[3.6] Low Life Arc Mines | Uber Elder

ildfugl wrote:
I've been playing this with 1 shimmerons because i prefer the ES from a shield for most stuff, this build is really really good, I did change a feeew things around, like grabbing throatseeker over annihilation, which seems to be much better for damage, Playing without Arcane vision because i'm greedy beyond words. A bit more efficient path into doom cast and a few other things.

You're using Increased Critical Strikes over Controlled Destruction, which is why Throatseeker is better damage than Annihilation (also with only one Shimmeron additional crit multi is more valuable). You can get more damage by using Controlled Destruction and getting Overcharge, and possibly Annihilation as well.

I like the alternate route for Doom Cast. Should be the most optimal pathing for players who want Doom Cast and can fit a dex roll on a piece of gear. Using a shield seems smart, since damage is already overkill for mapping.
Yeah my choice to use increased crits is an entirely personal choice, and it's probably suboptimal, I am and have been planning to go controlled destruction if/when i can get strong shield with crit chance on it. I chose to drop an overcharge, effecctively, for another jewel socket, since that gives more consistent (non powercharge reliant) damage, and ES. Though it is obviously FAR more expensive. All in all though.

The damage is far beyond what's needed even for uber elder with 1 shimmerons and a shield, the build shits damage, I really like that part. :p

I should ask, what are your thoughts on elemental focus for bossing? since our chances of shocking bosses to realistic numbers is, as far as I'm aware, low enough to begin with?
Last edited by ildfugl on Jul 11, 2018, 10:41:16 AM
ildfugl wrote:
I should ask, what are your thoughts on elemental focus for bossing? since our chances of shocking bosses to realistic numbers is, as far as I'm aware, low enough to begin with?

On my Incursion character (double Shimmerons, your damage may vary), a critical hit deals between 91261 and 451465 lightning damage. Given that Shaper and Uber Elder have 18328731 life, a crit will damage them for 0.498% to 2.463% of their maximum life. Taking into effect level 21 Arc's 30% increased effect of shock, a crit will shock them for 3.24% to 16.01% increased damage taken (average of 9.62%).

Swapping in Elemental Focus for Controlled Destruction gives me 9.395% more damage. So an average roll shock (which is highly probably after just one set of mines) will yield slightly higher damage than Elemental Focus, and a high roll shock significantly higher damage. But the initial set of mines will do less damage because the shock is not yet applied, so in the end the two supports should be very close in power. Against guardians and map bosses, Controlled Destruction should be clearly superior because those bosses have lower life and will get shocked for higher damage taken.
thanks for this great build, certainly the most efficient i've ever tried
just, uber lab traps are pain in the ass, but there's other way to be wealthy, so doesn't matter.
Last edited by gajirachan on Jul 12, 2018, 8:37:01 AM
Ok after changing the build to Mines I failed hard at killing uber elder, wasted 2 shaper sets.

Can anyone please see whats wrong? I felt the damage was low as compared to arc traps.

Thank you.
kan3 wrote:
Ok after changing the build to Mines I failed hard at killing uber elder, wasted 2 shaper sets.

Can anyone please see whats wrong? I felt the damage was low as compared to arc traps.

Gear seems fine other than the lack of a Diamond flask. My guess would be that you haven't adjusted to the mines playstyle. Might be continuing to place mines without detonating after 2 sets have already been placed. Or forgetting to use the detonate mines totem to spam, or maybe overusing the totem and standing in place for too long instead of dodging. There's also the possibility that you didn't activate attack in place.

Did guardians go fine for you? PoB says you have over 600k damage from one set of mines, so I don't think you have damage issues.
Haven't tried Guardians with arc mines yet, was playing GC miner before this, failed in that too, converted to arc mines and still failing.

Which enchant you reckon is better,

Thank you.
kan3 wrote:
Which enchant you reckon is better,

The first enchant is better, since the second one does nothing against single targets.
Last edited by alolamola on Jul 14, 2018, 11:26:51 PM
Best endgame build I played this league. Thanks for sharing.

One thing to consider though:

Sanctified (or Eternal) Mana Flask with Cautious mod (100% more mana recovered when on Low Life) seems better than Lavianga if you're going Low Life. It allows you to spam mines just as well but has more uses and allows for one additional mod.
Last edited by Sindalar on Jul 28, 2018, 5:55:16 PM
Sindalar wrote:
One thing to consider though:

Sanctified (or Eternal) Mana Flask with Cautious mod (100% more mana recovered when on Low Life) seems better than Lavianga if you're going Low Life. It allows you to spam mines just as well but has more uses and allows for one additional mod.

It's completely superior to Lavianga's. Can't believe the possibility of using Cautious had escaped my notice. I'll update the guide. Thank you so much!

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