[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!

Gamite wrote:
what movement skills do you use when leveling early and what else besides frostblades

Whirling Blades you get in act 1, but Dash is actually more useful because you can cross ledges with it like Leap Slam. Get Leap Slam as soon as you start using a sword or axe.
This is a rather stupid question, but what map modifiers is this build unable to do? Physical reflect and no leech?
I know you said you don't play HC so you aren't sure how good this build will work out, but I plan on trying flicker in 3.10 HC and was wondering if you might have a few more suggestions considering you're much more knowledgeable about creating builds. Would another class/ascendancy be better suited for HC flickering? If so, what would your overall HC suggestions be?
How would this build be in SSF?
how do you run 4 auras with this build?
farcryer wrote:
This is a rather stupid question, but what map modifiers is this build unable to do? Physical reflect and no leech?

No worries, friendo! Phys reflect is a no go, scrub that shit. Ele reflect can be done, just switch your Hatred aura for a Pride aura. Cannot Leech is also no go. No regen can be done, but it will suck so much that it's masochistic. Less regen is doable, but I usually scrub that too.

ManInCoat wrote:
I know you said you don't play HC so you aren't sure how good this build will work out, but I plan on trying flicker in 3.10 HC and was wondering if you might have a few more suggestions considering you're much more knowledgeable about creating builds. Would another class/ascendancy be better suited for HC flickering? If so, what would your overall HC suggestions be?

Tough to say, Mistwalker did take a hit, but it still has 'you take no extra damage from crits' and 8% reduced damage taken. Champion also has reduced damage taken and extra regen. Find a spot for Vaal Grace in your set up too.

Imalia123 wrote:
How would this build be in SSF?

I think it would be fine. Belly of the Beast and Starkonja's Head are both common items, just tough to roll them well. Divine your Belly to 37%+, the resists can be easily covered elsewhere. The swords could be tougher unless you're a pro crafter, but you can do all content with Ichimonji swords, which are common, it just won't be as fast. Very doable.

Gamite wrote:
how do you run 4 auras with this build?

Precision stays at level 1, so you should have 80ish mana. Plenty.

Good luck on your league start, everyone! I will be updating the guide all league long of course, and should have lots to share on my experiences with the mechanics and what jewels will be best to grab up and how to adjust the tree to make room for them. I will answer questions here on the guide of course as well. Have fun!
Why are you using Double Strike with dual wield? should it be Dual Strike? or am I missing something?

Edit: nevermind, I read through the thread and found the answer.
Last edited by Schlumungus on Mar 13, 2020, 4:43:43 PM
what is the 5 link for double strike if you are using call and splash for clearing
Gamite wrote:
what is the 5 link for double strike if you are using call and splash for clearing

Melee Physical Damage and Multistrike are you other two.
last question if you are running a 5 link frostblades for clearing would you do AC Elemntal damage melee phycial and foritfy or swap in multi for something

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