[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]

People saying baron does't do much are totally wrong. Difference is night and day. Currently lvl 84 with 824 strength and the little bastards cut trough everything like hot knife trough butter. Lightning trap is op for bosses. Currently at T9 and no boss takes more than 4-5 seconds.
Last edited by chancer on Aug 9, 2017, 8:24:22 AM
fleetwood417 wrote:
If I'm understanding this correctly, depending on your gear, you basically run your SRS set-up through the Baron until you get a 6 socket 2H with +2 fire damage? At that point, you swap any of your 4 link set-ups to the Baron and run SRS through the weapon?

And remove Necromantic Aegis with Victario's Charity, yes you've got it all right :)

Killahseven wrote:

Currently mapping with this SHIT gear ( look at the helmet and gloves lmao ) and I'm clearing maps very fast, doing t5+ atm and it works very good. Raging spirits just destroy everything and skeletons tank everything ( just linked skeletons with all the gems to level them up ).. So yeah, you dont need the baron in any way :D


gokudin wrote:
Anyone did UberLab?

i tried once but i died to argos =/

LVL 81 5.6k hP 700regen/s

He hits like a truck and should generally be avoided by non uber-lab farming builds tbh >.<
I'd recommend EXTRA caution when facing him, he 2 shot my HC char last week.

How good are Grip of the Council gloves on this build?

Imo: Best in Slot.

Kimbroslice wrote:
wiwigvn wrote:
Kimbroslice wrote:
Anyone care to explain why I see people running nycta's lantern as a substitute weapon prior to getting a +2 or +3? I was under the assumption that SRS scales with nothing offered by nycta's.

The first 3 mods of Nycta directly benefit SRS gem, dude.

I've done the math though and using srs in a 3l nycta's setup is far worse than a 4l +2 minion helm. Still makes no sense.

A +2 helmet is perfect and absolutely better, the Nyctas is more for lvling before you get that :)

PoisonYu wrote:
I have to agree, and im very confused. Why the use of Nycta's Latern? Especially as i'm seeing most people not even socketing their SRS skill and support into Nycta's yet still having it as part of the set up.... Why?

That part is confusing, if you're to use Nyctas it is to use the SRS in it before you get Baron or a +2 helmet. (Hell even a +1 4L helmet would be better imo).

picanhaloko wrote:
Just realized that the staff Realm Ender work as a + 3 staff with a 7th link of cold to fire for SRS. Its crazy

Personally would never use it. 6L etc etc the approach listed in the guide is by far the smoothest, cheapest & most effective.

Killahseven wrote:
picanhaloko wrote:
Just realized that the staff Realm Ender work as a + 3 staff with a 7th link of cold to fire for SRS. Its crazy

Are you sure about that? Then I'm going to buy that staff right now

Seeing as a lot of people have been posting about this weapon, be mindful that sustaining it will be a pure bitch which is why the approach I listed in the guide is smoother.

fleetwood417 wrote:
Ghazzy - I watched your video guide on this and I noticed you constantly have 15-20 SRS alive at once. As I'm leveling (around 45-50) I notice I only have about 8-10 at a time. Any particular reason why this is happening?


That's because you lack Rampage stacks and proper gearing, later on you'll have no problems reaching those numbers. Whilst you're lvling it isn't a problem that you have those ammounts :)

wichtounet wrote:

Thanks a lot for this build.

I'm now level 81 and having a relatively easy time in map, however DPS is starting to lack.

Since I won't buy a Baron at the current price, does anyone has an idea on how to scale my damage higher ?

I already have EE planned, will do it next level.

I could go to +3, but it's too expensive for me as well for my start build.

Here is my stuff:


You should be running Flesh Offering self-cast, not in CWDT setup. Looking at your gearing I fail to see in what content your dmg will be lacking? We've had racers using this type of build hitting 100 #1 using a 6L +2 fire weapon.

Byvalo wrote:
Hi Ghazzy!

Nice to see you back on SRS, I remembered your old guides on that!
I tried the experiment to copy your tree on MF things and so:

86 lvl, 5.3 hp, capped resses, but only 500+ Strength so I'm not sure about solo high-end in this. Bey the way, tried some t11-14, pretty squishy, but IMO very viable despite on the full mf gear. Now, I'm thinking to reroll some armor modes, cause it's still low on that gear. Some gems are low, but I'm a lazy ass to move some of from char to char :)
In case of group, it's pretty easy to go SRS for culling and IIQ/IIR gems in the hands, and keep chest only for supportive curses and QoL for group. For that maybe I will start a craft this boy for +3





I think the setup I've shown in the guide where you can replace Astramentis for Bisco's Collar is by far all you really need for that MF boost.

Saraneth wrote:
While I only have a 4 link, what are the 3 best supports to link with SRS? Cheers :)

SRS > Melee Splash > Minion DMG > Melee Physical as described in the guide! :)

grrbrr wrote:
Hi Ghazzy,

What do you think about getting the other cluster of Skill Duration "Exceptional Performance" or is that overkill?

