[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

bodhe wrote:
Oh nice, maybe we can catch some improvements off him. He knows way more about this game than me.

He's dead, Jim.

I won't be surprised if he rolls it again though since it seems like he really likes the flow of Discharge for juicy boss ignites and Brands for general clearing.

Seems like a build where you don't have to go too far out of the way to mesh well together on top of the Warcry nodes.
Last edited by Messerschmitt#0749 on Sep 20, 2020, 1:32:09 PM
bodhe wrote:
Looks really good! Might as well throw fortify on leap slam if you prefer it to flame dash. I was worried it would be too slow with a 1.30 weapon.

I'm having terrible luck in maps, not with the build, just the drops. Hoping to push into reds tonight. Added your vid to the guide.

Yea thats what Im aiming for! Im just currently kinda low on gem slots because of Kaom's way, so until I can get rid of clarity I cant use Fortify/faster attacks with leap slam.. I think leap slam is fast enough as long as you spam it and it fits my playstyle really well
Last edited by Smerte#3065 on Sep 20, 2020, 1:47:35 PM
Would this staff be better than Searing touch?

Got it to drop, but not sure if its better. My tooltip goes up, but I dont know how the fire multiplayer is calculated.
DuFFzbar wrote:
Would this staff be better than Searing touch?

Got it to drop, but not sure if its better. My tooltip goes up, but I dont know how the fire multiplayer is calculated.

It will be ok for the hit but wont scale the ignite too well. Fire damage over time is a more multiplier. So you want to scale 3 things on this build.

Base damage - Handled pretty well on discharge alone, even anger has become a small boost because of the amount of charges we get

Buring/fire/elemental/DoT damage - Those are all lumped into the same group, which will increase the base amount by the increased amount.

Fire DoT multi, DoT multi - This will take the sum of the above two numbers and multiply it yet again by whatever this number ends up being. So Fire DoT and DoT multiplier end up being important in the end game scaling.

That's how you end up with millions of damage from a 10k hit.

Whats with the lvl 35 discharge gem in the pob link?
most of the damage of the build evaporates if you put the gem back down to lvl 21...
Therrinian wrote:
Whats with the lvl 35 discharge gem in the pob link?
most of the damage of the build evaporates if you put the gem back down to lvl 21...

You must be using the old link from before the gems were updated. That was to simulate the new numbers. Grab the new link.
==== Reposting this comment of mine from your youtube video as you've chosen to ignore it there! (Apologies if you just missed it, but you responded to another comment since)===

I dont believe these boss damage numbers for a second, I've been trying to push the build on standard and I cannot make the boss damage feel good no matter what. I'm running basically the same tree, except I'm level97 instead of 86 and swap out the pathing to duelist endurance charge for more damage nodes/a fire damage large cluster and just annoint the extra end charge. I'm using Berek's respite for prolif + endurance charge corrupted uber lab boots and a singular kaom's way to hit 11 endurance charges and 3 frenzy charges, vaal righteous fire + flamm + EO active when hitting bosses and i do fuck all damage to them in high tier red maps, nevermind shaper/elder/sirus.

I've also tried flame surge, firestorm and scorching ray on a weapon swap and couldn't make any of them deliver a consistent boost to the single target.

All in all the build will feel good for clearing maps up to and including non-delirious T16s but will never be able to efficiently kill T16 map bosses let alone shaper/guardians/elder/sirus etc.

Edit: So I'm looking at this POB @DaSmerte and I don't see how you get 2mill shaper dps in your current setup? Having set your POB to Shaper/Guardian and selected Endurance Charges at max, Frenzy charges at max, enemy covered in ash, enemy ignited and with EO active (yours almost never is) plus enemy cursed with flamm I see 450k ignite dps + 70k upfront discharge dps if we assume a full charges discharge every 2 seconds (lets be real, this never happens), which is 520k shaper dps. That's nothing and leaves me even more skeptical about your other claims!

Edit 2: Here's my fully min-maxed POB btw, note that this is a little beyond whats reasonably attainable and I cap out at 3.3mill ignite dps which is still going to feel clunky for bossing!



Could you please explain how you've arrived at these numbers you're throwing around with regards to shaper and end-game boss dps? I feel like you're selling people a lie in terms of how the build will perform end-game and that's just not reasonable or fair!

