[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

One comment on the middle flowchart. It mentions getting a 4 point Flow of Life and Exposure Therapy cluster jewel, but a 5 point jewel still gets you the notables and jewel socket. Just don't allocate the extra small passive
Couple jewels I made quickly with "chaos is more common" reforges and non chaos to chaos replaces, just gotta finish them off before vaaling :

Totem life can be annoying.. hit it 3 times in a row
edit: 5 times in a row
Last edited by Shuggananas#4641 on Jul 8, 2020, 9:32:25 AM
Shuggananas wrote:
doubleoeightt wrote:
Hi guys, I have a crafting question.

If I have a 83ilvl Maraketh Bow that I'm trying to make into the 10ex bow, what do I do if I was alteration orbing and I now have an isolated +1 level to socketed gems mod?

Augment or regal and pray for liquefaction
Raotiz wrote:

i crafted this, does the chaos dmg to spells scale with the dot?

and also does this work with the dot?
Damaging Ailments you inflict deal Damage #% faster while affected by Malevolence
thinking about getting double watchers eye malevolence if its worth
No, should have blocked prefixes. You can still easily fix it though.

No clue about faster ailments, it should work but also not sure if ED is an ailment so

What do I use instead of the chaos dmg to spells? its a caster so can easy remove
Just put a massive life (safe to retry later) or a hybrid defence (not safe)
I'd 99% recommend the life.
Shuggananas wrote:
Just put a massive life (safe to retry later) or a hybrid defence (not safe)
I'd 99% recommend the life.

- caster
-+ life untill you hit either t1 life or t1 hybrid es+life. I personally prefer hybrid, but I'd settle for the first one that pops. Really good helm otherwise!
Mayyyybe I'd remove a res to put ailment avoidance tho, if you can fix them.
how smooth is league start progression of this build, like day 1-2. i see that 6l cane is about 3-5 ex first couple of days, and that's kinda tough weight to lift so fast if you are not playing, like, 12 hours a day. Is it really that bad to map reds without 6l?
No rest for the wicked
mezmery wrote:
how smooth is league start progression of this build, like day 1-2. i see that 6l cane is about 3-5 ex first couple of days, and that's kinda tough weight to lift so fast if you are not playing, like, 12 hours a day. Is it really that bad to map reds without 6l?

Well, if you don't play 12h a day, cane gets down to a reasonable price before you get to red maps.

This league I was doing t11s on a 5l cane+restless ward+caress, and it was good clear but awful singletarget (20-30s for a map boss). Since 6l cans was 4ex at the time, I went straight for a 5ex ed bow. From that point, the hard part is behind.
Since this is the only gear piece you'll invest in at league start, you will very likely have the needed currency for either a 6l cane or an ED bow before you even reach red maps. It's doing fine.

That said, if you want a leaguestarter to transition to an other build requiring more currency, I personally wouldn't choose ED. I think builds that sacrifice the tankyness for good ST + Clear are much better early currency farmers, unless you're playing HC. Things like Bladevortex or bleed bow are much better for this.
I get most of my currency from delve and syndicate, so i dont care too much about comfortable budget map play, as i dont really sell maps unless im playing something with good curve.
I'm just interested about possibility of getting things done and not getting stuck at 83 conquerors and such early
No rest for the wicked
Early league tier 4 conqs were a fucking struggle but I'm SSF so my gear was a bit worse. Drox in particular is awful.

I still haven't got a speed augment craft with harvest. It's ridiculous how rare these seeds are.
Last edited by Shuggananas#4641 on Jul 8, 2020, 11:52:51 AM

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