3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

You can import my char if you wanna see some things I have done as it's working good (I'm pre-Malevolence swap tho where we get the big damage).

Thanks, will do. Just need something to follow for now!
rotiprata_ wrote:
Thanks, will do. Just need something to follow for now!

My progression went something like:

1. Level using Purifying Flame/Holy Flame Totem
2. I swapped to Armageddon Brand/Cremation for leveling
3. Got a Skirmish as a drop, bought a Stormcloud and swapped
4. Bought 6L Corrupted chest with 3 Red, 2 Green, 1 Blue (cheaper)
5. Fixed other slots (basic res, basic health)
6. Made 6L bow (Porcupine -> Essence of Dread) and rolled +3 Gem Levels when I got Divine/Exalt for crafts
7. Changed Chest over to Lightning Coil (big phys mitigation) but kept Determination (I'll manage the Elemental Ailments for higher base Phys reduction)
8. Got better other slots (fix res cause of coil, health, suppression, +1 amulet, etc)
9. Got big quiver (dot multi, accuracy, health, bow skill damage, double attack speed from implicit/item)
10. Got big gloves (supp, accuracy, attack speed, health)
11. Got big amethyst ring in prep for polaric
12. Got Mortifying Aspect Cluster and Large Cluster (also found Enlighten) in prep for Malevolence
13. Got Polaric Ring
14. Rolled Mana Reserve on Eater Influence helmet and dropped Watchertowers node and Deadly Draw node for Mortifying Aspect and added Malev
15. Rolled Ignite Prolif on Searing Influence gloves swapped in Adv Burning Damage for Ignite Prolif
16. Started working on getting Awakened Gems

Next up is finding Dot Multi Malevolence Watcher's Eye. At 96 (soon as I stop being bad and dying) I'll drop Herbalism node and equip Meglomaniac with Sleepless Sentries/Sublime form/Smoking Remains (kinda random what you can find, I was looking for Sleepless Sentries, Lord of Drought, etc). Then go for a +2 Skill gem Amulet. By then I should be in the 10-15m Ignite range, so would have to be big tweaks I think to go beyond like Brunowa's to reach Ignite cap
Last edited by KodiakX#6236 on Apr 5, 2024, 3:01:36 PM
This build is so great at bossing. even on a budget. You just delete everything. And it is not bad at clearing packl either, love it!

I did not see any mention of your pantheon tho, what fo you recommend?
Hello Guys! :)

Just wanted to ask if anyone is able to clear T17 comfortable without Portal Gaming and could send a Pob where to improve.

Normally this is my Go to league Starter but this time im feeling i cant touch anything after T16 Maps... currently trying out the Doppelganger Guise Version which looks tanky on paper but im still getting one shotted by things here and there. And a big minus is that you need to adjust so many things in ur tree without charms to get 100% spell supression etc.Loosing jewel sockets and life nodes therefor... I know that most of my stuff isnt perfect like Bow and Quiver... but im debatting if its worth to invest more in this Build or just trying another Build to be able to see endcontent.

Heres my PoB so far if anyone is interested. https://pobb.in/ficMguUTBwKJ
Anena wrote:
Hello Guys! :)

Just wanted to ask if anyone is able to clear T17 comfortable without Portal Gaming and could send a Pob where to improve.

Normally this is my Go to league Starter but this time im feeling i cant touch anything after T16 Maps... currently trying out the Doppelganger Guise Version which looks tanky on paper but im still getting one shotted by things here and there. And a big minus is that you need to adjust so many things in ur tree without charms to get 100% spell supression etc.Loosing jewel sockets and life nodes therefor... I know that most of my stuff isnt perfect like Bow and Quiver... but im debatting if its worth to invest more in this Build or just trying another Build to be able to see endcontent.

Heres my PoB so far if anyone is interested. https://pobb.in/ficMguUTBwKJ

Problem with T17 Maps now is that DOT based build generally perform badly over hit base build due to the many map modifiers not in your favor. While bossing has no issues for EA, the problematic occurs in clearing packs of mobs to reach the boss arena.

I transition from EA to HB during day 3 of the league as i wasn't able to comfortable clear T17 content back than for challenge
I've been using Headhunter to farm in maps and have enough divs to try Mageblood. Does anyone have experience with MB and which flasks we need to make it a net positive with ea ballista or is my currency better spent elsewhere?

current pob, any other feedback on stuff i might've missed is appreciated: https://pobb.in/rCGUluGmUkLk

I know many will not be playing this build, but since I liked it, I came up with a pob


just wanted to ask the veterans of this build what would they change / what did I do wrong?

The pob is done using the "opt into weekly beta tests" in the pob, so things will change once GGG updates the game.
I was playing this build from time to time and liked it, was considering using it for 3.25 because i remember having fun with it.
Why do you think not many will be playing this build? Are there some major changes that don't make it good anymore?
I'm playing it.

Few changes in the tree (not sure how much of a nerf or buff it is), can't roll attack speed on your flask and maybe i'm just unlucky, but i met much, much more "fire and ignite resistant" monsters...
What would be a good Rune Table enchantment for this Build ?

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