3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

TestyRabbit wrote:
Awesome guide, thank you for writing all of this up. Much more thorough and easy to work with than any other RF guide I've found.

Just a clarification though for people who might not know, you mention that tawhoa, forest's strength ascendancy will generate endurance charges automatically because we are automatically casting fire skills, but that is not true. CWDT will not trigger the endurance charge gain on that. It looks like the way you are generating your endurance charges is with the Disciple of the Unyielding notable on the bottom that gives 5% chance on kill.

Again, excellent guide. Love your mission here haha.
Hey TestyRabbit!

That's very kind of you, thank you! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and encouragement!

Regarding Tawhoa, I'll have to test it out. I'm pretty sure I tested it out after the last Chieftain ascendancy changes and came to the conclusion that CwDT did count as self casting. I'll test it again and change it if need be. Thanks for the heads up and your kind words!
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Pacemaker007 wrote:
Sorry if I missed it somewhere in your thread, but I don't see how you are gaining endurance charges with your build. RF won't automaticaly give us endarance charges so how do we get them ?

Thanks already for the reply, enjoying the build, just that I am out of the loop with those charges...
Hey Pacemaker007!

We gain Endurance charges in 3 ways. 2 come from the passive tree, one from the ascendancy.

1. 35% chance when one of our fire spells casts
2. 10% chance when we get Hit
3. 5% chance when we kill

I totally thought that was in the guide. I'll add it as soon as I can.

Good question. Thanks for the post. (And thanks for the thanks! I appreciate it and I'm glad you're having a good time.)
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Drunken1337 wrote:

i like this build a lot because i love RF and it works very well for me, but i have one big problem and that is Boss damage.
Running T15-16 Maps easy but as soon as the boss or metamorph comes it takes forever kinda, was thinking about changing my kaoms heart for a 6-Link Chest with Scorching Ray or something.

Any Ideas?

Hey Drunken1337!

Thanks for the post and our honesty. I know your post was a few days ago now, so things may have changed, but I'll comment on what I see.

Because I didn't want to depend on any specific gear, defence was my priority. That being said, you currently have done lots. You have Vaal RF, you've kept Wave of Conviction (Exposure), you've added Flammability...and your helmet let you add Increased AoE! There are only two things I see with the posted gear that can improve, but they are minor. You could remove Increased AoE and Efficacy on your helmet and add Arcane Surge and Swift Affliction. The increase wouldn't be huge though. Also, your weapon, though it's better than mine, can have higher damage rolls. Also, dual-wielding sceptres instead of your sweet shield would really bump up damage first.

Of course, none of those will be HUGE game-breakers. You have an awesome setup. I'm a defence first kind of guy. As your post was a few days ago, what changes did you make in the meantime?

Thanks for the great and honest post.
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Pacemaker007 wrote:
Hmmm I am using those exact gems but maybe I need to put cwdt first and then ball lightning. I didn't think it mattered...
Let me know if you're still having issues. Gem order shouldn't matter with these specific CwDT setups. Your setup looks fine. These skills aren't going to go off ALL the time, but often enough that we should rarely lose our charges once we get them up.
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Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 31, 2019, 3:14:52 PM
Chuchichuchachu wrote:
Nvm :/

Shit was posted here, sorry.
Un. For. Giveable.

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deviantek wrote:
I'm level 66 at the moment and following this build, with all gems and levels per listed levels.

I'm really not enjoying this build and hoping to hell it gets better... I've never played a build that's such a pain in the ass of maintaining adequate life regen, and yet doing so little damage.

Anyone else having similar problems? My gear is quite good for level 66, but I'm sure I'll see some improvement with 70+ level gear.

I just feel that there are similarly cheap builds that sustain much better damage and survive-ability, with much less effort (and are more fun to play).


My current gear for reference:

edit to add: new rings
Hey deviantek!

I appreciate your honesty. I see you've already had a helpful response. If you don't mind, I'll take a look at your setup. If you make your characters public on the PoE website (only do so if you want to) I'll load your RF character into Path of Building and check it out.

RF is a LATE game gem because of its demand on life regen. I can't think of any other gem in the game that is as dependant on gear than RF. So, levelling RF is never that exciting.

