[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

tkensei wrote:
Is Ancestral Protector better than Ancestral Warchief for this build?

Yes, because Protector gives IAS, IAS give you more balls, more balls means you hit more, hitting more means you gain more life, gaining more life means better survivability.
Zeros wrote:
Any thoughts?

Do you use Ancestral Call Support?
NoBillag wrote:
Zeros wrote:
Any thoughts?

Do you use Ancestral Call Support?

Yeah i do.
Zeros wrote:
Hi all

Im doing o.k.ish but for some reason in t1 map temples as there is these "snakes" which shoots chaos bolts at me, i usually get 1 shotted there. And that happens a lot. And keeping skill button repeatedly in use doesnt help me, lifeleech isnt enough even with thiefs torment and 7-9 MS balls.
Any thoughts?

Chaos Res + Life sector near AoF on tree +20% chaos res
Devoto's Devotion +25% chaos res
Hi guys i am new to the game. Whats the point of going molten strike instead of for example sunder, if every boss or hardest monster has resists elementall damage buff?
So would you guys go with 5L lore weave or tabula for the 6th link?
jim_Bonks wrote:
So would you guys go with 5L lore weave or tabula for the 6th link?

Loreweave for sure.
Damage and survivability will both go up.
Hi I'm a new player, where in the tree do you i put my two wildfire jewels please?
and THANK YOU for the guide.
Hi I'm a new player, where in the tree do you i put my two wildfire jewels please?
and THANK YOU for the guide.
Weisen wrote:
Hi I'm a new player, where in the tree do you i put my two wildfire jewels please?
and THANK YOU for the guide.

ANy of the nodes surrounded by strength nodes. They don't have to be allocated either.

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