[3.6] Low Life Arc Mines | Uber Elder

Uber Elder down, I played traps variant tho.
how does this build fare compared to a LL GC miner?

i suppose the clearspeed is faster with arc but what about boss dmg?

another question is there a reason you didnt pick up Doom cast?

and how well does this build run lab?
Last edited by shadowragex on Jul 3, 2018, 6:15:54 PM
alpish wrote:
Hey, just wanted to drop by and say thanks for this amazing build. Just killed Uber elder easily and without much stress, although with 1 death, which could have been easily avoided.
kan3 wrote:
Uber Elder down, I played traps variant tho.

Congrats to both of you!
shadowragex wrote:
how does this build fare compared to a LL GC miner?

i suppose the clearspeed is faster with arc but what about boss dmg?

Low Life Glacial Cascade is going to have better damage, especially if you invest in some GG statsticks. We still have very respectable endgame damage, though (at least 3 million burst dps when fully geared). I did deathless Shaper and Uber Atziri with a 5-link and only one Shimmeron, and some other players in this thread were killing Uber Elder on a 5-link.

shadowragex wrote:
another question is there a reason you didnt pick up Doom cast?

The other nodes we take are more valuable (only one you could make a case against is Annihilation). We need one travel node to reach the Doom Cast cluster, and since we already get +120% crit multi from our Shimmmerons, we don't need additional crit multi as badly as some other builds. The 108 point tree only requires level 87, so you could always get Doom Cast at level 92 if you wanted to.

shadowragex wrote:
and how well does this build run lab?

The hybrid version is annoyed by lab traps, due to lab trap damage being calculated using a combination of life and energy shield. An instant life flask and Soul of Ralakesh help, but it's not very fun.

Once you go low life and drop the life nodes for ES, lab traps cease to be an issue (if I recall correctly, traps do only 70% damage to ES). You can also detonate some mines before a particularly tricky gauntlet to activate Pyromaniac's regen for 4 seconds.

Uber Izaro himself is a joke, as he gets one-shot at the start of each fight before he can attack. I've done a number of full key runs this league, with absolutely no danger to my character.
Last edited by alolamola on Jul 3, 2018, 7:43:42 PM
thanks for the quick reply :)

yea i got everything i need for the build besides the helm

i almost think il have to run lab for the enchant and than craft it myself
Hey I want to kill uelder this league and I have some serious newb questions right there.

What's the difference in playstyle/damage/etc. between miners and trappers?
Why LL/ES is better than just life or CI?
I m kinda struggling between picking arc trapper(power charges cryt)/arc miner/gc miner, would love to hear some opinions.
What's the difference in playstyle/damage/etc. between miners and trappers?

Mines: auto-targeting, 49% more damage
Traps: one-button playstyle, Lightning Spire

Why LL/ES is better than just life or CI?

Low Life and Life + MoM are fairly equal, with Low Life having higher damage because of Pain Attunement. CI is bad. CI doesn't get more damage from Pain Attunement and struggles to reserve auras. Low Life doesn't care about chaos damage anyway with Shavs + Presence of Chayula.

I m kinda struggling between picking arc trapper(power charges cryt)/arc miner/gc miner, would love to hear some opinions.

Glacial Cascade has the highest single-target damage, but mapping is painfully slow. If you just want a dedicated boss killer, GC is the best. Arc miner versus Arc trapper is a matter of playstyle preference. Arc trapper can make up the damage deficit with Lightning Spire Trap, so neither should have damage issues against endgame content. I prefer the auto-targeting of mines, especially for mapping.
Arc miner versus Arc trapper is a matter of playstyle

I'd argue in favor of Miner solely because of the "Detonate mines spell totem" we use. That heightens damage and mobility considerably compared to the play-style and execution of a trapper.

But both have enough damage to trivialize end game. Even if Glacial Cascade have more damage, it doesn't make it a necessity. The arc effect of spreading lightning if more targets are in range overcompensate any small damage difference arc has towards Glacial Cascade.

Everything is a matter of taste though. Both skills are top tier.
ok i'm done with the league for now, 36 challenges done uber elder on every char and all the good stuff.
I played a zerphi poet's pen scion, which became a CI lead sprinkler, a bv elementalist, a double strike champion, a rainbow trapper and this build right here.
I have to say, this one even without a movement skill felt the smoothest, i loved it absolutely loved it. It can do anything, the damage is bonkers and with some investment it doesn't feel squishy at all.
Btw, between traps and mines just for the fact that mines autotarget i'd chose mines everyday.
Now i'm gonna wait for the 1month league in august!
I've been playing this with 1 shimmerons because i prefer the ES from a shield for most stuff, this build is really really good, I did change a feeew things around, like grabbing throatseeker over annihilation, which seems to be much better for damage, Playing without Arcane vision because i'm greedy beyond words. A bit more efficient path into doom cast and a few other things.


^ for my build at 95. It's been really smooth, deathless uber elder among other things!

There's still room to improve too, a shield with crit chance on it should push annihilation further behind among other things.

9.5k ES
26k Tooltip arc in hideout - 220~k in PoB (w/blind)
608 unreserved mana.
Last edited by ildfugl on Jul 10, 2018, 11:17:04 AM

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