[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Stupid basic question.. but never played ED based build.. How does the play-style work?

I assume:

1) cast contagion
2) cast ED
3) move

1) cast wither
2) Cast Contagion
3) cast ED
4) move

Last edited by toxic678 on Jul 22, 2019, 5:33:39 PM
HuHnnnd wrote:
Isn't it the better choice over Bane? For clearing Bane is not as good as contagion...


Contagion is just to spread ED. It is shit damage. Not sure why Bane vs Contagion is even a thought....this is the second time it's come up. How did this start?

Bane is to supplement your damage output where you need it; single target. Contagion is to spread Essence Drain. They aren't in competition with each other. 6 link Contagion is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard so lets get that out of the way lol
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on Jul 22, 2019, 12:33:57 PM
I know its for spreading. I dont get it why people use Bane in the 5+L Chest.
HuHnnnd wrote:
I know its for spreading. I dont get it why people use Bane in the 5+L Chest.

You don't get why people like to lower the bosses chaos resist and apply a second dot? What's not to get. Witchfire Brew does the resist shred, so the whole Bane thing is just a luxury, not needed, but if you have a 5 or 6 link chest...what else is there to do with it. CWDT? meh. Single target is is pretty lacking with this build.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on Jul 22, 2019, 12:37:31 PM
IchiMorghulis wrote:
So, I know I won't need it for anything outside of harder bosses like Uber Elder but I accidentally 6 linked my Hyrri's.
So I thought I'd go with a 6 link Bane set up, which also frees up a flask slot for Jade flask, ditching Witchfire Brew, putting me at 32k evasion with Jade up.

Thoughts? I haven't tried 4 or 5 armies with this guy yet. Will this change make the single target more viable for that? ( which I heard this isn't very good for)

I used a 6 linked Bane for the longest time as it still do a lot of damage. I recently switched my 6 links to Contagion as I mainly use Bane to apply the curse and stack a bit more damage on top of ED.

My fifth and sixth links to Contagion is Enhance and Arcane Surge (lvl 10). The benefit of this is a level 3 Enhance will give Contagion another 8% AoE (12% at level 4). Since we cast Contagion before ED, having Arcane Surge linked to Contagion ensures that Arcane Surge is active on every cast of ED.

The socket colors should be the same for both setup. I know it's difficult to get so many blue sockets, but you can use the jeweler method to get four and get Vorici in Research to put 1 to 3 white sockets in good spots.

Obviously Bane is to "apply a curse and stack a bit more damage". What else would it be for? No idea what you're talking about here though. 6 linked contagion? ya, no lol. 6 link Bane is a metric ton more dot damage then contagion which is purely just to spread ED.
I have 10% chance to get Arcane Surge when I kill...not really concerned with wasting a 6 link on Contagion, let alone on arcane Surge. And If you read my post you'd see the chest is 6 linked. Why would I use Vorici method? But yes, I plan on getting a white or two on it so I can use 4 blue.

Sorry for the snit but...what is this, I don't even lol

You're being too antagonistic, this build basically have an extra 6 link for anyone to do anything with. OP uses a 5 link Soulrend (don't know if he still do), I chose to do a 6 link Bane for the extra damage. I recently switched to a 4 link Bane and 6 link Contagion setup (I like this a lot).

Remember when you were leveling up with Contagion and ED and Contagion had very low AoE? It didn't feel very good to play. Once we leveled up Contagion and added more AoE support to it, it feel a whole lot better. That's why I use Enhance.

Arcane Surge on the sixth link is not redundant with "Arcane Surge on Kill" on the bow. Your first cast of ED or any cast of ED when Arcane Surge has fallen off will not have the damage bonus of Arcane Surge.

By attaching Arcane Surge to Contagion we are guaranteed to have the Arcane Surge damage bonus on every cast of ED. It is not there to boost the damage of Contagion.

There is no wrong choice as to what to use your chest sockets for, try different things out. The socket coloring thing wasn't necessarily directed at you (I didn't look at your gears), it was meant for other players following this guide that might be put off by seeing a 5 blue Hyrri's chest.
Last edited by IchiMorghulis on Jul 22, 2019, 1:46:41 PM
I'm being antagonistic? Stupid questions rub me wrong. 6 link contagion, I face palmed so hard. And wondering why you would use Bane?? W/e you win, I'm out.
IchiMorghulis wrote:
IchiMorghulis wrote:

I used a 6 linked Bane for the longest time as it still do a lot of damage. I recently switched my 6 links to Contagion as I mainly use Bane to apply the curse and stack a bit more damage on top of ED.

