[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

chinpokemon2905 wrote:
so switched to devouring diadem cause it looks like it might be better than vertex.

What did you everyone do with the extra 4 skill points? i went into more ES is there somewhere better i could have gone?


Get more ES if you need it depending on your MoM situation
Otherwise check POB for damage, or grab QOL nodes I guess (I take or remove freedom of movement depending on my points/MoM situation)
For the maraketh bow craft I am to the point of a colored, linked, rare, max rolled dot as the only affix.

The craft guide says to craft 2 suffix to slam with +1 gems. With harvest I think there may be better options though.

I'm considering crafting the cannot roll attack modifiers, awakening it to crusader's and harvest aug caster to force onslaught, then the slam for +1 gems.

I couldn't do the same thing after removing the cannot roll attack modifiers.

Has anyone found any deterministic crafting option better than onslaught? I would love the move speed but there are other mods that get in the way. Resists are the only other option I've found.

Thank you!
Do not make it redeemer too early as you will miss +1 to gems later since redeemer has 2 non attack mods

Slam the redeemer last, then you can do remove an attack or caster mod and add a speed mod to guarantee the movement speed (after a few tries that is, onslaught is speed too smh) which is definitely better than onslaught on kill which we get on an abyss jewel for free
Last edited by Shuggananas#4641 on Jul 9, 2020, 8:57:45 AM
Nice catch!!

Is there any way to save the 2ex on the next step? Maybe just craft cannot roll attack modifiers and then harvest aug a lightning to get the extra suffix forcing the +1 for the slam, removing the lightning afterwards?
You can put garbage affixes on the bow like cold resistance to just have prefixes open when you slam. Then remove the trash later.

Build is performing as expected with this much investment, not much else I would want to change at the moment. I'm in the process of crafting a helmet which is proving expensive but with harvest crafts I will just need the 3 prefixes and can chaos augment twice for chaos res and - to nearby enemies. Damage at this level of gear isn't really a priority so staying with vertex or diadem is probably going to work out better defensively which is something to consider.

Every piece of rare gear in this build can now be deterministically crafted in Harvest with simple alt/regaled 1/2 prop base items which makes reaching the level of gear I have pretty easy all things considered.
Last edited by Sitdownshark#6264 on Jul 9, 2020, 10:06:21 AM
Sushie wrote:

Every piece of rare gear in this build can now be deterministically crafted in Harvest with simple alt/regaled 1/2 prop base items which makes reaching the level of gear I have pretty easy all things considered.

It's kind of incredible that all chaos modifiers don't count as caster (most elemental ones do). Since we are also a hybrid build utilising both life and es, it makes so many stats categories useful to us that harvest is absurdly powerful. Mana or attribute stacking builds sure don't have it this easy! ^^'

Coupled with speed being a very important factor for income this league, but singletarget not much, ED is sure proving very fitting for harvest...
chinpokemon2905 wrote:
What did you everyone do with the extra 4 skill points?
You can pick atrophy wheel.

Hello, first of all - nice guide.
Second, what should I upgrade now?

Remove the lightning res on the amulet for a chaos slam to hit dot multi
You can make crusader rings easily with harvest :

Crusader/hunter belt is also not super hard to make:

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