Some softcore versions prefers it, I don't :)

yondaime71 wrote:
Is Worth taking Spirit Eater over Commander of Darkness since Spirit Eater gives a lot more dmg ( +40% ) and i have already capped resistances ( +95% each ) ?

Sure, if you prefer it, though you lose the atk/cast speed buffs from the CoD stacks.

chancer wrote:
Gentso wrote:
chancer wrote:
Some food for thought - if you could get all your items on day 3 with minimal effort this game would become boring in the blink of an eye ;)

I agree to an extent. I always figured there were different kinds of builds out there. This one was supposed to be the cheap/starter build. And then there are other builds out there that require lots of farming and good gear to even work.

For what the build does it's still cheap. You only need baron for t9+ maps... 6L staff is total of 50 chaos, rest of gear is like 1-5 chaos or 10 chaos at most, astramentis is 30 chaos.. really not that much ^_^

Edit: for comparison, last league I did ele wander, only the 6L queen of the forest was 6 ex, vinktar 1 ex, good wand 3-4 ex etc. Build had 4800 hp, could not do all content.

Don't even need Baron for t9+, Karv did guardians without Baron as well with this type of build.

Kaizerbgr wrote:
The build is really not that expensive. At this moment im having enough items to farm t13 maps, the problem is im having insane problems with linking the sockets in my helm and chest as id want them to be so i can go t13+.

Also, bosses on t11+ are insanely f*cking hard to kill.

Bosses are stupid AF since 3.0 I'd only do them once for the atlas then skip them >.<

hoornst3 wrote:
Day 3 - still farm/chancing Close Helmets at the docks. I'll keep you posted. I've gone through 50 chance so far no luck.

Ah, keep it up bro, good luck!

chancer wrote:
Kaizerbgr wrote:
The build is really not that expensive. At this moment im having enough items to farm t13 maps, the problem is im having insane problems with linking the sockets in my helm and chest as id want them to be so i can go t13+.

Also, bosses on t11+ are insanely f*cking hard to kill.

Can you link your gear and say how you want the sockets to be - I am also having trouble with socket setup and need some help. thanks

Here is what i currently have installed:


I made the character in beta so am unable to link it in here, however, the link setup is described in the guide :S
Anything specific sockets you are refering to?

How exactly does this build generate endurance charges for immortal call?

You don't need to generate endurance for it to work, though the duration won't last more than 0.5-1sec which is generally all you need.

chancer wrote:
How exactly does this build generate endurance charges for immortal call?

You don't. Immortal call gets triggered for a very short amount of time even without endurance charges. It is enough to block porcupine spikes for example.


Norse wrote:
Does the close helmet only drop at docks or why are ppl farming there? Im at act6, whats the chances of the white helmet dropping there?

Currently using some random scepter with 11% faster cast, and using the SRS in a 4 sock helmet, And ideas of what the best and easiest way to get an weapon upgrade for me would be? lvl 58 atm SSF.

Thanks for the nice guide Ghazzy.

Nah they drop from around lvl 24 areas and everywhere else higher than that, it's just that they drop more frequently there.

Farm the Dark Mage cards for a 6L staff tbh.

Thank you! :)

isunktitanic wrote:
If anyone chances one, could you please post here? Because between all the people in this thread and me we should have about 300 chanced helmets or more and nobody has chanced one as far as people have said. I have chanced 40 and no luck. Even accounting for exaggeration, 200 chanced helmets is still a far shot more than "50" helmets. Might be a pipe dream after all....

It's all a matter of RNG, for example my first 6L item in this game some years ago took 5500 fusings, when the average was supposed to be around 1500-2000, for an average to emerge some has to be below and some above.

ELicious wrote:
I've been tracking my chance attempts to see how many it finally takes for me to chance a baron helm. I've also been following this thread to see how many it takes other people. Are these really a 2% chance? I've seen many people trying to chance one and no one actually posting they succeeded. Have they changed the rates for this? Is that why the price is so high? Has anyone actually gotten one through chance orbs since the patch?

I'm sharing out my tracking document and I ask other people to add your data or start tracking your own attempts here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QtmINBfpmimlrD1Xmgd05xOy5fiMkuo_Bgt75wjBoAU/edit?usp=sharing

The 2% confirmation was before 3.0, it is absolutely possible that these numbers have been changed, though nothing announced by GGG.

Ashandaar wrote:
I've been chancing items since awakening league. I've spent more than 4000 chance orbs. And i never had one unique. If you can't believe it, just check my accomplishments... I still have to do the one about chancing a unique. It gives you an idea how hard it can be to chance one item...


Chancing success depends on the tier of the item, the lower the tier, the easier the chancing is :)

AcidCitrus wrote:
Hello. I started this build as a league starter. I am now level 50 and all I can say is that I am a lot weak and my SRS deal barely any damage.
Can I get any advice on "cheaply" improving my damage at least? because the leveling process feel not enjoyable at all. I went to try this build because i've heard it is real easy to get with, but so far it's mostly the contrary.
I am open to any advice, thanks!


