Path of Nerfs

diazepam777 wrote:
Chris wrote:

Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

Doesn't really bother me personally, but are you guys really balancing the exp by looking at streamers? Thats how it looks like and it doesn't seem like the best idea.

Chris has a disgusting phobia for this kind of stuff

If you nerf XP then you can pretend your game is "hard" and that people are "dedicated" AKA drooling on a keyboard with a necro support
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
nerfing rotp cause "100% fire res was too easy to attain" makes 0 sense when 100% fire res was attained using massive quantities of aura effectiveness and a lv21 purity+a ruby. AKA rotp is literally not even a factor here. Hell, ll rf pretty quickly stops using an rotp at a certain point.

Literally all this does is it makes life rf more annoying and slower to swap to.
Looks good, can't wait to play. The salt in this thread is delicious.
My concerns are continuosly being buried by people who have $0 - $50 supporter packs and highest characters at level 90 so i will have to repost. I WANT AN ANSWER GGG.

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Meanwhile we still have builds like traps and mine builds running rampant and one shotting end-game content like atziri, shaper, and uber izario. how is this fair??? i've been supporting this game since closed beta (look at my supporter packs) and i only end up playing less and less patch after patch simply because there just aren't enough fun builds for me to try anymore

why???? back then when i played HC i would roll 10-15 builds each league. now i can barely justifying rerolling more than 1 character because nothing interests me anymore. your NEW content is made obsolete becausee you're changing and forcing the meta too much. you guys need to relax on the nerfing. this game should allow players the freedom to play and create what they want. PLUS, most of these things being nerfed are mostly high-end stuff that majority of players won't be able to achieve anyway, or takes a lot of time/currency investment in order to achieve. I understand nerfing broken and cheap builds but nerfing items like acuity or old builds like CoC just doesnt make any sense to me when there are builds that currently exist that take low currency and time investment to achieve power levels even higher than old CoC (eg. GC mines).

im sorry but if this continues i dont think i can continue to support this game. I am at a point where i am starting to regret the thousands of dollars $$$ i've thrown at you guys because the game just isnt as fun anymore.
Completed 3 ChallengesChris wrote:
Doomfletch's Prism was providing some of the highest damage numbers of any bow in the game, so has been reduced.

Naturally it never occurred to you that the other bows might just be garbage and in need of buffing.

AHHAHAHAHAHAHA so fucking true
Stop nerfing xp...cmon..
We dont care about the 1% players who race for top 100@co

Menoman wrote:
Hahaha the vast majority of you complaining about the XP nerf, will not even slightly be affected by it. So it's funny that you are so mad.

I'm pretty sure it's affecting people who are trying to reach 100 in a way that doesn't involve beachhead spamming, aurabot and headhunter grps as well as 5k sextants a week a lot more then the actual racers. This will probably be a rather minimal time increase for the top 0.01% while being a massive time increase for the 0.02-0.05%. Which are not the people that asked for this.

Do races with some crazy more exp requirements or sth but don't do this in leagues.
MFJones wrote:
My concerns are continuosly being buried by people who have $0 - $50 supporter packs and highest characters at level 90 so i will have to repost. I WANT AN ANSWER GGG.

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Meanwhile we still have builds like traps and mine builds running rampant and one shotting end-game content like atziri, shaper, and uber izario. how is this fair??? i've been supporting this game since closed beta (look at my supporter packs) and i only end up playing less and less patch after patch simply because there just aren't enough fun builds for me to try anymore

why???? back then when i played HC i would roll 10-15 builds each league. now i can barely justifying rerolling more than 1 character because nothing interests me anymore. your NEW content is made obsolete becausee you're changing and forcing the meta too much. you guys need to relax on the nerfing. this game should allow players the freedom to play and create what they want. PLUS, most of these things being nerfed are mostly high-end stuff that majority of players won't be able to achieve anyway, or takes a lot of time/currency investment in order to achieve. I understand nerfing broken and cheap builds but nerfing items like acuity or old builds like CoC just doesnt make any sense to me when there are builds that currently exist that take low currency and time investment to achieve power levels even higher than old CoC (eg. GC mines).

im sorry but if this continues i dont think i can continue to support this game. I am at a point where i am starting to regret the thousands of dollars $$$ i've thrown at you guys because the game just isnt as fun anymore.

They're prolly buffing other things though.

IF you don't artificially force a meta then the same stuff exists all the time, etc.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
all the nerfs are fine except the rotp nerf, you take away 3% max fire rez and give it 40-60 life like a slap in the face of all the people using it? who's the clown who comed up with 40-60 life? really you couldn't give it 80-100 life you had to do 40-60 life f***** clown!!!
arntr2 wrote:
Well can't say I'm surprised yay for nerfing the game around the top 1% of players and making the game that much more of a grind and really unpleasant at that for the average players.

What is the reason for an average player to hit 100?

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