As mentioned, you've had some great help so don't feel like you need to make your characters public. But if you do, let me know.

Thanks for the post!
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JCOH35 wrote:
Just going to lay out the few small things im doing different, and my gear.

Jewel wise I am using 3 jewels in my tree and 1 in my belt, down the road I want a Watcher's Eye with a second line of either Malevolence Increased DoT or Bleed Immunity for now I just have the crucial max physical to fire damage roll.

My two life and fire dot jewels I simply bought with crap rolls for 2 or 3 chaos and I later divined them as I came across a Divine here and there, its much easier then paying 1 to 2 exalted for one with +7/+4 rolls.

In my ascendancy tree I chose Hinekora over Valako, and in my pantheon tree I went with a different minor god, the soul of shakari b/c I am not really ever stationary so I wasnt getting the benefit of the other.

In my gear I opted for strong life and resistances including a very high, positive natural chaos resistance and I focused on a high accuracy rating so my cyclone would always hit and proc my EE and other features. I also chose double unset rings to house my auras so I could use Kaom's Heart for my chest, my 5 link is in my helmet.

For my amulet I chose Breath of Flames annointment, for my boots I farmed the Regen lab enchantment, and I have very little hope of getting a Righteous Fire damage or increased size lab enchant b/c those odds are just a joke.

Flask wise I use 3 life flasks b/c im just bad, I have old man hands and terrible reflexes, I like to be able to just smash flasks when something goes wrong.

Again though, on bosses, I just hold down cyclone and watch tv b/c its not fast, however its easy and safe and im not skipping metamorph bosses like half the people in the forums are.

On a side note, as I stated previously its in your best intrest to buy up cheap unveiled items to power level your crafting bench options, and when choosing gear plan ahead. What I mean by that is, my rings for example, I searched for ones with an open prefix slot so i could craft additional life regen on them.
Awesome post, awesome advice, and awesome gear. Thanks JCOH35!
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Helanra wrote:
I am not sure which Anoint on my Amulet is good vor this build. What do you recommend?
Good question Helanra!

My builds are always defence first. So, I'd go offence (though RF does get stronger with more life as well). So here's a small list of ones that I'd consider. Keep in mind, it's totally preference. So you can't go wrong with any choice.

- Constitution
- Amplify
- Breath of Flames
- Divine Judgement
- Explosive Impact

Let us know what you pick!
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Im up to level 91 atm playing the build, no changes for me gear or strategy wise. Ive had 1 death in like 3 days, its still very tanky.

The only drawback tbh is damage, even insanely min/maxed the damage on bosses on t15/16 and supercharged metamorphs is slow however its safe. I even use a +26% quality perfectly rolled

I have considered squeezing in Scorching Ray somewhere but I have no experience using it as this is the first time I have ever played an RF build, I was always too scared to try one in the past.

I really like the build overall though, its nice for old guys in rl like myself who dont have those twitch reflexs and finger muscle memory.
gungardai wrote:
Hi Wrecker. I really like your guides and appreciate that you keep them updated. Im lvl 56 now, done first lab, and killed arakali. My point is when I will be able to use RF without health loss?
Awesome gungardai!

That's very kind of you. I'm glad you like them! And please, pass on any suggestions or advice you may have for me.

RF can be sustained around you level if you:

"- Select all the nodes on the Passive Tree as they come. Get all the South nodes first, then work your way up. Don't skip any. (The Life Regen per Endurance Charge nodes are the MOST important.)
- Equip and start levelling your Stone Golem as soon as it's available.
- Equip and start levelling your Purity of Fire as soon as it's available.
- Equip and start levelling your Holy Relic as soon as it's available.
- Fight on Consecrated Ground.
- By the time you kill Arakaali (the Spider Boss in Act 7) you can select the Pantheon option that unlocks (Soul of Arakaali). Have that and the minor God, Soul of Abberath selected.
- Do the first 3 suggested Ascendancies.
- Get those Endurance charges up :)."

If you followed those steps, you should be REALLY close to being able to sustain no matter your gear. So your fire resists should be maxed, and once your charges start giving you life regen you should be set.

Your character profile is private so I couldn't check details but do you find that you're close? It should just be a couple more levels if you're not already there.
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