Quite like the playstyle, not a fan of the single target at this moment, but still have some upgrades to go.
That's some very low singletarget, but otherwise that's pretty pog. Low contagion AoE too, you could use intensify.
I'd really try to change your gems a bit, you could have better setups, and a 5l blight to really amp up the deeps.
balboo wrote:
In the guide you said :
"If you do not have aspect of the spider on a piece of gear, you should use flesh and stone in sand stance"
But aspect of the spider give hinder(and 11% less damage taken) and sand stance give blind. Did you mean blood stance for maim? Or should we get both aspect of the spider and sand stance? Maybe i'm missing something.
Edit: Nvm didnt see Aspect of the spider mana reservation.
So which one is the best in your opinion?
Use spider, for more damage. Flesh and stone is only if you don't have spider on an item.
IIShaka wrote:
Hi man
First of all thanks for the guide. One of the most comprehensive ever!!
I'm trying to gear up but finding it slower than i though(damn those jewel cost)
I'm currently with:
6l can with empower 3
5l hyrris's
the "no witness" cluster
and shitty gear..
what should i aim for first?
The vertex - enlighteen lv3?
Good rings and amulets with endurance charges?
Transcendent Mind?
Green nightmare?
Timeless jewel(still too expensive)
I'm sitting on 2ex and 100c
Have a good night^^
Not sure, I think you're on the wrong account dude ^^'
From what you're saying, probably transcendent mind, and put some currency aside to buy a bow asap.
hi there , first thx for that build I really like ti play it ,
Well in another hand it doesn't feel that tanky ! I die a lot sometimes , psecialy while playing in multi ( I know ED is not worse in multi )
any advise will be more than welcome =D
Allocate MoM.
It's a bit early, but it'll still be better than running around with 4k life. Also, annoint your amulet (and maybe tranform it with a talisman bench). You have pretty good gear. Basic, but good.
Try to set a bit of currency aside for a bow, it'll make you deal much more damage, and will leave less time for enemies to hit you. Also, don't go too deep in deliriums, that's true for all builds.
Do i get right that in order to craft a "Classic ED shortbow" i have to
1. Get a craft recipe from the pale court (Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers)
2. Get a craft repice from the syndicate leader (+2 to level of socketed support gems)
3. Randomly unveil a craft recipe from a random syndicate member ((36-40)% increased chaos damage over time multiplier)?
If so, it would be way faster just to buy that bow on trade for 5ex :(
Ask someone to craft it for you. You can contact Kanameclan for that for instance, they made 2 bows for me this league so far.
5 ex is probably better to buy directly though.
Could you please tell me how can i find them and what the procedure is? How much should i pay for craft and so on?
edit. nevermind, i found him. Thank you for the help!
Last edited by Adios89#1970 on Mar 19, 2020, 1:04:01 PM
hi there , first thx for that build I really like ti play it ,
Well in another hand it doesn't feel that tanky ! I die a lot sometimes , psecialy while playing in multi ( I know ED is not worse in multi )
any advise will be more than welcome =D
Allocate MoM.
It's a bit early, but it'll still be better than running around with 4k life. Also, annoint your amulet (and maybe tranform it with a talisman bench). You have pretty good gear. Basic, but good.
Try to set a bit of currency aside for a bow, it'll make you deal much more damage, and will leave less time for enemies to hit you. Also, don't go too deep in deliriums, that's true for all builds.
We already have SO MUCH aoe on Contagion from support gems. And the Arcane Expanse nodes also provide very subpar damage. I can't understand the benefit of getting them unless there's some mechanic of contagion-spread I don't understand.
Does the auto-spread-on-death aspect not get buffed by support gems?
p.s. I LOVE THE BUILD. Thank you so much for your hard work!
Last edited by Kurnis#0620 on Mar 19, 2020, 1:45:46 PM
First of all thanks for the guide. One of the most comprehensive ever!!
I'm trying to gear up but finding it slower than i though(damn those jewel cost)
I'm currently with:
6l can with empower 3
5l hyrris's
the "no witness" cluster
and shitty gear..
what should i aim for first?
The vertex - enlighteen lv3?
Good rings and amulets with endurance charges?
Transcendent Mind?
Green nightmare?
Timeless jewel(still too expensive)
I'm sitting on 2ex and 100c
Have a good night^^
Not sure, I think you're on the wrong account dude ^^'
From what you're saying, probably transcendent mind, and put some currency aside to buy a bow asap.
Shieeet wasn't logged with steam, fixed, thanks...
So u say transcendent mind?
Before other gear pieces even in my current situation?
We already have SO MUCH aoe on Contagion from support gems. And the Arcane Expanse nodes also provide very subpar damage. I can't understand the benefit of getting them unless there's some mechanic of contagion-spread I don't understand.
Does the auto-spread-on-death aspect not get buffed by support gems?
p.s. I LOVE THE BUILD. Thank you so much for your hard work!
Only get the AOE nodes for levelling imo, then respec them in end game, they're a waste, clear speed is already blindingly fast, you need to focus on single target