[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Madakey wrote:
I would like to point out that your "budget" option literally has a stygian with Spider. A 6 link staff and a brutal restraint.. I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that these things are budget but okay.

Anyway to continue the hypocrisy, you sir are the one who called out a bunch of streamers about why their builds are bad and then tried to take a moral high ground after being called out.

Do you want to know one of the things that points out the reason your build is absolute trash ? The witchfire brew my man... It does nothing for you except dot damage, You have to literally be standing on top of an enemy to get any of the other benefits.

Stop posting bad builds and then using streamers as a way to get those builds popular. Especially when you have LITERALLY no clue what you are talking about.

Now the worst part about this is people are actually going to swallow this tripe!

You're the one who have literally no clue what you are talking about, you're repeating words that aren't yours. Congratulation on following a popular streamer, and backseating build creators that spend hundread of hours actually being helpful to the community. Especially while watching someone else play the game. I saw that video, I got the point.

Also, I don't really see how I'm leeching his popularity. This thread is played by 2.5% of people on poe.ninja, and has 850000 views. My goal is to make a great guide covering how to scale ED into the endgame for all players to enjoy. But many might seek something else in their playstyle, and another build might be more fitted to them. This is why, also due to popular demand, I added other guides to the pros and cons section, to offer more alternatives.

Good luck, mate...

ozten wrote:

Now the worst part about this is people are actually going to swallow this tripe! must be a troll? Whats with all of the drama all of the sudden? Are streamers this mad about him listing alternatives to his build and the pros / cons of those?

Ziz made a questionable roast in his stream today. That's where it comes from.
Fasten your seatbelts, that lasts 1.5 hours...

PersKi17 wrote:

Don't you think it would be better to invest in a bow?

What should I do with my ED gem?

Sure, if you feel like you don't absolutely need the damage from a 6l to farm currency at the moment.
You should level ED gems in offhand, and flip yours when you have a spare one that hits 19+.

Berto33 wrote:
Is there a reason we don't use sand stance from flesh & stone once we get aspect of the spider? It's only 10% mana reserved and seems like it would be super helpful, potentially quite a bit more so than discipline?

Flesh and stone is 25% mana. blood and sand is 10%, but blood and sand doesn't do anything for us.
Last edited by Darkxellmc on Mar 25, 2020, 7:12:16 PM
Think I'm just about done, did some more tree/item changes, sitting at 4 million ED shaper dps (not counting frenzy charges which I do generate), 7,4k EHP and dodge cap. Guess I could still get +5 bow and +2 neck but those are both like half a mirror each, also some more survivability left to get but whatever.
Made 2 90 life+ 260 ES Hubrises but missed chaos resistance reduction slam both times so kinda gave up on that one, think the regular ES one is barely better then crown of the inward eye.

End game scaling of the build is totally crazy, pretty much unkillable whilst easily doing any kind of delirium content (including fully juiced 84 maps with 5 orbs, clearing the map in few minutes, which I doubt many builds can do) and yet there is so much more left to upgrade...which for me was kinda perfect build to play - had an easy league start into endless scaling from start to finish, making the build very fun and engaging to play, so thanks!

Ended up dropping Discipline for zealotry due to mods on my watcher's eye
35% more damage was just to much to pass on (arcane surge procs whenever I use suluphur flask)

Ended up dropping Brutal Restraint for Unnatural Instinct resulting in a lot more life (I do think brutal restraint is better until very late into the game but at this point with this much EHP I'm not really getting one shot eitherway)

Ended up with this jewel setup

Think rare life quiver with 1 or 2 DoT multiplier is way better than Soul Strike, does way more damage whilst also providing more survivability and flexibility due to added resistances.

Also opted in for Mark of the Shaper, lost 1 endurance charge (on bosses only) and gained about 10% more damage, does seem rather worth.

Only reason I opted for so much damage is just because of the nature of Delirium league, shit gets really really tanky, for normal content basically none of this is needed.

And when everything is said and done, think this setup rivals the damage of low life build whilst maintaining way way higher survivability, caviat is that this build gets endlesly more expensive as there is so many different setups and changes you can do to it, whilst low life ED is pretty one dimensional and there isn't really all that much variance to it.

Also that guy saying witchfire brew is useless, what are you smoking lol ?
Last edited by kuriisu on Mar 25, 2020, 7:33:49 PM
Madakey wrote:

Okay well let me explain, I never once said that ED couldn't make it to red tiers, what I said was his "budget option" isn't exactly budget and calling out other streamers to prove his said point when his entire build is filled with flaws, kind of spoils the whole thing.

