[3.0] HC/SC Nowlech's Trickster Essence Drain (LifeMoM/CI/LL) ~Shaper and Uber Atziri! Videos!

Do you have any tips on leveling?
skill tree links aren't working for me

all of your leveling build trees dosent work ?

sorry guys! It seems as if the sheer amount of players on poeplanner completely destroyed the site, I am Working on leveling trees that work at the moment!
Last edited by Nowlech#6577 on Aug 4, 2017, 11:22:21 PM
Do you have any tips on leveling?

Yes of course! You can either use wands or daggers, (I prefer wands because they have a better implicit) and a spell damage shield with life and res.

Once you can get two 4 links, link together : Essence Drain - Void Manipulation - Controlled Destruction - Efficacy. For Contagion use : Contagion - Arcane Surge - Faster Casting - Increased Area of Effect (Flame dash until you get the AoE gem).

You should be steam rolling through the game once you have at least a 3 link!
Are we still going with kill all bandits, with the new improved stuff we can get from bandits?

EDIT: My bad. Just saw what the rewards actually ARE. So of course we are killing all bandits.
Last edited by sikker#5501 on Aug 5, 2017, 3:29:42 AM
Are we still going with kill all bandits, with the new improved stuff we can get from bandits?

EDIT: My bad. Just saw what the rewards actually ARE. So of course we are killing all bandits.

:^) Yes they do nothing for us, so killing all is what we do
Any info/insight on atlas shaping?
What's the point of Increased AoE in this build? Why do you get so much of it, it doesn't seem very good to me.
I must be missing something about essence drain that I'm hoping someone can explain to me.

PoB shows most of the essence drain builds that people list here with extremely low dps compared to pretty much any other build. Importing this build directly, for example, shows a dot damage somewhere around 100-120k with frenzy and power charges up. Putting wither to full stacks in this case increases the dps from the dot+decay to something like 200k. The pob link uses gear that is reasonably mid-tier, so there could be some improvement from getting extra spell damage/chaos/dot/whatever, but nothing that is going to grossly impact the build. Ghazzy's version is more like 45k and goes up to ~100k with wither and gear..

Other builds that I've been looking into over the past few days have dps numbers ranging from this sort of number as the extreme low end of what you see from most. Many, many builds can comfortably move into the high hundreds of thousands for moderate investment, and of course there are quite a few that can easily reach into the million+, or higher still (although mostly crit versions and costly).

I'm not writing this to be conflicting or anything like that, I actually want to understand how it works. People have been using ED to kill high tier maps and bosses almost since its inception, and I can't work out how that works given the massive discrepancy in what builds _should_ do vs. the outcome. I'm hoping someone has some insight? How can you comfortably kill shaper on a build that is parsing in the low 100k's when many builds struggle while closing in on millions? Is it just slow but survivable? What's the missing link?

Does the skill just not work AT ALL in groups, when the monster hp goes up and contagion cant spread it?

Zelniq wrote:
What's the point of Increased AoE in this build? Why do you get so much of it, it doesn't seem very good to me.

Clearly I'm not an ED player but it seems pretty obvious that it's for clearspeed with contagion and curse range :P
Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Aug 5, 2017, 11:37:14 AM
what about BANDITS for 3.0? Kill all?


what about BANDITS for 3.0? Kill all?


Yes, kill all still!

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