[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

frost21 wrote:
Alright I just started a character for this build yesterday, and just ran through the story and started getting my gear ready for mapping.

Got a lot of my gear already but still missing a few major pieces and figured I'd ask some questions while hunting for those pieces.

1. Buying the Chest seems to be the most expensive yet one of the vital pieces, it seems much easier to buy than craft ourselves for the most part right? (I'm not very experienced in crafting but noticed +1 curses and explode would likely require awakeners orb?).

How much would you guys suggest to spend on a chest not 6L,or 6L? Also don't you pretty much need resists on the chest, if you're running two nostalgia rings? Since we already run so many uniques it feels like filling our resists will provide a challenge.

2. Do you recommend two nostalgia rings? I saw the guide said that but also said you can run 1 rare, figured it'd be really hard to figure out my resists with running two.

3. How important is grabbing a corrupted cold point with the inc dmg corruption? Since they go for 4-6 EX, figured it'd be one of the last upgrades I grab and not sure if I'd grab one or two.

4. Any big reason we run stygian for our belt? Is it just for more damage through the abyssal jewel and such? I saw a couple high resist/life with inc chaos damage for much cheaper than stygian ones so was wondering.

5.I tried to read the Cluster jewel section thoroughly since I haven't messed with them much before, yet still had a few quick questions. I currently am speccing towards running one cluster jewel (lvl 70 atm) and will eventually head towards running two cluster jewels as the guide suggests... You recommend to roll our own through harvest crafting, how difficult is that? I saw that decent ones (mandatory notables + 1 optional notable) are usually going for like an exalt atleast so trying to figure out if worth just buying or not.

This also leads me into what type of REGULAR jewel do we want to run? As well as the mods, not sure if I missed that in the guide. Figure chaos dmg %, inc max life % and such..

I haven't looked to deep into the gems yet, just saw we needed some awakened gems which werent too expensive at least. Saw we needed Enlighten 4/Empower 4 I believe? So that may be quite a challenge once I get everything else set up.

Thanks for the guide, so far it's fun while I'm setting up gear for endgame. Thanks in advance for the info to my questions too!

First of all, I'm not a guide writer, and I'm not the end all be all for sure, but I'll try to answer what I can from my experiences.

1) I run kintsugi so couldn't comment to much, but you'll need significant resists on the chest if you want to run 2 rings.

2) It is really hard, I run only one.

3) PoB says 6.7% vs no implicit.

4) I don't run one, would really like to switch to one, 100+ life and 12% max life would give me an extra 100 life on top of my 5.5k. A little more damage, and that's all before you socket a jewel. That being said, that belt is 15-30ex depending on the day.

5) There is a 3.11 updated PoB by someone who isn't the OP of the thread back around 250ish pages on this thread? TL;DR cluster jewel isn't worth it from what I've tried. The damage is enough on this build to easily rush clear any map which just leaves bossing which needs survivability. This is a link to my PoB tree, which I could probably optimize a little more if I tried, but will depend on your exact gear choices so explore PoB and go from there. Wind dancer and kintsugi make an incredible difference. Also so does 5K+ life. So take the life nodes and skip the max DPS at the expense of survivability and you'll have a better time.

Going to experiment with a mistwall in the off hand and see how that feels on bosses. Will be a very large damage loss, but also a big survivabilty gain. I saw another poster talking about Apep's Slumber and MoM. Haven't had time to dive into how much damage loss would occur to repath tree to MoM but could be very nice. Dunno if that's with a cloak of defiance or a skin of the lords and not repathing or what.

Overall, I think w/o a shield the build has no problem in softcore taking on very difficult content, however you have to know the fights and you have to know how to move through packs of mobs and not stand around while they whack you waiting for their deaths from your poison. I'll post back after I've had a chance to explore higher end content with a weaponswap to a shield for the bosses.
Last edited by battousaii#7009 on Jul 15, 2020, 8:08:23 PM
Doing some informal testing with apep's, I can't get the 3% max resist to hit w/ WE w/ unaffected by poison. Will screw around with Mistwall because if you can't get the 3% max resist, I really don't see the point in apeps. Not sure if they patched/nerfed it or something of I'm doing something wrong.
The extremely limiting testing I did tonight w/ a shield says 2 COTD corrupted cold points is probably going to be more survivable than a shield due to simply less time at risk because of the higher damage. Will try to test over the next couple of days any see if that holds true.
battousaii wrote:
Doing some informal testing with apep's, I can't get the 3% max resist to hit w/ WE w/ unaffected by poison. Will screw around with Mistwall because if you can't get the 3% max resist, I really don't see the point in apeps. Not sure if they patched/nerfed it or something of I'm doing something wrong.

are you using golden rule for the combo?
Wait I shouldn't be using the PoB skill tree from the guide? Rather someone posted one around page 250 thats better?

Cluster jewels not worth it then?
frost21 wrote:

1. Buying the Chest seems to be the most expensive yet one of the vital pieces, it seems much easier to buy than craft ourselves for the most part right? (I'm not very experienced in crafting but noticed +1 curses and explode would likely require awakeners orb?).

If you're new to crafting, it's probably not a good idea to start crafting it yourself. It's pretty easy to craft if you know what to do and if you have a lot of seeds / augments / remove-augment-mods stored in your Horticrafting stations. You don't need to buy them 6-linked. If you find a cheap one with an open suffix. Then you can bench-craft "+18% quality" on it, so the chest has 38% quality. That way, you only need 600-1000 fusings on average to 6-link it yourself, unless you're very unlucky. 650 fusings = 1ex, so if you find a 6-link chest which is more than 2ex more expensive than an unlinked one, it's cheaper to 6-link yourself.

