3.7| Stress Free PoE - HALLELUJAH FIRE |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
Hi Wrecker,
While awaiting your answer, I managed to gain levels since my post yesterday asking you about my RF problem. It is slow going without RF though. The Clayshaper 1H mace allows you to have 2 level 12 stone golems at once. Your opinion on using this to have 2 stone golems? Thanks. |
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" "Hey rateyesbig, Thank you for such kind words. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I'm very happy to help and I hope the builds work well for you. If they don't, let me know what you would like to see instead to make it more playable. I checked out your situation. Things look great except you haven't done any of the ascendancies yet. The first three ascendancies that I suggest are huge when it comes to sustaining RF in combat. I didn't have a way of checking your Pantheon choices so double-check those too. I know ascendancies can take a bit, so take your time. But once the first three are done, let us know if that helped. Thanks again for your kindness :). Ooooops. I forgot about the golems. Two golems are better than one for sure. Golems take agro and deal damage. Their buffs don't stack though. So if you're using two Stone Golems, you'll get to have two golems out, but you'll only get the bonus life regen of the highest level Stone Golem. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Aug 2, 2019, 5:42:38 PM
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Hi Wrecker,
Thank you very much for the advice. I will do what you suggest and report back when I get it done. Have a great day. :) |
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Hey, Love the build but I was thinking of adding in Scorching Ray since I found the Balefire Sceptre but then I wasnt sure where to put the auras from previous weapon.
Any suggestions on it and on my gear. Characters name is HankTheFlameTank. Not sure how to link gear into the post but my profile is open to public. Keep in mind I am in HC and in a private server so its more like Group Self Found. |
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Greetings and thank you for the build.
I have a bit of a noob question about the endurance (etc) charges. I put them into my skill tree, but do not seem to have any skills that activate the charges. I don't see them when playing. Am I missing something? If I need another skill in my build to activate them, then I will lose something from what you've suggested for this build. Thank you for the clarification! Dar |
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"Hey Cabdyman5OS, Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Scorching Ray's fire exposure won't stack with Wave of Conviction's fire exposure. So you could get rid of Wave of Conviction. A "hands-free" Consecrated Ground is nice though, so I'd keep Purifying Flame. I'd keep CwDT and Purifying Flame linked and add the two auras on one four-link. You could then get rid of your Guard skill and that set would be your other three-link. Keep in mind though, with Scorching Ray, Holy Flame Totem, and your Attack that gives Fortify, you'll be hitting buttons like crazy. So If you find you aren't using a skill at all, those would be the ones to drop...if you're staying alive of course. Regarding your gear, everything looks great! A couple pieces have low (or no) life rolls, but it's not like you would be unaware of that. Everything looks solid! As your gems level and you get the rest of the life nodes you're getting to, you'll be that Hank the Flame Tank in no time ;). Sweet jewel by the way. Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying it! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Darbarian, That's not a noob question at all. Lots of people have questions and don't post so I'm glad you asked what's on your mind. There are some skills and gear that create Endurance Charges but I like things to be as automatic as possible; so I don't have those skills in my guide. We earn Endurance Charges 3 ways. They are all from the passive tree: 1 - Disciple of the Unyielding - 5% chance on kill. 2 - Inexorable - 10% chance when we get hit. 3 - Tawhoa, Forest's Strength - 35% chance every time we use a Fire Skill. You didn't do anything wrong or miss anything. As you progress through the tree and ascendancies you'll start seeing the charges show up naturally in combat. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're liking it. And great question. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Since I get Consecrated Ground from Wave of Conviction and Purifying Flame I took out the double Holy Flame totem and used for the Auras. I never even noticed the Wave of Conviction conflicts so thats another slot I can throw something else in. Right now I got: Weapon: Balefire with Infused Channeling, Ele Focus and Burning Damage support Helm: RF, Burning damage, Efficacy, Elemental Focus Shield: (I ENDED UP FINDING A SAFFEL'S FRAME!) CWDT, Pur Flame, Wave of Conviction Boots: Consecrated Path, Enfeeble, Curse on hit, Fortify Gloves: CWDT, Stone Golem, Holy Relic, Molten Shell Body Armor: I just threw on a high life (137 life with 9% maximum) for now and got rid of the tab for defensive reasons. It only has my Purity and Malevolence in it right now. So as it stands if I take out Wave of Conviction that will give me 3 slots on my shield open since I can move my CWDT over to my Body armor with (not linked to) my auras. Now comes the task of figuring out what I want to throw into that. Maybe Orb of storms linked with curse on hit and another curse? Maybe Flammability or Temporal Chains. Plus Orb of storms could proc Elemental Overload more since it only works when you crit? What do you think? And again I appreciate your time and replies. :) PS: Also wouldn't Juggernaut be better for this since Chieftain struggles with sustaining charges. I know you lose charges and chieftain is stronger with everything up but it seems like its a pain to keep the Endurance Charges up all the time unlike the chieftain. Something like this: Unbreakable - Unflinching - Unrelenting Unyielding - Gives more Damage and AOE or Unstoppable - Gives Movement Speed, Stuns, Slows enemy and You cant be frozen. Again thanks for the help and I figure I ask you these questions since you seem more knowledgeable then I. PSPS: Thanks for the complement about the jewel. Its the reason I was looking at RF. Last edited by Candyman5OS#3449 on Aug 8, 2019, 4:41:29 PM
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"That all looks great! Elemental Overload needs a crit to give bonus damage. Orb of storms would work, along with whatever else you wanted...and long as it HITS. Your second curse will override your first curse if you don't have the permissions to apply more than one curse on an enemy. There is one node on the tree you can get or specific unique gear. Regarding Juggernaut, it's a more defensive setup for sure. But with the build as is, switching to Juggs, no matter the ascendancy nodes you pick, you'll do much less damage and have way less life regen. Chieftain has lots of life regen per endurance charge, lots of fire damage and life regen, but it also even adds LOTS of bonus damage every time you lose endurance charges. So for those that easily keep the charges up, they'll have amazing survivability, while those that gain and lose the charges, they'll have even greater damage. Juggs is an awesome choice for RF though. I'd just make a new build for it. A new tree at least. You've got a cool looking gem setup. It looks really good! Let us know how it goes! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Starting to like this build more and more :-)
My gear... I know I need to get some more life on some of the pieces, but all in good time :-)
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