[3.6] The Lazy Walker - Jugg - VMS walk and kill, 3M shaper, phys/ice/lightning immune, HC
" Your gem setup are fine. Do you see other cwdt spells, such as ball lightning proc during game? If they are triggered then there should be no reason your IC/MS wont trigger. Looks like you are not in game, but feel free to msg me in game if you want. |
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Love the idea of the build, And can't wait to try it out, but just a question that I can't really find anywhere. How do u lvl this build, and can u first begin at lvl 68? And if so, is it just a pure hell to level all the way to 68 with a strange passive tree, with no use until 68?
Btw sorry If I'm missing something here :) |
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" I'm really bad at writing leveling guides, but I'm sure you can find "universal" leveling guides like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/8enrrw/how_to_level_with_a_bow_to_blood_aqueducts_in_2/ |
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" i leveled as a twinked cons path/double strike build.i took some nodes to buff phys dmg first though. before using some regrets. |
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why do we keep blade vortex at level 7 when level 8 BV level requirement is just level 38, which is still below lvl 1 cwdt?
Last edited by niteblane#7702 on Oct 10, 2018, 2:21:01 AM
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" yeah should be 8, i'm fixing it now. thanks for helping with the leveling post. |
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Great build idea, studying it now to understand it and trying it. It looks like an autobomber with toughness. (Sorry if it was asked, I am quickly posting before leaving and I will read the messages later when unboarding the plane.) 1 - Can you explain why you spent so many points in skill duration in the passive skill tree )Exceptional performance, potency will wheels)? 2 - There are two new wheels on the left side of the tree: light divinity/Holy dominion/Divine fervow and Celestrial jugment/Celestrial punishment. Did you consider to try to pick up some of the nodes in those wheels to increase damage and penetration? 3 - Why did you take the mind over matter node with so little free mana? 4 - Did you ever tried a shield charge movement based for this build for faster map clearing? 5 - For the leveling part, it can be respect: For 1 more point, you can take diamond skin and armour mastery on the left side instead of going around and take the 4 strength nodes. For same amount of point, drop the diamond skin and you end up with more armour, more life gen and more speed. Thank you |
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" Hi, thanks for your interest in my build. 1. Duration works primarily for IC, VMS and firestorm. BTW if you don't have reduce CD in belt and boot it might take 6 endurance charges instead of 5 to be perma phys immune (can't remember the details but PoB can easily calculate). It also buffs your BV duration: when you walk between mobs BV will be the first skill that procs ignite and then triggers everything else. If you approached a group of monsters without BV you need to risk face tanking one hit to proc things. In some crit red maps even a group of white mob can one shot you. 2. Holy dominion is very good (for chance of ignite and resistance). The rest are not that essential. Particular for my latest iteration of this build. 3. MOM drains all your mana because of self damage. Divination Distillate (a hybrid flask) will stop if your life or mana is full. MOM in this build enables DD flask to be always on, gives like 8% max res and quantity. 4. Shield charge on this build is very bad, it messes with your phase run, and you need to constantly remember to use it to apply Abyssal Cry. Since we don't have attack speed, it's very clunky. Flame dash is a good one for this build if you feel need a movement spell. 5. I have a new version, much smoother mapping and now CAN deal with phased bosses. It's ready and I plan to update the guide when I have some guardian/elder footage. The gearing is mostly the same, you can refer to my character ThreeSteptoHell for details. See a demo video below (I haven't published yet): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONsR-C6Cg4g Last edited by alexh1985#0823 on Oct 13, 2018, 5:28:32 AM
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(Got connectivity on plane!!!!! hehehe)
Thank you very much for your answers, it clarifies quite a few points. I checked poe.trade and I think I can convert easily a level 75 Jugg to your build for an investment under 15 exalts. I really like the Jugg for its toughness and seeing a build kind of autobomber, it will be fun to play. :) A few other questions. I understand your CWDT level 1 with ball lightning level 4, it is to proc the ignite and blind, it is not a damage setup. However, I do not get completely the other setup that is CWDT(1) - Immortal Call(3) - Firestorm(8) - Blade Vortex(8). 1 - In your explanation to me, you say BV will be first to proc ignite. So, what is the importance of the ball lightning ignite (Related to question 2) ? 2a - Also, if you bring CWDT to level 5, it is only about 300 more HP damage (on 7k+) for a raw gain of 12% longer duration of IC (No need of a 6th endurance charge, or for "poor" players, less need of cooldown recovery for perma-IC at first). 2b - CWDT level 5 also would give the opportunity to raise Firestrm and BV levels for more DPS, what is the importance of the DPS of those skills compared to other DPS skills in your build? Thank you |
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" 1. BV (even 10 stacks) has about 7 hit/sec; Ball lightning (0.19s cd) alone, unsupported, should have about 30 hits/sec. 2a. My IC currently sits at 2.88s duration with 2.24s cooldown. If you don't want to invest in CD reduction, what you suggest is fine. But higher level CWDT will proc less hits against single target. Death's Door would be a good substitute, or a decent rare belt with +1 endurance. 2b. Those damage is tooooooo little. Even lvl20 unsupported BV/FS can't do much. They are only there to generate ignites hence self damage. |
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