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[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

hedonist wrote:
lyeesia wrote:
I'm glad to hear ppl are working together to get them and hopefully we do t have too many lamers asking for currency to get pets.

anything to make a living brah.
Lol I guess I'm a nice guy I would feel exteremely dirty if I asked someone to pay me just to summon a pet. But hey that's the beauty of the world we live in . XD
lyeesia wrote:
hedonist wrote:
lyeesia wrote:
I'm glad to hear ppl are working together to get them and hopefully we do t have too many lamers asking for currency to get pets.

anything to make a living brah.
Lol I guess I'm a nice guy I would feel exteremely dirty if I asked someone to pay me just to summon a pet. But hey that's the beauty of the world we live in . XD

It does feel a bit scummy, however you start to see things in a different light after spending 8 sets of fragments to get yourself soem summons and 0 drops from shaper ^^
if anyone finds tv pls whisper me, just lost mine on chimera with some crazy dmg mods, not so tanky as i thought....
I have 4 portals to OR map in which I got WM and VT !
Just whisper me if you are interested ... I leave it 10 minutes.
Whisper Touchpa_Ogrisby

I didn't see a skill tree in your build and I am quite new to the game. Is the skill tree you have on the lvl 95 Necromancer good to follow?

Sorry if it's a stupid question :)
Hi. First off, I'd like to thank you for making this guide. I started last league so this is my first full league. So this morning (first time logging in after update), I did a bit of reading on this thread and tried to summmon TV and WM in overgrown shrine. That didn't work, so I just YOLOed and opened a portal to shapers realm and got both. So then I figured I'd give shaper a go (mostly lvl 18 gems and no uber lab yet, 5k/2k hp/mana) and managed to do it. So thank you once again for the build.

As for the other guys shaming the guys that are offering portals for currency... I don't know how much they're charging, but a shaper set costs around 20c, right? Seems fair if the price matches the cost. Personally, I offered my portal on 820 for without asking for anything and ppl replied offering tips... guess who got the port.
I'm leveling a new witch for this build and am wondering if there's anything in particular I'll have to change about my leveling course with the new Spectres. Can I still just get TV/WM from leveling zones and later maps?
make sure you read the lvling section. if i remember correct.y, lvling with spectres is not advised. lvl with srs and zombies and skeles and such.
Is your most current character for this build "BustedByAtlas?"
As far as leveling: I didn't even touch Raise Spectre until I was into maps. Just clear using the Leveling Guide (I used SRS and was tough to give them up, ha) then when you are at Ravaged Square you can switch over to Wicker Man spectres which can easily clear up to...T10 or so? I didn't even use TVs until bosses started having too much health on Red tier maps.

Just my thoughts.
Last edited by Enkryptions#6895 on Oct 12, 2017, 11:52:18 AM

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