Poet's Way. T H I C C Poet's Pen Boss Killer

Hello, I'm experiencing some problems with the damage, it is trivial to me very little, I certainly killed Shaper and Ancient, but at Ancient damage I could barely, I certainly understand that you need to change 2 more gems, but I doubt that this will drastically affect the damage. If it's not difficult to check the character and apologize for Google Translate https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ShurikPonomarev/characters ShurikKillAllBoss
Hello gang. So I believe I have my guy almost ready to go to attempt to farm uber elder. My last couple of issues are as follows.
1. looking at the authors tree and my tree I cant find the discrepancy of 2 points, he is a 97 and I am a 92, I am short 3 nodes on the big health tree, bringing me at 95, then I cant find the other 2.
2. Looking at the authors calculations, his average hit is damn near double mine. It might be jewels? But I believe all my jewels have extra fire damage, I cant really figure it out.

What do you think of my numbers in regards to being able to drop uber elder without too much difficulty?

My tree:

Author tree:

EDIT, so I have found the issue with number 1, My damage however, I still cant figure out.
Last edited by foster21#1321 on Jul 5, 2018, 4:24:06 AM
foster21 wrote:
Hello gang..

Quick look at your character: you're using two of the same type of abyss jewels, you don't have VD enchant on your helm, which is a huge dmg increase.
Man i don't understand how many attack speed on frenzy i need?! (20% cd on belt. all gems 20/20)
Can u help me?
Really like the build so far!
I'm relatively new to PoE, so i am super sorry for this noob question: i use Frenzy as my main attack skill, right?

At which level could i tackle the Guardians with this build?

Any Improvents on my gear for now?

thanks again for the build!
I just hit 93 and in hideout no charges or flasks stats are life 9200 volatile dead 13500, with kaoms roots having an additional endurance charge so a total of 10 charges, Do we think that is enough damage to drop uber elder? It honestly doesnt feel like amazing damage. I wanna know where you all are at.
foster21 wrote:
I just hit 93 and in hideout no charges or flasks stats are life 9200 volatile dead 13500, with kaoms roots having an additional endurance charge so a total of 10 charges, Do we think that is enough damage to drop uber elder? It honestly doesnt feel like amazing damage. I wanna know where you all are at.

threw your link into pob from your other post and if you toss on a level 20 combustion in place of bodyswap, get a 21/20 or even just a 20/20 herald of ash, 21 level anger quality doesn't matter, 21/20 conc effect and ele focus, you're at about almost 27000 dmg for vd. op's pob link has flasks on but when you take those off he's at about 35.3k and he has 21/20s for his vd + conc + ele focus + herald of ash and a 21/0 anger. a lot of his jewels have 2 dmg mods on them (area and fire dmg typically) whereas you just have fire. his watcher's eye also has pen but getting a penetration + leech anger watchers eye is pretty expensive. you also don't have vd destroys 1 additional corpse on helm enchant.

by the way, ticking "ignite" in path of building afaik doesn't do anything unless you have a combustion support gem on, so you really need to change bodyswap with combustion support for bosses. once you toss on combustion you go up from 20k->25k damage since ignite actually does something (aside from some damage) if you have combustion support on (minus res of enemy). the point of the build seems to be it has "good enough" damage (not insane damage) while being insanely durable; you have enough damage to phase him but it clearly won't be in 3 seconds or as fast as some other nutty damage builds but you will be able to eat a lot of mechanics, play sloppy, and still survive.

the only way to truly test and see if you have enough damage is just to jump in and try the boss but you really should get the helm enchant and up your herald of ash to at least 20/20, anger 20/x, vd is already 21/20 so that's nice, ele focus boost to 20/20 and conc is already 20/20. just see what gems op has quality on and follow those, not many of the other gems are that useful to quality

edit: i think i was ~30k for vd damage when i did uber elder, maybe a bit less. damage was seemed slightly slow for the portal phases but it was good enough honestly and i also don't run unyielding so there's that (less dmg and aoe). only issues were me dying to slams because i'm not that great/was too nervous. you also have more life than i do, i did it with ~8400 i think? as long as you dodge balls and slams you're good to go honestly, and even if you get chunked as long as your vd is doing damage you can leech your life back and regen real fast; the only issue is if you get one shot by a slam
Last edited by thegame42069#7020 on Jul 6, 2018, 10:11:52 PM
Celticers wrote:
Really like the build so far!
I'm relatively new to PoE, so i am super sorry for this noob question: i use Frenzy as my main attack skill, right?