Harvest crafting thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2902994
Level 100 Softcore - Storm Brand Occultist
Level 100 Hardcore - Shockwave Totems
Level 100 Hardcore - Bladefall Self-cast
Level 100 Hardcore - Whispering Ice
Last edited by Hyperbear#7020 on Sep 20, 2020, 5:45:02 PM
Hyperbear wrote:
Edit: So I'm looking at this POB @DaSmerte and I don't see how you get 2mill shaper dps in your current setup? Having set your POB to Shaper/Guardian and selected Endurance Charges at max, Frenzy charges at max, enemy covered in ash, enemy ignited and with EO active (yours almost never is) plus enemy cursed with flamm I see 450k ignite dps + 70k upfront discharge dps if we assume a full charges discharge every 2 seconds (lets be real, this never happens), which is 520k shaper dps. That's nothing and leaves me even more skeptical about your other claims!

Im not the build creator, but I allready fixed the 2 million dps claim on my youtube comment because when I redid my PoB calculations I got closer to 1 million ignite dps with all of my current Harvest stuff, I'm really interested to see if I can do any of the lategame stuff with this build!
Last edited by Smerte#3065 on Sep 20, 2020, 5:55:23 PM
Build is going well so far, just curious if there's any better way to get an eye of innocence than farming Phoenix / buying the only single one listed for trade at the moment which is overpriced due to lack of competition. Lots of people seem to already have them even at like level 70, so I'm wondering if they just played more / got lucky or what.
Last edited by funfrock#4839 on Sep 20, 2020, 6:13:53 PM
Hyperbear wrote:
==== Reposting this comment of mine from your youtube video as you've chosen to ignore it there! (Apologies if you just missed it, but you responded to another comment since)===

I dont believe these boss damage numbers for a second, I've been trying to push the build on standard and I cannot make the boss damage feel good no matter what. I'm running basically the same tree, except I'm level97 instead of 86 and swap out the pathing to duelist endurance charge for more damage nodes/a fire damage large cluster and just annoint the extra end charge. I'm using Berek's respite for prolif + endurance charge corrupted uber lab boots and a singular kaom's way to hit 11 endurance charges and 3 frenzy charges, vaal righteous fire + flamm + EO active when hitting bosses and i do fuck all damage to them in high tier red maps, nevermind shaper/elder/sirus.

I've also tried flame surge, firestorm and scorching ray on a weapon swap and couldn't make any of them deliver a consistent boost to the single target.

All in all the build will feel good for clearing maps up to and including non-delirious T16s but will never be able to efficiently kill T16 map bosses let alone shaper/guardians/elder/sirus etc.

Edit: So I'm looking at this POB @DaSmerte and I don't see how you get 2mill shaper dps in your current setup? Having set your POB to Shaper/Guardian and selected Endurance Charges at max, Frenzy charges at max, enemy covered in ash, enemy ignited and with EO active (yours almost never is) plus enemy cursed with flamm I see 450k ignite dps + 70k upfront discharge dps if we assume a full charges discharge every 2 seconds (lets be real, this never happens), which is 520k shaper dps. That's nothing and leaves me even more skeptical about your other claims!

Edit 2: Here's my fully min-maxed POB btw, note that this is a little beyond whats reasonably attainable and I cap out at 3.3mill ignite dps which is still going to feel clunky for bossing!



Could you please explain how you've arrived at these numbers you're throwing around with regards to shaper and end-game boss dps? I feel like you're selling people a lie in terms of how the build will perform end-game and that's just not reasonable or fair!

Are you trolling or? Grab my PoB, import the build, look at the ignite damage. With 115 points in the tree, and mid-game items. 1.4M DPS, 9.6M total ignite. Sirus 8 checked. EO is always up on bosses. I didn't dream up the numbers, or do all the math. I chucked everything in PoB and that's what it told me. If you want the big dick numbers go buy awakened gems, and craft a staff.

Mid game gear is 6l searing touch, and a lvl 20 gem. Rather do a 5l? 1M dps. There are vortex builds all over the place farming Sirus on 750k dps DoT. Will it kill him as fast as a 500m spectre build? Nope.

Also, I'm running early red maps on a 4l still and doing fine.

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