I'm not joking. :)

Also, I came across a well rolled pair of Surgebinders gloves, I tried them out and think they might give slightly more dps than Repentance gloves. Opinions, wondering if anyone else tried them?
Hi, build still updated and viable? thanks!
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