Minecraft creator and fellow Exile Notch banned from 10 year anniversary celebration for wrongthink

ScrotieMcB wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Boem wrote:
And please, define majority for me.
Straight vs gay people.
What majority we talking about here that is so homogeneous that they experience no obstacles in their life to overcome?
Strawman, never said that.

Just that people in the majority, don't encounter many of the obstacles minorities.

It's just the way of the world, always has been. The majority bullies the minority to no end. Which is why the strong need to defend the less strong minority.
Jimbo, you're forgetting a very important truth, which is: human beings do not live regionally, or nationally, or globally. They live locally.

I grew up white in the Detroit area. I was the minority. Most of my high school class happened to be Muslims, ethnically from Central Asia.

I could get in my car right now and drive less than ten miles to a room full of people where gay people are the majority. The Tool Box, I think it's called. In that space, I'd be the minority.

Females are the majority of just about every nation. Yet — to take a shot in the dark — you probably believe males have the upper hand. I'd ask you to take that idea to a male nurse or a male teacher.

Minority and majority are situational. The same group can be oppressed here and oppressor there. And you can get some very unpleasant results when a group that believes they are an oppressed minority happens to be the majority, and the group they view as their oppressor is the minority. For instance, 1930's Germany.

There was only one correct set of answers to Boem's questions:

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." — Ayn Rand

Scrotie, you've unintentionally fallen into my trap where it is shown majorities (local or situational who cares) can and will bully minorities, just because they can.

Is it then so surprising we try to protect them?
rojimboo wrote:
Scrotie, you've unintentionally
rojimboo wrote:
fallen into my trap where it is shown majorities (local or situational who cares) can and will bully minorities, just because they can.

Is it then so surprising we try to protect them?
Of course it's not a surprise. But your method for doing so sucks.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Of course it's not a surprise. But your method for doing so sucks.
ARe you talking about quotas and affirmative action? Because I dislike that too, but in places where equality of opportunity does not exist (hello Murica) it is needed surely, to compensated for the gross inequalities.
rojimboo wrote:

I look like a hippie and i am sure people have prejudice against me when i walk around in my loose shirts and run down pants, black beard and long hair.

So fucking what?

Of course people should overcome the obstacles in their path, what kind of demeaning logic did people instill in you?

People make up their mind about other people on the drop of a dime. And if you want something or need anything it's on you to prove them how wrong they where.
I can't even count how many times i have gotten the "hmm, your smarter then you look" comment from people.

I consider outperforming the prejudice people have of me as a challenge and a compliment.

I have trouble visualizing how grey the world must look to people who actually believe the ball is in the other persons camp to magically "change their mind".

There are quite a few examples, but overcoming these obstacles shouldn't be a necessity, the obstacles shouldn't be there in the first place, because they exist in the mind of the prejudiced, i.e. it's their fault not vice versa.

That's so fucking entitled it's hard to comprehend for me. And it's a great injustice to all the people before you that did their absolute best to get gays accepted in society by demonstrating they are just regular people while "dealing with it".

And to great success, they achieved a great deal by "dealing with it", overcomming the obstacles placed in their path and going about their way in life, not giving a fuck about the prejudice of others or showing them wrong.

Life must be freaking hard if you really want it to be.

As for the
Even you acknowledge it's an uphill struggle for the impoverished kid.

No i didn't, your reading into it what you wanna read in to it.

Anyway i'm out, can't stand the entitled my suffering is bigger then your suffering attitude for to much and i got other stuff to do.

I sure hope you get out of that "the world is out to get me mind-set" though.
Believe me, nobody cares enough about you to roadblock you in life.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
rojimboo wrote:

I look like a hippie and i am sure people have prejudice against me when i walk around in my loose shirts and run down pants, black beard and long hair.

So fucking what?

Of course people should overcome the obstacles in their path, what kind of demeaning logic did people instill in you?

People make up their mind about other people on the drop of a dime. And if you want something or need anything it's on you to prove them how wrong they where.
I can't even count how many times i have gotten the "hmm, your smarter then you look" comment from people.

I consider outperforming the prejudice people have of me as a challenge and a compliment.

I have trouble visualizing how grey the world must look to people who actually believe the ball is in the other persons camp to magically "change their mind".

There are quite a few examples, but overcoming these obstacles shouldn't be a necessity, the obstacles shouldn't be there in the first place, because they exist in the mind of the prejudiced, i.e. it's their fault not vice versa.

That's so fucking entitled it's hard to comprehend for me. And it's a great injustice to all the people before you that did their absolute best to get gays accepted in society by demonstrating they are just regular people while "dealing with it".