yep, you just press frenzy and poet's pen does everything else. when you hit frenzy you attack with your pens causing your pens to use their socketed skills. as far as everything goes i threw your guy into path of building and it looks alright, get the vd destroys 1 additional corpse enchant when you can for your helmet. your socket 7 jewel, armageddon vessel viridian jewel, has global phys dmg and i don't think that really helps out at all with damage, though it has some life and res on it which i guess is the reason you're using it. your other jewel with ignite duration and chance to ignite aren't really important (someone correct me if i'm wrong please), but it also has %life and fire dmg which is decent.

overall just keep levelling and if you're a do it yourself person, get your gems to level 20 and quality vd/conc effect/ele focus/herald of ash mainly. or just buy them if you want to spend currency. anger quality doesn't matter.

frenzy/faster attacks/gmp/culling strike quality all affect attack speed and depend on your attack speed goal which is affected by increased cooldown recovery if you have a belt or whatever other piece can roll that mod. too much attack speed = your pens don't actually trigger on every attack which is really, really bad and you want to be just under that. as for the actual attack speed number you want to reach for the various increased cooldown recovery numbers, i have no idea, i believe dvs_m0rph touches on it in his initial post but otherwise you can google it and i'm sure you'll find someone who's found out the exact numbers.

vd destroys 1 additional corpse on helmet, xoph's, 2 abyssal socket boots (irrelevant for uber elder since you will want to use kaoms roots), cooldown recovery belt if you wish (i don't use one because i'm cheap), level/quality gems, %life jewels with 2 dmg mods if possible but they're pretty expensive (inc fire dmg, inc area dmg, inc spell dmg, inc spell dmg while dual wielding, inc dmg) and maybe res if you need it

important: your frenzy is levelled up really high, you don't need to level it. op's pob link has a level 1 frenzy and i use a 5, level doesn't really matter as far as i know except don't have a high level one because it requires higher dex. you only need 111 dex (lvl 20 faster attacks and gmp) and your frenzy at 18 requires 146 dex. i was able to get 111 dex exact via 64 dex devoto's + 8 dex on a jewel, allowing me to bypass dex on gloves and get gloves with 2 res as dex is always a suffix i believe
Last edited by thegame42069#7020 on Jul 6, 2018, 9:55:23 PM
ShurikPonomarev wrote:
Hello, I'm experiencing some problems with the damage, it is trivial to me very little, I certainly killed Shaper and Ancient, but at Ancient damage I could barely, I certainly understand that you need to change 2 more gems, but I doubt that this will drastically affect the damage. If it's not difficult to check the character and apologize for Google Translate https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ShurikPonomarev/characters ShurikKillAllBoss

i would try to help you if possible, but you no longer have your gear on that character. also combustion support gem is a huge damage boost versus bosses, i believe that is one of the gems you're asking about that you need to swap.

Camaron wrote:
what attack speed should i aim for (on frenzy right?)

pum4aaa wrote:
Man i don't understand how many attack speed on frenzy i need?! (20% cd on belt. all gems 20/20)
Can u help me?

gmp, culling strike, frenzy, and faster attacks quality all give attack speed. the attack speed you want to aim for relies on your cooldown recovery (belt mainly has it). someone here may know, i don't, but you could probably just google it (attack speed cooldown recovery poet's pen) or test it yourself if you have some currency to spare (keep getting higher attack speed by upping quality on your gems that affect attack speed -> eventually you'll see yourself skipping -> you need to be below that attack speed by a little bit)

if you test it don't forget frenzy stacks when it hits something and increases your attack speed more so you can't test it by just sitting in your hideout
Picked up a watchers eye with leech vitality, and 30% life recovery with vitality.

Running that along with purity of fire herald of ash now, took out anger

This allows me to run RF pretty safely, still have around 500 life regen with rf going, and 80 fire res.

Big dps boost due to 39% more dmg vs the teeny bit anger gives in exchange for safety. Can turn off RF as well and have near 3000 life regen a sec if things get dangerous.

2 friends have used this build and killed uber elder with it, and they do maybe 66% the dmg I can do. Don't need all maxxed out gear at all.

I personaly havent killed him on my own yet, pushing to 100 and want to die as littel as posslbe.
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