[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

razerion_ger wrote:
Hi, thanks for the guide! Before that I played a TecSlam Chieftain which couldn't kill a4. Then I searched for a "boss killer" and found your guide. Until now everything was like cake. Killed all conqueres with ease and went straight to a5 in a span of 2 days since starting that char.

He killed me.

All deaths were in the last phase. I had a corrupted blood jewel. It was almost always his quadruple beam combinded with autoattack and die beams from him. I'm not sure how to do this phase. Whirling blades will trigger the beam-debuff (slow?). Switching to flame dash then I don't have fortify anymore and I can't use whithering step for elusive. Phew.

How are you guys doing this? Was truly depressing not finishing him again. Pob is saying something like 3m dps (not sure about the poison and whither-stacks).

Here is my pob: https://pastebin.com/zAmgWdxe

Maybe someone can have a look and tell me how I can improve my char, mostly for singletarget?

Thanks in advance

You're level 91, so it would be time to think about switching over to the cluster-jewel-section of the build. That would give you a very good dmg-boost. In addition, you should switch to at least one circle of nostalgia with buff effect / inc chaos dmg. Two would be better, but for that you would need pretty high Triple-res on belt + boots.

Concerning Sirus: As soon as he ports away, try to whirl to the farest side of the circle as fast as you can. That way you have a chance to see where he is, so you can avoid his Die-beam. I'm doing it without a corrupted blood jewel and without withering step.

frost21 wrote:
Hi, I'm looking to start my 2nd character for the league. I'm mainly looking for a very fast map clearer with smooth gameplay (not constantly dying or clunky gameplay). I also want to be able to kill all map bosses quickly and conquerors too likely, I don't plan to use this character to do uber elder/awakener or any other end game bosses. I have my miner for that, so my main concerns are..

1. How much investment would I need to achieve all that? (Also how far would 40ex get me with this build?). I'm mainly worried about investing a lot into the build just to find it's going to feel squishy and have weak ST.

2. How does your Poison BV build differ from the other guide on the forums, believe this one and another seem to be the more popular choices.

Trying to figure all this out before I choose which build/guide to follow. Thanks a ton.

This build should be exactly what you are looking for. It has fast clearspeed, it can run almost every map mod (except for phys reflect) and it has both - insane clearspeed-dps AND single-target-dmg.

40 ex will get you very far. The main items (Devouring Diadem + 2xCold Iron point) only cost a few chaos. Asenath-gloves ~2ex, 2xCircle of nostalgia with Buff Effect / inc Chaos dmg cost ~60c each, Impresence a few chaos. The most expensive items will probably be a +1 curse chest, depending what exactly you want on it (explosive, high life roll, power charge on crit, base spell crit) . Bought mine for 15ex two weeks ago and crafted a bit myself (spell crit on top, still trying to get high life). A top-notch stygian vise (T2 triple-res + T2 chaos dmg + T2 life) will be ~7ex. There are cheaper version, if you don't want the chaos dmg. A good Watcher's Eye costs a few ex too but isn't really necessary.
HornedTerrorist wrote:
Hakoonin wrote:

I don't get that whole keep yourself poisoned thing for some extra chaos resist. Is that what they attack with? My chaos resist is already pretty high, not maxed but in the +50 percent I think.

I would just need something to use for bosses. I just started leveling up a Flame Dash gem because you can phase through damage instead of running into it head on. I hope this will help some. Just in case I need more help is there a better shield or something? Just need that extra QoL for bossing.

Also yeah each time I have fought Sirus I get him to the last phase and just like you said he goes off screen and one shots me with his DIE! skill. Just need to stay near him but doing that means going through the beam that is spiraling so I hope the Flame Dash will help that.

It's not only for the chaos resist. It has a symbiosis with the shield Apep's slumber, which gives us +3 max resists while poisoned and regenerate 250ES per second while poisoned (50Es per poison, max 250). That way, we can take Mind over matter in the tree and have a lot of additional mitigation. +3 max resist is easily comparable to ~900 HP. But you need a watcher's eye with "Unaffected by poison". The chaos resist itself is a nice-to-have, but not the reason for self-poisoning.