And to great success, they achieved a great deal by "dealing with it", overcomming the obstacles placed in their path and going about their way in life, not giving a fuck about the prejudice of others or showing them wrong.

Life must be freaking hard if you really want it to be.

As for the
Even you acknowledge it's an uphill struggle for the impoverished kid.

No i didn't, your reading into it what you wanna read in to it.

Anyway i'm out, can't stand the entitled my suffering is bigger then your suffering attitude for to much and i got other stuff to do.

I sure hope you get out of that "the world is out to get me mind-set" though.
Believe me, nobody cares enough about you to roadblock you in life.



Not sure what brought about this hostility or why make this even remotely personal??

If we wanted to make it personal, I could tell you about life in an actual welfare state where even university education is free for its citizens, how nobody is excluded and where it doesn't matter how poor you were, you still went to the same schools as the rich kids, and got the same quality education and thus the same chances for further education. Meaning, employment opportunities were fair.

I could tell you all about that, but you're gone now.

OH well.
rojimboo wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Of course it's not a surprise. But your method for doing so sucks.
ARe you talking about quotas and affirmative action? Because I dislike that too, but in places where equality of opportunity does not exist (hello Murica) it is needed surely, to compensated for the gross inequalities.
Please stop slandering the United States to promote your vile ethnocommunism.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 4, 2019, 9:03:46 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Of course it's not a surprise. But your method for doing so sucks.
ARe you talking about quotas and affirmative action? Because I dislike that too, but in places where equality of opportunity does not exist (hello Murica) it is needed surely, to compensated for the gross inequalities.
Please sop slandering the United States to promote your vile ethnocommunism.

If it makes it easier to ignore my points, then sure.

Or maybe not.

That's the last time you liken my beliefs to anything like communism, by the way.

I lost family fighting communists, to this day we remember them and honour them for their sacrifice and enabling great prosperity and autonomy for our nation.
rojimboo wrote:
There are quite a few examples, but overcoming these obstacles shouldn't be a necessity, the obstacles shouldn't be there in the first place, because they exist in the mind of the prejudiced, i.e. it's their fault not vice versa.
鬼殺し wrote:
This blanket usage of an Orwellian term by people who would happily maintain the values against which he was writing, notably unquestioned homogenisation and blind faith in Big Brother's tweet-like declarations. They claim to be enlightened or inquisitive but really they're just inquisitors flourishing in what is increasingly looking like a new dark age of sameness.
You know, Charan, the most horrifying component of 1984's wrongthink wasn't that people would be broken for not wanting to believe the consensus. The most horrifying part was that people would be broken for wanting to understand that consensus, and failing to. Wilson's trip to the Ministry of Love saddens but does not surprise, but seeing Parsons there overwhelms.
rojimboo wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
ARe you talking about quotas and affirmative action? Because I dislike that too, but in places where equality of opportunity does not exist (hello Murica) it is needed surely, to compensated for the gross inequalities.
Please sop slandering the United States to promote your vile ethnocommunism.
I lost family fighting communists, to this day we remember them and honour them for their sacrifice and enabling great prosperity and autonomy for our nation.
All the more reason for you not to unwittingly spread vile, ethnocommunist ideas like racial quotas.

See, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt in terms of intent. I don't have sufficient reason at this point to believe you're in any way a bad person, or at least not more than average. (And even if you were: what of it? Wouldn't change a thing.) I'm not here to insult you or anyone.

But you have been promoting an openly racist, equality-of-outcome-based policy, and I don't see any reason to back down on my condemnation of that vile policy. Racial quotas are ethnocommunism. Disagree or disavow.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 4, 2019, 9:35:03 PM
I'm glad I live in a country where racial quotas are illegal as fuck (literally against article 3 of the constitution). It's absurd to think that you could provide equality of opportunity by implementing racial quotas.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Females are the majority of just about every nation. Yet — to take a shot in the dark — you probably believe males have the upper hand. I'd ask you to take that idea to a male nurse or a male teacher.
Hi, I'm a male teacher and I'm just here to say I absolutely believe men are treated with advantage in countless ways in our society.

Boem wrote:
I look like a hippie and i am sure people have prejudice against me when i walk around in my loose shirts and run down pants, black beard and long hair.

So fucking what?
It's nice to agree on something. In a discussion touching on things like homophobia, racism, misogyny, transphobia, "so what" is indeed an appropriate response to this idea of prejudice against, uh, people with loose shirts and long hair.

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