[3.0] HC/SC Nowlech's Trickster Essence Drain (LifeMoM/CI/LL) ~Shaper and Uber Atziri! Videos!

cool, ty
Hey, I'm leveling this in Harbinger after my first character tanked. I've played ED before and I really enjoyed it but I can't quite remember how bad it was in parties. What party size does it start getting bad? I play with a couple of friends, so just trying to gauge how bad my damage will feel in a party of 3.
Hey, I'm leveling this in Harbinger after my first character tanked. I've played ED before and I really enjoyed it but I can't quite remember how bad it was in parties. What party size does it start getting bad? I play with a couple of friends, so just trying to gauge how bad my damage will feel in a party of 3.

Hey man, starting off you will do no damage in a party. That's for sure. Try to get spell damage wands, spell damage on your shield and your amulet and then the party starts happening! I map with my friends and atm I do all of the damage in a 5 party! So no worries, it just takes a few hours of grinding first
Hey Mate.
First: Thanks for the build. Running it in Harbinger SC and Leveling was easy and fast.

One question:

Is a Decay Weapon still viable? Or am i better to go with a high Spelldamage Wand?


Decay weapons are still very much viable, shoot for one of those or a Breath of the Council.. decay weapon has been my own preferred for ED builds, for faster shield charge/whirling blades
About pantheon?
Hey. First of all: nice build guide. It's an easy read and pretty straight forward!
So thanks for that :)

At least for me, none of your lifebased skilltrees for 3.0 is working. Can't seem to load the pastebin into PoB, nor can i open the other link.
I made my own tree and just recently stumbled over your guide and now i wanted to compare them and see if my tree isn't hopelessly awful :)

Is anyone else having problems with this?

Best regards

ssf_dave wrote:
Hey. First of all: nice build guide. It's an easy read and pretty straight forward!
So thanks for that :)

At least for me, none of your lifebased skilltrees for 3.0 is working. Can't seem to load the pastebin into PoB, nor can i open the other link.
I made my own tree and just recently stumbled over your guide and now i wanted to compare them and see if my tree isn't hopelessly awful :)

Is anyone else having problems with this?

Best regards


You probably have space before the link when you paste it
About pantheon? №2
Thanks for the build. Now leveling in Harbinger HC with few adjustments. Is `Witchfire Brew Stibnite Flask` plays really important role in damage, is damage is still ok without it (for HC)? I'm thinking if I could just run `Blasphemy + Temporal Chains + Enfeeble` and then just get more damage on jewels to compensate damage loss, or even don't if DPS is ok without it.

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