Also to explain the witchfire brew, you're getting literally only the dot, you're using your Contagion and Essence drain on enemies that are nowhere near you. Despair doesn't even affect them because of how far the enemy is away from you. Witchfire brew has the TINIEST range on it. I do mean tiny. If you don't believe me go and test it for yourself. You could literally use a sulphur and get the same effect that you are getting from a witchfire brew.
Just because everybody is doing it doesn't make it necessarily the correct thing to do...

Also look at the pros and cons and then ask yourself. Is it really that weird of a reply when somebody is literally using three streamers to make his own build look better. Fails at doing so but regardless.

There's your cookie.

Dude you're so fucking clueless it's sad lol. You're aware that you can use the despair aura on rares and bosses right? Trash dies in less than half a second in fucking T16s, you're not using witchfire for them
Darkxellmc wrote:

Ziz made a questionable roast in his stream today. That's where it comes from.
Fasten your seatbelts, that lasts 1.5 hours...

Holy shit that is some thin skinned shit lol, especially when his build is like a 30 minutes video and a 20 lines post
kuriisu wrote:

Also opted in for Mark of the Shaper, lost 1 endurance charge (on bosses only) and gained about 10% more damage, does seem rather worth.


And when everything is said and done, think this setup rivals the damage of low life build whilst maintaining way way higher survivability, caviat is that this build gets endlesly more expensive as there is so many different setups and changes you can do to it, whilst low life ED is pretty one dimensional and there isn't really all that much variance to it.

Thanks for the feedback!
It's nice to hear positives things about the build, I've been feeling a bid down with the recent events today ^^'
Yea, it's more than potent to do anything, and explaining character progression is my main objective. The reason I enjoy following a guide myself is the endgame upgrades, the long term goals I can try to achieve, and the character I will have that that point. This fuels the journey and makes PoE fun to play.

I'm not a big fan of the mark of the shaper swap. It's really good, but I really think you should get a corrupted one, these wasted stats are triggering my ocd ^^'
If you can get a cannot be ignited corruption... that'd be actually insane!

I'm not sure lowlife is less expensive. The ED is in your chest. Shavs is 7es 6linked. You want a corrupted one, dealing 20% more damage, almost the same damage gain as gong lowlife in the first place...
Minmaxing a build is always expensive (and fun!), don't worry! :p
I prefer to not say this is as much damage as lowlife, I think it's too different of a way to build the char to judge. When someone asks me, "LL is more damage, squishier" is my answer. Anything else, I get instant death threats... so nope ^^'
And to be fair Havoc's guide kind of changed my mind, it's a really good LL setup. Do check it out if you're curious :p

Thanks, gl hf! ^^
Which jewels should I go for first? The uniques are pretty expensive

edit:didn't see flowchart
Last edited by sithrebel on Mar 25, 2020, 7:50:44 PM
Shuggananas wrote:

Holy shit that is some thin skinned shit lol, especially when his build is like a 30 minutes video and a 20 lines post
Tbh Darkxell is sitting here answering people's questions while Ziz's thread is basically "here is my video, watch it" and zero replies, probably expecting people to come to his stream instead.

And it's not like Ziz is alfa & omega on everything poe, he gave people wrong advice too, once for example he said you should link bane with multiple curses because that's how you scale it (despite claiming bane is shit and he never played it), so not only he gave opinion on a subject he didn't know, but it was also wrong.

So you need to take everyone's word with a grain of salt and do your own research, even famous streamers can be wrong about stuff.

Oh yeah, also in his "Sunday roasts" which I watched just for the fun of it he told people to never follow guides from websites or from poe forums, and instead follow builds of streamers, which is a case of half-truth pretending to be full truth, as much as there are good builds on youtube / made by streamers and crappy half-assed builds on the forums, there are good, detailed guides on the forums too and bad guides made by streamers / youtubers (some of them just throw endless currency to "solve problems" I won't mention names).

Berto33 wrote:
Is there a reason we don't use sand stance from flesh & stone once we get aspect of the spider? It's only 10% mana reserved and seems like it would be super helpful, potentially quite a bit more so than discipline?
Flesh & Stone is 25% unfortunately, you're thinking of Blood & Sand which is 10% but only useful to melee builds.
Last edited by Viktranka on Mar 25, 2020, 7:54:39 PM
Shuggananas wrote:
Darkxellmc wrote:

Ziz made a questionable roast in his stream today. That's where it comes from.
Fasten your seatbelts, that lasts 1.5 hours...

Holy shit that is some thin skinned shit lol, especially when his build is like a 30 minutes video and a 20 lines post

Let's be fair here.
His guide is pretty good, I would not have included it in my pros/cons section otherwise. Also, let's not forget Ziz knows his shit about ED. I probably spent much more time than him playing and theorycrafting (I do respond to the thousands of comments here, this takes me multiple hours per day , I've been doing it for nearly a year). This doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about.