My fifth and sixth links to Contagion is Enhance and Arcane Surge (lvl 10). The benefit of this is a level 3 Enhance will give Contagion another 8% AoE (12% at level 4). Since we cast Contagion before ED, having Arcane Surge linked to Contagion ensures that Arcane Surge is active on every cast of ED.

The socket colors should be the same for both setup. I know it's difficult to get so many blue sockets, but you can use the jeweler method to get four and get Vorici in Research to put 1 to 3 white sockets in good spots.

Obviously Bane is to "apply a curse and stack a bit more damage". What else would it be for? No idea what you're talking about here though. 6 linked contagion? ya, no lol. 6 link Bane is a metric ton more dot damage then contagion which is purely just to spread ED.
I have 10% chance to get Arcane Surge when I kill...not really concerned with wasting a 6 link on Contagion, let alone on arcane Surge. And If you read my post you'd see the chest is 6 linked. Why would I use Vorici method? But yes, I plan on getting a white or two on it so I can use 4 blue.

Sorry for the snit but...what is this, I don't even lol

You're being too antagonistic, this build basically have an extra 6 link for anyone to do anything with. OP uses a 5 link Soulrend (don't know if he still do), I chose to do a 6 link Bane for the extra damage. I recently switched to a 4 link Bane and 6 link Contagion setup (I like this a lot).

Remember when you were leveling up with Contagion and ED and Contagion had very low AoE? It didn't feel very good to play. Once we leveled up Contagion and added more AoE support to it, it feel a whole lot better. That's why I use Enhance.

Arcane Surge on the sixth link is not redundant with "Arcane Surge on Kill" on the bow. Your first cast of ED or any cast of ED when Arcane Surge has fallen off will not have the damage bonus of Arcane Surge.

By attaching Arcane Surge to Contagion we are guaranteed to have the Arcane Surge damage bonus on every cast of ED. It is not there to boost the damage of Contagion.

There is no wrong choice as to what to use your chest sockets for, try different things out. The socket coloring thing wasn't necessarily directed at you (I didn't look at your gears), it was meant for other players following this guide that might be put off by seeing a 5 blue Hyrri's chest.

except enhance doesnt even necessarily add +1 radius to contagion
+12/16% increased aoe for a support is pretty shit and i dont even know how u even thought of that
just put a 6l blight/bane/soulrend
I'm being antagonistic? Stupid questions rub me wrong. 6 link contagion, I face palmed so hard. And wondering why you would use Bane?? W/e you win, I'm out.

I think you missunderstood me. I never talked about 6L Contagion.
I saw Bane as another Map Clearing tool not as a Single target boost, because i think a 6L blight is the stronger option to boost the single target dps. But my PoE knowledge isn't the deepest and that's why i was asking here.


How do you use Acrane Search in your 6L? Isnt it useless cause of Eldrich Battery?

Yes. he is antagonistic. I wouldn't worry to much about it.
I understand your question earlier. The choice of an added single target is up to the user. I personally use blight due to infused channel.
I also would like to note that the single target of essence drain is bonkers. It is very good, not one hit kill all like impale Blade Flurry. Basically it gives you the benefit of actually dodging/moving while essence draining/dmg overtime the boss to death. It is quick and deadly while moving around the bosses shenanigans.
And with arcane surge question. If you have a lvl 20+ arcane surge in a socket, the arcane surge on kill craft on bow will proc the benefit of the lvl 20 arcane surge even with eldritch battery. Hope that helps.
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Last edited by TheRoyalShu on Jul 22, 2019, 3:50:08 PM

I was using soulrend but it does feel a little clunky while I'm leveling.

Can bane work with those links? Just swap Controlled destruction for Despair?

or Despair for Efficacy?

Overall still leveling so don't comment on gems, also wasn't willing to jump into the 11ex watcher's eye just yet...

Going to have to practice bossing that's for sure.

Have green nightmare.


Also, I've been having a lot of trouble killing Fenumus in menagerie on my other toons. I'm going to need a service, but I like my belt and don't want to get scammed. :|
Last edited by rhapsodieinblue on Jul 22, 2019, 3:56:22 PM

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