3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!
"Hey mattrxcool! Good question. Sorry you feel like you're at a wall. I have yet to play this build in 3.9 as I started with a different build. I'll be playing this build again in the next day or two to get a hands on to the new Endgame. A couple quick things you can do to improve damage is: - Dual wield sweet sceptres (I personally don't have any gear that increases my max fire resist). - Switch Enfeeble for Flammability. Those would be the quickest changes you can make. - Also, in regards to your weapon, there are some really strong rares that you can buy, craft, or hope to find. For example, a sceptre that does 100% increased fire/elemental damage and 20% to Fire DOT Multiplier would be a big boost in damage. Having just one would be a big change for you. Two? Much bigger. Anyway, I'll be playing the build in the next day or two. But gear wise, you haven't hit a ceiling at all. (I wish I had your helmet.) Great post and good question. Sorry for your frustrations. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Gotta say this build is really nice.
Not tried Sirus yet with this build but have failed 4 times on different builds.. Pet build got eaten... Molten jugg got eaten. But this build seems a lot tankier than my jugg for some reason. Have the fight ready, but trying to get even more damage/life before i attemt it, as it is a looong fight with our damage. All other content has gone pretty easy (some metas takes a lot of time) and the only conqueror i have a problem with is the banner one. Got a friend to help take the banners while i tanked the boss. Beeing "immortal" is nice ;) Will let you know if/when i take down "Siriuos". Thanks again for the build. |
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Really intriguing build I am getting back into the game after a hiatus and want to try it. (Irritated that my MS jugg keeps getting nerfed each release after spending a ton of dough on end-game gear...)
Question about starting off and going through "story" mode before getting to maps: Saw the note about how to maintain RF up until it's self-sustaining but are there any other early>story-end tips you can share in regards to gem set up or other items/mods to look for and equip? E.g. "use a 4 link chest with X combo until Y becomes available"? Also, how do you suggest "stopping" the leveling of your gems at the levels indicated in the guide? Get new ones? Does it impact build effectiveness if I get a gem over what you've identified? Thanx! |
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Thank you for responding and thank you for this fun build.
I appreciate the kind words u had about my character and his journey so far. See you in Wraeclast, cool winds! |
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Hello everyone ( and sorry for bad english)
For the people who hit the wall dps or the drox regen, normaly at lvl 90+ you don't need golem and holy relic for you're regenlife, swap one of them for Frost bomb-> -75% regen and drox it's Ok ( i do it awaken 4 in SSf and without malevolence in my setup, don't forget he can move , don't stay under 4 banners). i see lot of people with Increase AOE , it's a mystake you're dps can take 30% more with conct effect. i can't try already ( lack of currency for 6L) but a good body armor 6L in swift affliction setup normaly can over power kaoms heart, give you space for a dash/movement skil to improve the clean speed and vermillon ring --> 14% life. In kaoms setup i don't see lot of people with more than 7k5pv , i already have 7k8 pv, and have 3 or 4 part to improve to exceed up 8Kpv Same with Doryani's Cata, it's a start league weapon, 140% elem damage max , a good rare can have 140% elem damage and 20% more fire overtime multi and that it's just 20% more flat dps, same in jewel 4% more fire overtime multi is better than 10% burning/fire damage. the cyclone setup need add ligthning dmg only if you don't have add cold/lightning damage on ring/amu or glove, drop it for infused channeling it's a + 10% aoe damage, 8% less physical damage taken for free. Have a good drop :) Last edited by Nemeria#7311 on Jan 8, 2020, 7:16:21 PM
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Its really tough b/c I love this build but in the end-end game content the dps just hits a wall.
I have switched over to the more common RF meta, sadly its a couple more buttons which I hate but it really cranks up the damage. The skill trees are pretty similar, the ascendancy is juggernaut though and you stack alot more endurance charges, and you dual wield sceptres or use a staff like lathi's. The regen isnt an issue b/c you stack so much you can give up the shield and just regen through the RF degen and enemy damage. The downside to this version though is its insanely expensive. You really need a lv4 enlighten to get atleast 3 auras going b/c you use a watcher's eye with +30% increased life recovery rate while affected by Vitality, then you use the usual malevolence and PoF. You use a elder influenced belt with +20% increased life recovery and those massively multiply your life regen. Really glad I leveled this build though, it was my 1st ever RF build and it got me interested, good luck^^. (1 thing id look for to help you guys with the damage is an elder helmet with an essence roll and gems are supported by concentrated effect, then you can slot in an awakened burning damage support, it looks like this, you can get the combo starting at like 2 ex, then it just goes up from there depending on the rolls) Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Jan 8, 2020, 9:45:47 PM
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" Neoooo! Damn, I was following your build and just got a Kaoms... went to check your gear and it's all jacked up (no gems, etc). Can you recommend how to get things out without a chest? I've got a helmet for my RF gem setup, but now I have no sockets for my relic/moltenshell/golem CDT. This is a great build for Hardcore, but I understand your issue with lack of damage, especially in a non-hardcore league. Thanks! |
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Ok I lied, im back.
The common meta version with like 410 pages is just way too much work. Its more of a standard league build, I wasted literally over 10ex just trying to craft 2 of the pieces needed and didnt even come close, lost nearly all of the currency. You need a t1 life recovery belt that goes for about 20ex, you need a double influenced hunters/warlord neck with god rolls that goes for about 25ex, dont get me started on the sceptres or staff rolls, and you are looking at 1 in a million corruptions like malevolence boosts on rings and +1 to max resists on kaoms chest. Now all that being said I did see some stuff to bring back over here to get the best of both worlds, there was quite a bit I was doing wrong. What im doing now is using x2 Kaom's Way rings and using the Growth and Decay annointment. I then went back to the OPs passive tree with only 1 very small change, I picked up Divine Judgement, its in the top left by our chaos resistance/life nodes. You do want to priortize "increased life recovery" but as I said, it will be very costly to roll on a waist but its something to work towards, and I would go after a fancy marble (regen % of life implicit) amulet, the hunters and warlords can roll crazy mods, or you can drop 2-4ex on a double influenced base and try, I got zilch though so far. I pointed out the helmet change already, the only thing they do differently with their RF is priortize concentrated effect which the OP pointed out right off the bat on PoB had the largest increase. Im going to work on getting more awakened supports for mine the next few days. My current skill tree and gear is up to date, its ugly b/c I went broke chasing god rolls spamming resonators and fossils like a madman but you can see the jist of it. I just need to get some OP gloves and an amulet, and craft a better sceptre, my helmet/chest/rings/boots/shield are set. (I am also going to swap my added lightning gem for infused channeling support as the above poster stated, thats a great catch. I will just pick up added lightning on amulet or gloves.) Last edited by JCOH35#4078 on Jan 10, 2020, 4:00:38 AM
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Sirus down for first time for me :)
Love this build. Now to hunt for more damage... |
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I recently found the sceptre:
There is still one prefix slot open that I could fill on the crafting bench. What do you think would have more impact for the RF damage: - increased fire damage over time multiplier - increased fire damage - increased damage over time All of them cost chaos orbs, so I don't want to waste them by trying. One does not see the RF damage, anyway. So I have no clue what I should use. My current sceptre is the following: Would the new one be an improvement or is not worth all the struggle and currency? Thank you very much for your attention. PS: The cold damage on the new sceptre would hurt my Elemental Equilibrium, right? :/ Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1 Last edited by Caligula_Exile#4970 on Jan 10, 2020, 6:40:24 AM
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