Whats your gear, lvl of gems, skilltree?

0liver wrote:
bought a close helmet on the trade site on monday, four linked it, upgraded it to 20% quality and was chancing + scouring it.
I think it took around 50-60 tries. wasn't really counting
that's what i got:

i think i'm gonna sell it though. tried for like t7 maps, didn't really notice a big change.
That might be because my other gear is shit, not that much strength (around 400) and i need to finally fix my gem setup. But I'm going for a short vacation today so guess i'll do that after i get back.

Sounds fair, gratulations on the chancing! :)

TsunaH wrote:
Currently at lvl 78 with 5k2 hp.
Doing T5 and T6 maps atm because i dont get any map drops. Trash mobs ( magic and rare ) still melt to the minions however when it comes to the boss, well it's kinda slow even with vaal lightning trap.
Should i get more minion dmg from jewel ?

Could absolutely work.
I would recommend only doing bosses once since 3.0 made the boss HP stupidly high. So once for the atlas completion then skip them after that. Most people will do that as of patch 3.0.

Matematikas wrote:
vaal haste + flesh offering + silver flask for bosses and it dies pretty fast at least up to t9 without baron


Saltychipmunk wrote:
srs were strong before baron. all baron does is let you invest a larger portion of your stats and gear into strength and hit points and less into out of the way minion nodes or costly jewels

which is extremely powerful . but by no means necessary for pre teir 10 content. there is no rush for baron unless you are really really pushing maps hard. in which case you probably have a support network or the know how to out right buy the baron


chancer wrote:
People saying baron does't do much are totally wrong. Difference is night and day. Currently lvl 84 with 824 strength and the little bastards cut trough everything like hot knife trough butter. Lightning trap is op for bosses. Currently at T9 and no boss takes more than 4-5 seconds.

It does a LOT indeed. :)
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Thanks for the reply !

And ye I kinda figured that I will have to skip bosses when I nearly ripped at Alira in Burial Chamber...

Anyway I got extremely lucky today and dropped 2 ex ! Will buy Astramentis soon and maybe a 6l staff

For a 6l staff with BM, how much hp regen do I need to be comfortable ?
Last edited by TsunaH on Aug 9, 2017, 10:27:42 AM
Hey Ghazzy,
I keep hearing about some way to craft +3 maces easier than staves but I can't seem to find the method anywhere. Have you heard anything about it?
RexyLuvzYou wrote:
Hey Ghazzy,
I keep hearing about some way to craft +3 maces easier than staves but I can't seem to find the method anywhere. Have you heard anything about it?


Very well explained there.
Hey Ghazzy, when crafting a +3 staff you still have 2 suffix slots open. I wonder what the best crafts are for those? strength seems a no-brainer, but what for the second? AS? CS? or maybe an ele resistance to easy up the presures on rings/chest/boots?
I got super lucky and the shrieking essence gave me a +3 maul but i dont have the chromes to get 3 blue. What should i use instead of one of the blue gems?
Hi all, I'd love some critique of my gear, and where it can be improved. Thanks!

TsunaH wrote:
Thanks for the reply !

And ye I kinda figured that I will have to skip bosses when I nearly ripped at Alira in Burial Chamber...

Anyway I got extremely lucky today and dropped 2 ex ! Will buy Astramentis soon and maybe a 6l staff

For a 6l staff with BM, how much hp regen do I need to be comfortable ?

Awesome man!
Honestly, like 500+ is really smooth tbh.

RexyLuvzYou wrote:
Hey Ghazzy,
I keep hearing about some way to craft +3 maces easier than staves but I can't seem to find the method anywhere. Have you heard anything about it?


This is what they are refering to: https://redd.it/6s48r9

Vallenhael wrote:
Hey Ghazzy, when crafting a +3 staff you still have 2 suffix slots open. I wonder what the best crafts are for those? strength seems a no-brainer, but what for the second? AS? CS? or maybe an ele resistance to easy up the presures on rings/chest/boots?


If a Maul and you're using Leap Slam then AS, if Flame Dash/staf then cast speed other than that it's just resistances tbh.

BearMauling wrote:
I got super lucky and the shrieking essence gave me a +3 maul but i dont have the chromes to get 3 blue. What should i use instead of one of the blue gems?

Multistrike > Ruthlessness > Added Fire

Any of those in that order.

cooltay105 wrote:
Hi all, I'd love some critique of my gear, and where it can be improved. Thanks!

Weapon could be a Brightbeak for faster shield charging.
Other than that its just "better numbers" on the other gear pieces :)

Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
BearMauling wrote:
I got super lucky and the shrieking essence gave me a +3 maul but i dont have the chromes to get 3 blue. What should i use instead of one of the blue gems?

I sort of asked this question when talking about a 5l earlier.

The answer is you actually want a 4r 2b until you can craft vegans blood magic on it.

SRS -> minion dmg -> melee splash -> melee phys dmg -> ele dmg with attacks -> blood magic

Then when you can get the blood magic craft you drop the BM gem and use minion speed and that's when you need 3b 3r.


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