[3.6] The Lazy Walker - Jugg - VMS walk and kill, 3M shaper, phys/ice/lightning immune, HC
Got the belt for a good price: 65c Thank you for your answer. I am curious to read the write out on the new build. I saw the weapon and shield on the alternate weapons slots and the new gems in the armour. Look interesting! Thank you again for your help! |
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i was pique by your build and try to build one myself (also, newbie here). i tried to foillow most of your tips except RF (VRF). It really depletes my life pool...anyway to mitigate the burning of life pool by RF? edit: additionally, i found that having mokou's embrace really helps in getting ignited status rather than having 2 ngamahu's sign...am just not sure tho if i'm cutting myself some life recovery rate.. thanks Last edited by wingraiderx#2702 on Oct 17, 2018, 8:09:30 AM
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So the max resistance i can get it is around 81/89/89....
How does this build get the other 6%? I must be missing something? Last edited by Bowhuntr11#4767 on Oct 17, 2018, 1:59:41 PM
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For those who are trying the build and are struggling a little bit: I am not using VRF (Simply because I do not have the currency to get the right coloring on the armour yet). I changed the tree a little bit, not because of the build but because of my items. I went a little bit more elemental/fire DMG instead of area effect. I also now have 7 endurance charges. When the gems are reaching level 17-18, the clearing becomes very smooth on T-8 and most bosses are easy to kill deathless until about T-12. I use Scorching ray on yellow mobs and they die in less than 2-3 seconds. On white, blue or mix packs, I use the shield and claw setup. For bosses, I use VMS and scorching ray (I do not even switch the CWDT into VMS) and they die quite fast. Usually I can face thank the bosses. The Uber Labyrinth is a joke. I replace the Sulfur flask with a health flask. Traps are a non issue (You have to really be a knuckle head to die to those now with that build) and Izario goes down in less than 10 seconds for each phases thanks to VMS and SR. Thank you |
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kestak... can you look at my build? I just died doing uberlab... he 2 shot me lol
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I am in my vehicle, so I cannot look at your tree. At first sight, VMS and SR gems and supporting gems are quite low. The killing need to be fast because you will run out of potion charges. Map a little bit more and get the gems to 16-17. Check my character RighteousDelioncourt and it will give you a good idea. I do lab now in a breeze by replacing dousing flask with a life flask (immune to bleeding). One thing: In your fight with Izario, make sure you get your endurance charges not by being hit by him if possible. If a lesser mob hits you, you get maximum charges and IC. Then the killing is a breeze if you have enough maximum endurance charges to be perma IC. Thank you |
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" With 6k life and RF you have about -2k/s degen. I use RF as a very temporary buff, only when I'm around mobs and need to deal damage, during this short periods the ignite heal should be easily cover all the life lost. Once mobs are dead use a dousing flask to stop RF effect. Mokou's value is it unlocks the "70% damage while burning" in your amulet. Other than that it doesn't provide more ignite instances. (you probably mis-interpreted the "self ignite" status to monster ignites). " You will need the full Alchamist cluster (three pts) plus a conqueror's potency jewel to buff your flasks. I also used a legacy Div Distillate (+6% instead of +4%), and a +1% corrupted amulet. " I think you enter Lab arena with no souls, if I remember correctly. In this case, swap your abyssal cry weapon set to Seventh Sun can make the fight a lot more reliable. Another weapon use essence crafted with "blood magic" self craft. (ignore the gems in my weapons). Once you have enough souls just go back to Martyr and burst the boss down. Last edited by alexh1985#0823 on Oct 17, 2018, 5:02:19 PM
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Can someone please explain how you do not die instantly from using VRF? the single target aspect of this build confuses the heck out of me
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" VRF now only takes 30% of your life and your ignites will heal you back quickly. Single target is to use VMS to burst down most bosses. You apply 50-100 ignites per second, and each ignite will do self (PHYS) damage because of rat cage, allow VMS to proc each time. |
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Alex, May you please take a look at RichteousDelioncourt and tell me if I did a big booboo? I die quite much. (I keep my flasks up almost 100% of the time in case you raise the issue...hehehe) I have other Juggs and I almost never die. My tree is a little bit different than yours but not by that much. I went fire walker for the DPS (dropped deep wisdom, it is only 1 more point). I took armour mastery and diamond skin for +1 point. I temporary took devotion and the endurance. I know my helm has burning damage. I could not find a good quality helm for my budget. I also know that my armour does not have VRF yet 9(Still lack of luck with chromatics). I still lack Shock and Horrors and Armala in the pantheon, does it make a big difference? oh! I have 5552 HPs....:) Thank you |
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