Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6]

Abaregi wrote:
Just wanted to thank you for your builds.
Played your slow zombies last league and appreciated the work.
Probably gonna try this one aswell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know. As you noticed with the Zombie build, I appreciate the feedback if you have any. Holy Flame Totem is a new skill, and it's always risky doing a guide with new skills.

Thanks again :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Arobee wrote:
This is really intriguing! I might have to try it out! I love RF builds, so seeing one that turns it on its head is great. Checked out the tree and links and it makes total sense, kinda blowing my mind lol
Sweet! Thanks! I appreciate it! Even though I'll be AFK for a couple weeks, feel free to ask questions. I'm sure someone trying the build will respond to you, and if no one does, I will when I return.

I hope you like it if you try it.

Thanks again :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Pracis wrote:
...I might have to restart my league starter... this looks really intriguing!
Thanks! If you do, let us know how things go! Feedback is always appreciated...especially with new skills.
Thanks for the interest and the support. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Mar 10, 2019, 11:34:29 PM
Alright everyone! I'm packing up my computer soon here. I'll be back up and running around the end of the month. Feel free to respond to each other and I'll respond to messages that haven't already been responded to when I return. Thanks for understanding and I hope you have a great start to the 3.6 expansion and thanks for trying out my build :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
hi thanks for the guide. Im using this build and it works good.

using phoenix shield, my max fire res 83%. RF working smooth with/without the totem.
Last edited by memekenakbanget#1641 on Mar 11, 2019, 1:48:34 AM
Re again, when I use PoB Level and quality don't change anything for the gem Righteous Fire (dps speaking). Is that true or it's a bug from PoB ?
You're a really chill guy and built an RF build in a time everyone said it would be dead. Not only that, you did it without needing exalts or high-end gear. We need more build makers like you who are down to earth and not trying to make the most extreme builds. The little people, who can't run the game for several hours a day, need heroes like you which make informative and well thought out builds like this.

Stay awesome, buddy!
Hi, I’m just wanting to thank you for this guide, more the style you use. I’m not the smartest of guys and I find you guide very easy to work through, kind of like chatting to a mate. So cheers.
how did you all level? I've been trying to survive by just playing Flame totem, however, I'm having a hard time killing anything really. :/ I may have to play an alternative skill for a little bit so that I can get to the target level. Thanks for any responses!
Sunder mate !
But it's hard anyway.

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