If you can get the strength, why not run something like lioneye's remorse? With my current build, I'd end up with 250 ES + 135 ES, damage loss would be similar over corrupted cold point, but would net about +600 life. Obviously you lose out on 250 ES regen + 3% resists? Does the 3% resist make up for it? I guess at 75% base, 3% is 13.6% of 5.5K life is 750 life, so perhaps it does. And you avoid the movement speed penalty. But, you must have a watchers eye to make it all work. I dunno, seems like lioneye's remorse would be a cheap mans watcher eye substitute?

Further thoughts, guess a non-damage modded watcher's eye is less than 100c if you only want the not poison.

Also, how do we get mind over matter? That is waaay outside of the normal path?
Last edited by battousaii#7009 on Jul 14, 2020, 8:04:19 PM
I could also play with Mistwall, which gives max block as long as i didn't block recently and quite some evasion rating. It's ok too, and you wouldn't need a WE or change the tree. Played both last league, but Apeps slumber felt way better. It also gives 250 ES (life) reg per second. And last but not least, we profit from the sextant mod "Players deal 12% inc damage per poison on them and have 6% inc movement speed per poison on them". If you're doing a lot of 100% delirious maps like me, that sure as hell comes in handy. You have 100 poisons (max) on you, which means 1200% inc damage and 600% inc movement speed. Since i'm using mirrored maps which don't consume sextant mods, i have that mod for every delirious map.

But as mentionned before - if you don't juice your maps as hard as you can, you won't need any of that this league.

Working on a pure dmg spec with different gear for deeper delving atm... since everything one-shots you anyway, it doesn't matter if you have 5k HP or 100HP, or if you have MoM or not. I could just play the default Ice Shot Deadeye-Miner, or the "Badge of the brotherhood 40ex"-Assassin... but i want to see, how far i come with poison BV.
I'd like to harvest craft a good belt but not sure how to.
Should I get a ilvl85/86 Stygian Vise with hunter influence to start? They are quite pricey but wonder if it will be easy to craft a good belt with that base.

If I buy one is it just a matter of reforging it until I get luck or at least get a few good T1/2 rolls on it from which point I can then continue crafting?
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
The higher the ilvl, the higher the chance for T2/T1 rolls. Most T1 rolls are only available on an ilvl 84-86 item.


I'd probably start crafting for a T2/T1 life roll. You can see, that "increased chaos damage" has the chaos tag, so as long as you have an open prefix, you can always slam it last. Just know: if you also have an open suffix at that time, bench-craft sth low to block chaos resist-outcome.

You should probably save up some "remove/add life"-crafts. It can always happen that you get a T1 life roll, and if you try craft %life, you get flask life recovery instead. Which sucks. Which sucks even more is, if you remove/add life modifier, you roll off your T1 life roll. It's still a gamble.

Getting T2 or even T1 resists on top is way easier, since resists are the only ones with their cold/fire/lightning-tags. So you can spam those all day without bricking the belt.

But after all, it's still way more predictive crafting than every other type of crafting. And it's worth it. Crafted this jewel yesterday, after the base dropped. Base alone was worth 2ex, thought "what the hell". Divine-rolled the range to max, but forgot to make a screenshot afterwards... anyway, sold for 20ex. Could have rolled off lightnign res for spell crit, but had no craft left. I was never that big into crafting, but this league is starting to grow on me.

JohnnyV76 wrote:
I'd like to harvest craft a good belt but not sure how to.
Should I get a ilvl85/86 Stygian Vise with hunter influence to start? They are quite pricey but wonder if it will be easy to craft a good belt with that base.

If I buy one is it just a matter of reforging it until I get luck or at least get a few good T1/2 rolls on it from which point I can then continue crafting?

