3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
" Not an expert, just a casual player...but I've been using the same tanky build guide for 5 leagues now... and also visually impaired... but... Looks like your skill tree is OK. If you check page 1 for details, you should also start going down the left side. But it seems you're on the right track as far as the skill tree goes. Your gear needs some work. The baron helm should have raise spectre, AG, meat shield or minion life and blood magic. They must be in the helm. You don't need holy relic at all. You can put molten shell somewhere else. You must also have 1000 strength for the baron helm to work. You can use 2 brawn jewels, 2 efficient training, belt (is OK for now), 2 rings, amulet to get that strength to over 1000. You need better rings mine both have around 50 strength each and some elem and chaos resists, and an amulet for strength, elem and chaos resists. You'll need to anoint the amulet with death attunement at some point. Astramentis is nice, but it doesn't have elem and chaos resists. So find an amulet that has lots of strength, mine has about 88 strength and 30-40% cold resist then anoint with death attunement to help you get a 4th spectre with a level 21 spectre gem. Your weapon, if you want to keep using that, I'd replace minion speed with feeding frenzy. But I suggest getting at least a 5L femurs staff and work your way to put zombie - feeding frenzy - multistrike - melee phy - IMPALE sup and at some point empower 4 on it...this will change your life :) The armor, try to get a geofri 5L and place your aura gems (discipline, purity of elements, maim sup, flesh and stone all linked to at least enlighten 3). If you have another socket, you can put molten shell with the geofri. Finally, in either the boots or gloves: generosity supp linked with dread banner. Use the remaining sockets to put: desecrate, spirit offering, stone golem linked to minion life (or feeding frenzy) and to vaal skeletons (if you like a backup to the zombies). You should have room for withering step and or flame dash for movement. I'd drop the haste, flesh offering, holy relic. I recommend shaper's touch gloves and alberon's warpath boots. Try to follow the recommended flasks in page 1 as well. They work well together. The gear above can carry you all the way to level 92 easily. Most of the gear is cheap in this league, I spent only 10 chaos total to get the femurs weapon, baron helm, geofri chest, shapers gloves, alebron boots. At some point try to get the minion staff or the minion bow and a quiver described in page 1 (I prefer the bow). This new weapon will help you get to level 95, T16 maps, Sirus A8, 24-37 challenge rewards accomplished in each league. Your starting auras will be discipline and purity of elements...add flesh and stone and dread banner at some point. Later you can drop purity of elements and replace with aspect of avian if you manage to get the staff or bow described in page 1. Keep your elem and chaos resists capped (75 or 76%). You can ignore chaos resist for a while, but if you keep getting killed all of a sudden in just 1-2 seconds (1-shotted), then you know you need chaos resist. Spectres, use 1 carnage chief, 1 host chief, and I suggest they of tul for defense and for a 4th spectre merveil's retainer. Your animated guardian (AG) needs gear and at some point a kingmaker axe to provide you and your zombies buffs. Also get don't forget your ascendancy (big boost to your minions) and pantheon. Details for spectre, AG, ascendancy, pantheon are in page 1. Keep investing in your character, keep alive so you don't lose XP. Good luck. Last edited by 10011001#5138 on Feb 6, 2021, 2:27:30 AM
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Can't seem to figure out how to edit my post, so I'll say it here, the character I'm playing this buildHey! this information was extremely helpful, and I'm probably going to try and get that information used and try to get things under control with all that in mind. I have a quick qeustion though, is there some reason why on earth this build author has those links he has in the speed variant? Like holy relic and such? because my baron helmet is exactly how his is on his gear page in the speed section. Thank you very much! on is named ChipsAhoiMcSpeedyBoi.
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" The build on page 1 is very flexible. I can't comment on the speed build, as I have always used the tanky build for 5 leagues now. I figured it is better to be alive than lose XP. One time I was almost at level 94, knowingly went into risky situations...died at least 10 times...and lost all the XP. I also remember in page 1 it states the speed build could get you killed more than the tanky setup...something like that... so I chose tanky from the start. good luck. |
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I have also been using the tanky build for awhile now - with a few changes - and it has been great. But in 3.13, I have already had three kingmaker AG deaths from the mechanics (I had no AG deaths for ages) and the specter gem level nerf makes them die quite easily now (again, my specters never died before 3.13). And the They of Tul nerf sucked - I really liked that specter.
I can change my tree around a bit to give the minions some more hp/resists, but not sure that would really help with the deaths as most seem almost instant to the mechanics. And the AG deaths are so costly that I have reverted to shit gear on them now. No kingmaker and stitched demon really makes a difference, but I cannot afford to keep rebuying the gear (I play on console and the costs are just silly now). I love minion builds - my little army - but GGG is making it more of a chore to play with the constant nerfs. Last edited by JoeUtopia#8394 on Feb 6, 2021, 10:02:53 AM
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" I haven't noticed anything significantly different in 3.13 from the previous leagues that would cause my spectres or AG to die like that, even with the nerfs, even with junk gear on AG, but I always play on a PC (never tried console), and for 5 leagues I haven't even used cluster jewels or lethal pride - never had to, since I would already be finished with 24-37 challenge rewards I wanted to get before I could even get to that kind of build. I use They of Tul, I really miss the cloud it creates when not in combat, it made me look so awesome...now I feel smaller, sigh. Only minion builds for me since 2013. I came here to be a necro nothing else... let the army get 'em. Last edited by 10011001#5138 on Feb 6, 2021, 6:10:40 PM
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Is there an PoB link that shows where do i go first in the Skilltree ?
Its a bit confusing. :) |
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" Page 1 can be confusing. Scroll down to where it says "Build Details", then "Gear, Gems, Tree, POB code", then read both 3.11 Budget Starter Setup and 3.11 TANKY END-GAME SETUP. That should get you started. There's a link to POB that tells you which passive skills to allocate. You'll need to download software (called PathOfBuilding) to read POB correctly. If you don't want to use that yet, scroll down some more and look for "SUPPORTING INFO"... the "levelling" info is there. It tells you which skill to allocate and have depending on the level of your witch. Read also the FAQ there for relevant info. good luck. |
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Is having geofris sanctuary that good, i mean it swaps life regen for es regen so isnt it bad for our life build ?
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Hi, this is my first ever league I decided to take seriously so I'd consider myself pretty new. Having fun with this build! However I'd like some advice on how to improve it?
My game knowledge is low so I don't know what gems I could replace or pieces of gear to get, what to craft outside of the weapon in the guide, etc. I have an issue with understanding (still) how the zombie AI works. I feel like I have to get very close to whatever I'm fighting for them to attack and I don't feel tanky enough to handle certain things, like the snake hunter crusader boss. I also feel like my damage could be higher if I changed things around, I don't know if my passives are optimized well or not, and what gems. Another question is, I'm unsure on how to get enough mana to use flesh and stone with purity of elements, pride and vulnerability/blasphemy. Is it something to worry about? Thank you! tl;dr I want to maximize my damage, what can I change in my build? And defense as much as possible. Edit: Here's my POB https://pastebin.com/btJY2nGe Last edited by Oxolot#3196 on Feb 7, 2021, 4:09:21 PM
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" With Geofri and Shaper's Touch this build is a hybrid. You get a lot of ES. Your life should be fine with a life flask + the leech from Baron. |
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