[R.I.P.] life Mjolner done right by Rico - Juggernaut version - R.I.P. thx to "balancing" policy


I have switched over to this from the berzerker version, and it does indeed do a lot better.

My question is how do you kill the new elder? I can face tank his guardians and do some good damage to him and them the fight just goes sideways. All of the slow downs and freezes just kill me fast.

Have you killed the elder as yet and what did you do? Do you need more than 5k life?

Not sure why you are having issues there, personally I killed him myself 6 or 7 times in the 1st few days of the expansion without issue. If you follow the skill tree you should have enough life regen to carry you through the parts where he freezes you. I wish I could give a better answer but I honestly jus facetanked the fight and ignored the mechanics b/c nothing at any point came close to doing significant damage to me.
Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Dec 27, 2017, 5:23:15 PM
I have a +1 frenzy volls and a regular perfect volls which one should i sell? Also should i 6 link the armor if i can afford to or just 5 link it?
Rico was using the 5L out of necessity b/c of league start etc, optimally you want 6 links, he recommends additional accuracy support as the 6th gem. The Voll's is up to you mostly, I know he lists +1 additional curse in the luxury section, you can also go with the +1 max resistance ones, I dont think a frenzy charge one though will be of any use to you, I know myself the extra STR/INT from my clean one helps me save precious skill node spots.
iSlimBeef wrote:
Couple Questions. Why scold's bridle? Does not look any better than devoto's to me. Also, 5 link chest is better than 6 link chest? just making sure that is 100% better option.

Best curse to get on repentance gloves?

Scolds grants 90-140% global spell dmg increase and has a synergy with Juggernaut ascendancy (Unflinching).

6l chest is allways better because you can add something. However unless you're after 4.5 cyclone aps 5l is enough.

Best curses to use with this build: Enfeeble/Ele Weakness/Temporal chains. If you have +1 curse Volls one of those can be on gloves, second one in Vengance-Curse on hit setup. Without +1 curse Volls curse on hit gloves are kinda waste as you can have stronger curse effect via Vengance setup that is only 3link.

Rainbowfire wrote:
Have you killed the elder as yet and what did you do? Do you need more than 5k life?

Optimal HP pool with this build is 5.8k. That said the more the better.

iSlimBeef wrote:
I have a +1 frenzy volls and a regular perfect volls which one should i sell? Also should i 6 link the armor if i can afford to or just 5 link it?

Frenzy charges are not needed for this build. Clean Volls is better - it saves point on passive tree as JCOH35 mentioned.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 28, 2017, 12:32:19 AM
Finally after 25 ish attempts I got the glove enchant!

Very nice, grats, I know on standard those run approx. 25ex.

I tried elemental weakness on CWDT at a lower lv, and then manually cast it at lv20 (20% quality) but just didnt feel a big difference with it manual/on cwdt/or without it so thats why I eventually went to warlords mark, just more charges and 2% leech makes me flat out immortal which is nice b/c atm a death would cost me like 8 hrs of play time.....lv95 currently in these new crap xp changes b/c devs listen to streamers in full mirrored gear saying the games too easy.
Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Dec 28, 2017, 2:03:05 PM
I'm not sure what to aim for next.

six link chest and add additional accuracy gem?
+1 curse Voll's devotion?(this is a huge leap to achieve)

I could run Doedre's Damning and adjust jewels to make up for loss in intellegence and resistance. Then either drop blade vortex and add Temporal Chains to gloves or Drop Righteous fire setup in boots and run Vengeance + Curse on hit + enfeeble?

any suggestions are welcome.

Have not attempted Shaper yet, but did attempt Vaal Temple and could not carry 2 other people but I feel I could have done it solo.
Why Meginords Girdle? Unless I'm missing something wouldn't a rare with like 80 life be better?
skybox81 wrote:
I'm not sure what to aim for next.

six link chest and add additional accuracy gem?
+1 curse Voll's devotion?(this is a huge leap to achieve)

I could run Doedre's Damning and adjust jewels to make up for loss in intellegence and resistance. Then either drop blade vortex and add Temporal Chains to gloves or Drop Righteous fire setup in boots and run Vengeance + Curse on hit + enfeeble?

any suggestions are welcome.

Have not attempted Shaper yet, but did attempt Vaal Temple and could not carry 2 other people but I feel I could have done it solo.

Ya the two things i would say are the spare ring, especially if your on abyss league, shaped items are so common over there, the prices on poe.goods are like 300% lower for 31-35% spell damage rings, on standard I made my own;

And you really want a corrupted lv21/20 Discharge Gem.

*And a lv4 enlighten gem is also something to consider, just to make life a bit easier*

Outside of that its really more luxury/personal prefrence.

(to the guy asking about Meginords its more for the +1 endurance charge corruption, and the 10% health bonus comes close to offsetting the loss in life over a high life rare belt, ive used an rare with 99life roll and Meginords, the difference between the two is marginal life wise)
Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Dec 28, 2017, 6:09:37 PM

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