If you want it with flat+%life something i did to craft mine was buy a ilv 84 stygian with no influence in it(very cheap) and alt spam it until you get t1 flat life + one suffix. Then, you regal it and hope its another suffix so you can craft a third one and block suffixes completely, so it looks like prefix - suffix - suffix - crafted suffix. If you regal and get a prefix, scour and start over. After that, you get a hunter exalted orb and slam it. Because you blocked all sufixes, you can only hit the prefix influenced mods, with one of them being %life. Obviously, this is a gamble, but the reason is so effective is because if you dont get what you want, you can just sell the base for the same price of the orb(or even more), therefore the only real cost is the alts you used to get the item set up for the slam. After you get the prefix you want(%life in this case), craft prefixes cannot be changed and scour, you will be left with 1 open prefix and 3 open suffixes. Everything after (chaos damage/ resists) can be crafted deterministically. I find this better than juggling with add/remove life because it can be a pain to get both t1(running the risk of removing one t1 trying to get the other one, as mentioned by HornedTerrorist). For example, i got mine on 3rd try, the first and second one i got something else and just sold it back for even more than o paid for the hunter orb. Hope this was understandable and helpful.
IDuvicoI wrote:
JohnnyV76 wrote:
I'd like to harvest craft a good belt but not sure how to.
Should I get a ilvl85/86 Stygian Vise with hunter influence to start? They are quite pricey but wonder if it will be easy to craft a good belt with that base.

If I buy one is it just a matter of reforging it until I get luck or at least get a few good T1/2 rolls on it from which point I can then continue crafting?

Hope this was understandable and helpful.

Thanks a lot. This really helps!
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
So I haveve been palying with this build, since alreadu ahve a explode chest from other build, pretty much the same versin that HornedTerrorist, want to know of there is some posibility of using other gloves apart from the gentle tocuh,just to get tailwind on boots, and maybe other influence mod on chest, still crafting the gear need better rolls of life and mov speed mod


I'm new to the path of exile and I decided to follow this guide, but I have some doubts and I don't know how to use this forum well (connect images, etc.), but, you can see my profile and give me some tips on what to do from now on ?

What should I focus on from now on?
Alright I just started a character for this build yesterday, and just ran through the story and started getting my gear ready for mapping.

Got a lot of my gear already but still missing a few major pieces and figured I'd ask some questions while hunting for those pieces.

1. Buying the Chest seems to be the most expensive yet one of the vital pieces, it seems much easier to buy than craft ourselves for the most part right? (I'm not very experienced in crafting but noticed +1 curses and explode would likely require awakeners orb?).

How much would you guys suggest to spend on a chest not 6L,or 6L? Also don't you pretty much need resists on the chest, if you're running two nostalgia rings? Since we already run so many uniques it feels like filling our resists will provide a challenge.

2. Do you recommend two nostalgia rings? I saw the guide said that but also said you can run 1 rare, figured it'd be really hard to figure out my resists with running two.

3. How important is grabbing a corrupted cold point with the inc dmg corruption? Since they go for 4-6 EX, figured it'd be one of the last upgrades I grab and not sure if I'd grab one or two.

4. Any big reason we run stygian for our belt? Is it just for more damage through the abyssal jewel and such? I saw a couple high resist/life with inc chaos damage for much cheaper than stygian ones so was wondering.

5.I tried to read the Cluster jewel section thoroughly since I haven't messed with them much before, yet still had a few quick questions. I currently am speccing towards running one cluster jewel (lvl 70 atm) and will eventually head towards running two cluster jewels as the guide suggests... You recommend to roll our own through harvest crafting, how difficult is that? I saw that decent ones (mandatory notables + 1 optional notable) are usually going for like an exalt atleast so trying to figure out if worth just buying or not.

This also leads me into what type of REGULAR jewel do we want to run? As well as the mods, not sure if I missed that in the guide. Figure chaos dmg %, inc max life % and such..

I haven't looked to deep into the gems yet, just saw we needed some awakened gems which werent too expensive at least. Saw we needed Enlighten 4/Empower 4 I believe? So that may be quite a challenge once I get everything else set up.

Thanks for the guide, so far it's fun while I'm setting up gear for endgame. Thanks in advance for the info to my questions too!

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