His point on witchfire brew is the only one that his chat was a bit skeptical about, but is actually the most accurate one. He did not review my guide at all, just opened a pob for 5 minutes. he didn't know this was a blight focused setup, and in regular ED or ED+bane, witfire is a very questionable choice (as a despair source, 40% dot makes it worth it already).

That said, the rest of his roast is very hard to watch, especially since he's attacking me presonaly more than the build itself.
He got triggered by my "StrEaMEr BuiLd, MusT bE gOoD" line, and half of his arguing was about how forum guide makers shouldn't be followed, and how people should follow streamers guides instead.
This is some quality curb your irony content right there.

To still give him a bit of credibility:
The situation was presented to him in some weird way that probably heavily influenced his reaction. A sub quoted the line out of context, and his mindset when opening the guide was obviously to roast the source that was making fun of him instead of being interested in the guide content.

That said, what he did today is an abject lack of respect that seriously lacks human decency. It is highly inappropriate as a streamer to call out people, insult them and invite your community to do the same. This really hurt me. The human, not the player. Roasting the result of thousand hours without a proper reason isn't very polite already, and leading a group of people to scorn others work is unacceptable. I don't think he even realized I personally know him from exilecon either...

I don't think he realizes the damage he deals. There is a fine but very clear line between having your own opinion and expressing it, and hate speech actively trying to lead a community to act a certain way. Today's stream crossed that line.

Anyways. I'm going to sleep now. I have a job, even in global lockdown due to coronavirus. Not much time to play video games all day and shit on other people's work for fun sadly! ^^
I'm not living this very well, but I don't think confronting Ziz about it is the right decision. He messed up, that happens. Something's bound to happen when you're on the internet all day. End of the story, we don't need another demi-iron drama. We're just playing a game.

Stay safe.
Darkxellmc wrote:

It's nice to hear positives things about the build, I've been feeling a bid down with the recent events today ^^'

Hey, just my 2cents, this is a great guide and its nice to see how much care you of the guide and the community. One of the best written guides here. People just cant miss an opportunity to start a fire, don't take it too seriously and please do not let it get you down.
Madakey wrote:
markuskanada wrote:
Madakey wrote:
I would like to point out that your "budget" option literally has a stygian with Spider. A 6 link staff and a brutal restraint.. I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that these things are budget but okay.

Anyway to continue the hypocrisy, you sir are the one who called out a bunch of streamers about why their builds are bad and then tried to take a moral high ground after being called out.

Do you want to know one of the things that points out the reason your build is absolute trash ? The witchfire brew my man... It does nothing for you except dot damage, You have to literally be standing on top of an enemy to get any of the other benefits.

Stop posting bad builds and then using streamers as a way to get those builds popular. Especially when you have LITERALLY no clue what you are talking about.

Now the worst part about this is people are actually going to swallow this tripe!

What kind of reply is this?
I started with ED and reached red tiers WAY before I got a Stygian and a timeless jewel. You also gotta use your own brain a little when you follow are guide.

And 80% (!) of ED players are using Witchfire Brew right now. So, 80% of ED players have "absolute trash" builds and no clue?
And what even are you on about streamers? Little drama queen

Such a weird reply.

Okay well let me explain, I never once said that ED couldn't make it to red tiers, what I said was his "budget option" isn't exactly budget and calling out other streamers to prove his said point when his entire build is filled with flaws, kind of spoils the whole thing.

Also to explain the witchfire brew, you're getting literally only the dot, you're using your Contagion and Essence drain on enemies that are nowhere near you. Despair doesn't even affect them because of how far the enemy is away from you. Witchfire brew has the TINIEST range on it. I do mean tiny. If you don't believe me go and test it for yourself. You could literally use a sulphur and get the same effect that you are getting from a witchfire brew.
Just because everybody is doing it doesn't make it necessarily the correct thing to do...

Also look at the pros and cons and then ask yourself. Is it really that weird of a reply when somebody is literally using three streamers to make his own build look better. Fails at doing so but regardless.

There's your cookie.

Dude you're such a sperg.

I had never played ED before and following this guide I am crushing T16 maps and endgame bosses. His budget items were indeed pretty easy to obtain, I had most of them before the end of the first week of the League and they allowed me to farm up for the more expensive stuff.

And Witchfire has been great for single target bosses (the one thing ED doesn't immediately blow up). I'm already standing there channeling Blight for extra damage so it's very easy to get the full effects of the flask.

I'm not particularly good at PoE character building (which is why I'm on the forums) and I was able to follow this guide to pretty absurd success. If you're failing the problem is definitely occurring between your keyboard and chair.

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