Getting resists IS challenging. If you don't have a lot of currency to buy a top notch belt + two-toned boots with at least Triple T2 resists, i'd recommend to only wear one Circle of nostalgia.

frost21 wrote:

3. How important is grabbing a corrupted cold point with the inc dmg corruption? Since they go for 4-6 EX, figured it'd be one of the last upgrades I grab and not sure if I'd grab one or two.

Not that important. It's only the icing on the cake, nothing build-defining.

frost21 wrote:

4. Any big reason we run stygian for our belt? Is it just for more damage through the abyssal jewel and such? I saw a couple high resist/life with inc chaos damage for much cheaper than stygian ones so was wondering.

Stygians are always the more expensive ones, but they're not really needed. Another icing on the cake, compared to a normal belt with the same stats.

frost21 wrote:

5.I tried to read the Cluster jewel section thoroughly since I haven't messed with them much before, yet still had a few quick questions. I currently am speccing towards running one cluster jewel (lvl 70 atm) and will eventually head towards running two cluster jewels as the guide suggests... You recommend to roll our own through harvest crafting, how difficult is that? I saw that decent ones (mandatory notables + 1 optional notable) are usually going for like an exalt atleast so trying to figure out if worth just buying or not.

I'd wait until level 80 or 90 to start with cluster jewels tbh. Really good cluster jewels do cost a few ex, which you could spend on your other gear slots. You CAN craft them yourself, we talked about that a few pages back.

frost21 wrote:

This also leads me into what type of REGULAR jewel do we want to run? As well as the mods, not sure if I missed that in the guide. Figure chaos dmg %, inc max life % and such..

None. Since we got cluster jewels last league, regular jewels are pretty much a waste of talent points for us.

frost21 wrote:

I haven't looked to deep into the gems yet, just saw we needed some awakened gems which werent too expensive at least. Saw we needed Enlighten 4/Empower 4 I believe? So that may be quite a challenge once I get everything else set up.

Empower 4 is not needed. The awakened gems WE need are pretty cheap, 50-60 chaos i think. Totally worth it, since Awakened level 1 gems are already more powerful than their counterpart on level 20. Enlighten 4 is needed, if you want to run all Auras (Malevolence, HoA, FaS and Skitterbots or Aspect-craft).

Wait I shouldn't be using the PoB skill tree from the guide? Rather someone posted one around page 250 thats better?

Cluster jewels not worth it then?

If you want to play this build, i'd recommend sticking to the original PoB. if the PoB on page 250 is the one without cluster jewels, i wouldn't recommend it. Whoever says cluster jewels aren't worth it, clearly didn't do the math...

battousaii wrote:
Doing some informal testing with apep's, I can't get the 3% max resist to hit w/ WE w/ unaffected by poison. Will screw around with Mistwall because if you can't get the 3% max resist, I really don't see the point in apeps. Not sure if they patched/nerfed it or something of I'm doing something wrong.

You need a watcher's eye with "unaffected by poison" + golden rule + Apep's slumber to make it work.

Thanks a ton for the reply and info, yeah I don't plan to craft the chest but do plan to buy one tomorrow whenever I'm on.

I was planning on grabbing one with: +1 curses, Explode,max life, and a resist or possibly two. Hopefully that isn't too expense and I figured I could try to get some of the crit mods and such as well.

I was just wondering what would you list other mods as priority too?

Just trying to figure out which crit mods were best or even the one you have the power charge if thats much better?

Also I will continue to follow the guide and the PoB, I had already adjusted my tree towards a cluster node at 70 but I guess I will fix that for now.

I saw the guide only had two awakened gems, yet you and other players are running awakened void manipulation is that better?

I will try to level an enlighten to 3 then vaal one to 4 or may just buy one if needed.

Thanks a ton again, I mainly am just wondering how to go about grabbing my chest which is by far the most expensive piece. I will also look for a good belt hopefully soon.
IDuvicoI wrote:
JohnnyV76 wrote:
I'd like to harvest craft a good belt but not sure how to.
Should I get a ilvl85/86 Stygian Vise with hunter influence to start? They are quite pricey but wonder if it will be easy to craft a good belt with that base.

If I buy one is it just a matter of reforging it until I get luck or at least get a few good T1/2 rolls on it from which point I can then continue crafting?

If you want it with flat+%life something i did to craft mine was buy a ilv 84 stygian with no influence in it(very cheap) and alt spam it until you get t1 flat life + one suffix. Then, you regal it and hope its another suffix so you can craft a third one and block suffixes completely, so it looks like prefix - suffix - suffix - crafted suffix.

I played around a bit and seems doable. I rolled T3 life and just did a quick follow up and got the 3 resists on it. Should I continue with this and replace the life with a T1 roll via harvest craft or scour it and try again to get T1 flat life?

This is what it is now:
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.


Could anyone give any tips?
Try to remove both resistance modifier on your body armor, that way you have two open suffixes and could try to use a crit-harvestcraft for spell-crit + power charge on crit.

Also, switch out Sin's rebirth flask. You already get Unholy Might via cluster jewel

Main priorities for body armor are +curse. Explode is nice, it stacks with Asenaths. +Spell Crit is awesome too, and power charge is a decent boost too.
Awakened Gems aren't a must have, but they are better. So yeah, also get the third awaken gem if it's cheap. Awakened Blasphemy doesn't hurt either, if you have the currency.

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