Poet's Way. T H I C C Poet's Pen Boss Killer

foster21 wrote:
so I am wondering if you all could help me figure out if I got to say level i dunno 90, 91ish what skills could I sacrifice if I was looking to farm uber elder.

i'm not sure what you mean, skills as in skill gems or points you can shave off on the passive tree?

Yes I am talking about shaving points off the tree, also never going to be able to find a double anger watchers eye like that. Which one is the more important stat?
thegame42069 wrote:

if i'm mistaken in any of my responses please let me know and i'll be sure to edit it and all of these are just in my opinion; i obviously can be very wrong!

Seems right. Thank you for helping!
foster21 wrote:

foster21 wrote:
so I am wondering if you all could help me figure out if I got to say level i dunno 90, 91ish what skills could I sacrifice if I was looking to farm uber elder.

i'm not sure what you mean, skills as in skill gems or points you can shave off on the passive tree?

Yes I am talking about shaving points off the tree, also never going to be able to find a double anger watchers eye like that. Which one is the more important stat?

While leveling focus on attributes, endurance charges and damage. Fill in life later.
drumcorp1986 wrote:
Wrecking thru maps... this build is awesome. How ever I encountered Chimera and first phase was funny. But when his minions start rolling out of cages they one shot me. Stupid snakes. I see you in your video had goats. Guess these are random... anyway can you look at my gear pls?

I have a few suggestions to make which I followed myself and Chaos damage is a joke now for me. I found (just 1) a Chayula breach and I managed to kill the Boss easily and get 12+ splinters. Do all of the following:
-Get an Atziri's Promise Flask
-Get the Shakari immunity to Poison Pantheon
-Of course use the Ascendancy node which give you 4% Chaos res per endurance charge
-Get the full Pantheon Powers from Arakaali

Chaos damage will seem like a summer breeze (in Mordor) after that!
Last edited by n3wtonapple#5612 on Jul 3, 2018, 3:50:01 AM
So I have spent damn near most of my currency, I would REALLY appreciate a gear check with regards to uber elder.
Current problems:
Problem 1: still only level 78 gonna grab bottom most endurance charge node and jewel node next to it, then either the int/jewel node thats next to quick recovery OR the life tree, that would put me at level 95 I think but I really only think id end up getting around level 92 so some life tree nodes will be missing
Probs 2: only about 5 ex left and cannot afford that neck
Probs 3: only about 5 ex left and need to buy leech or fire pen watchers eyeballz
Problem 4: Fd up big time and forgot that I need kaoms roots on uber elder fight which means no resist on the eyejewels I bought for the boots.

Please to see my gear and be kind.

igos87 wrote:
Hey guys. Сan anyone can check my profile and give advice? Catastrophically there is no damage. On the red Elder I protect the Shaper barely. I changed a little tree, before that I couldn't protect Shaper at all. On Uber Elder, the arena kills me, puddles from the Shaper and Elder's minions cover the whole arena and give strong degen. Will blood Xorn + combussion give enough damage? Оr enchantment? Xorn costs 11 ex, enchantment 6.5 ex. Crazy! :/

Hey. I checked your profile and I can see 1 main thing:
-You do not have increased damage in any of your jewels except 1. You lose at least 50% of damage because of that.
Last edited by n3wtonapple#5612 on Jul 3, 2018, 4:51:00 AM
n3wtonapple wrote:
drumcorp1986 wrote:
Wrecking thru maps... this build is awesome. How ever I encountered Chimera and first phase was funny. But when his minions start rolling out of cages they one shot me. Stupid snakes. I see you in your video had goats. Guess these are random... anyway can you look at my gear pls?

I have a few suggestions to make which I followed myself and Chaos damage is a joke now for me. I found (just 1) a Chayula breach and I managed to kill the Boss easily and get 12+ splinters. Do all of the following:
-Get an Atziri's Promise Flask
-Get the Shakari immunity to Poison Pantheon
-Of course use the Ascendancy node which give you 4% Chaos res per endurance charge
-Get the full Pantheon Powers from Arakaali

Chaos damage will seem like a summer breeze (in Mordor) after that!

Arakaali and Shakari are fully upgraded. I'll put Atziri's Promise Flask.

For uber elder kaoms roots, what do we like better, +1 endurance charge, or regen life and mana per second if you were hit recently. I see both on poeninja, I am not sure if like.. it wouldnt be possible to get the extra endurance ccharge, or the regen is useless. Both options are very cheap so Im open
foster21 wrote:
So I have spent damn near most of my currency, I would REALLY appreciate a gear check with regards to uber elder.

problem 1: if you're going to cut short on levels then yeah, you pretty much are going to lose hp nodes. i think i did elder at 92? and changed the tree slightly compared to op's (grabbed master of the arena and bravery), and since then i've just been filling out the scion life nodes. i left a few small life nodes out as well (the one under golem's blood at the bottom + the one under cruel prep at the top) but yeah once you grab the all the jewels + endurance charges, only thing left really is mopping up the life nodes

problem 2/3: xoph's is expensive, farm uber lab or just keep mapping and hope you get lucky. you could probably do uber elder without the neck, though it'll be more difficult as you lose damage. as for the watcher's eye, he states in the first post leech>pen so i personally grabbed a poorly rolled leech eye and then divined it a couple times. cost me like 1.5ex for the eye with leech while affected by anger.

problem 4: (better) tri res belt perhaps + dual res gloves

belt: if you're struggling with res really try to gun for a 35%+ or even 40% tri res life (100ish life) belt but that could be expensive, also could go for an increased cooldown recovery speed belt with decent res but that's even more expensive i think. the extra damage would be nice but i'm too cheap to get one myself

rings: throw a few blessed orbs if you have them to try and get 30 life but doesn't really matter that much. don't know how much of a difference life gained per enemy hit is either, but i doubt 4 is a big difference from 2

gloves: not sure how much dex you need to hit 111 dex which is all you need i believe, but if possible you could get some dex on a jewel. obviously that'll be difficult if you're already struggling for %life dmg mods and all res, but it's an option so you can get another set of gloves with dual res and attack speed. dex is always a suffix on gloves right? when i was searching for them it always seemed like it. i was able to nail 111 exactly with a 64 dex devotos + 8 dex on a jewel, had to sacrifice %life on the jewel though, but it did have 3 damage mods attached. my other jewel with dex is unnecessary so dont worry about that one. you could also use more life on your gloves

oh also grab a lvl 21 vd, quality whatever you want as it's just increased aoe

dvs_m0rph wrote:
Seems right. Thank you for helping!

no problem, hope i'm not stepping on your shoes. just trying to help out after your build helped me steamroll uber elder
Last edited by thegame42069#7020 on Jul 3, 2018, 8:41:52 AM
thegame42069 wrote:

no problem, hope i'm not stepping on your shoes. just trying to help out after your build helped me steamroll uber elder

No, i actually really appreciate your help. I usually get more active on the forums later in the league, but this one got me hooked. One day away from hitting level 100, then will see if my RoA can do anything against endgame, make a guide and start another build. I'm having trouble figuring out what i want to play tho. I get some ideas here and there, but they just would feel bad after screen wide AoE of RoA.

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