[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!


Serafzor wrote:
Hello again!
Could you all-knowing folks please look at my take on the build and see if Im doing something wrong?

Im currently lvl95 and I fail miserably to go further. Im doing fine most of the time, but then comes some random monster that outright one-shots me and its not even a rare, on a map with maybe 130 added dmg max, which is not uncommon on any map.

I have been running the exact same clusters MrsDeath is using on the current version of their build, but for me they seemed lackluster in terms of point investment, I opted in to try out the more classical minion cluster approach, THe damage has gone up considerably, but Im missing the Blessed rebirth, as on jkuiced maps the spirits do tend to die often. I do have old one left, so might turn them back in if this doesnt work.

I have 4900 hp, 18k armor w\o bottles, suppress cap, all res and chaos res capped, block at 74\75, full crit immunity and I still feel like Im a wet noodle in any serious fight.

Ive tried ubers, and while I do know them mechanically, ANY mistake is an instakill. Eater auto - death. Beam - death. Maven was more tolerable, but still it feels much much worse survival wise compared to a Jugg Reaper I ran last league. I know hes supposed to be tankier, but the difference is just huge.

Last question, but mprobably one of the more important - am I missing dmg somewhere? I was under the impression SRS gets Poison capped pretty fast, and scales further through their own damage, but my damage is very lackluster. I approximate it as about 10mil dps, and its not enough for simu past 25+. I got wrecked at lvl 27 with reallocating into Lethe Shade, and Kosis took a couple minutes to actually kill.
(I for sure swap melee splash for awakened unbound ailments)
Im looking to upgrade the jewels for more flat chaos (pricy, 10d a piece damn), amanamu comes when I get more points to open sockets in the tree, and if I get to replace the ammy to ashes, I will get divergent SRS as well.
But even then, it will probably double my damage AT MOST, which is still very very far from even dot cap.

What am I doing wrong, sensei?

Thanks for the reply, I will continue to farm Uber Shaper then. There's always Uber Elder fragment that pays for the run with surplus and Orb of Dominance drops quite often. Then I will buy dozens sets for another boss and give it a try. I hate organizing carries, so will pass on that one.

Regarding your build, I've noticed few things:
- you use Chance to Poison support that is suboptimal. Get enough poison chance from jewels and replace it with higher dps one
- I had similiar problem with survivability in some uber fights, turned out it's because Arcanist Brand had too little uptime (and sometimes couldn't even attach to invulnerable boss). I've switched to manually casting Desecrate, Bone Offering and Despair, skill effect duration makes it okay to use and I'm certain that my block is maxed. Since then it feels much better.
- What spectres do you use? I run with Ancient Suffering, Arena Master, Carnage Chieftain and Bristle Matron, I found it the best combination for dps and bossing.
- build is socket starved, but I made some changes to fit in Animated Guardian. Since I gave him Sign of the Sin Eater, my survivability improved, he eats (pun intended) big ignites, shocks and freezes in difficult fights, so I can change major pantheon for better defensive option. I made this change because I'm nowhere as good mechanically as OP.

My char for reference:
Last edited by Melnevacor#2724 on Sep 4, 2023, 6:28:10 AM
Why aren't you using Animate Guardian?

Why there's no Bone Armour on you skill bar?
makarsk1 wrote:
Why aren't you using Animate Guardian?

Why there's no Bone Armour on you skill bar?

I will update the skill bar screenshots right now.
I don't like the worry that brings to keep the AG alive. I do a lot of hard content so he was rarely alive when I had one so I took it out.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
It might just be me but is there a all-in-one pob? Can't to see any pob except for leveling
ericchongws wrote:
It might just be me but is there a all-in-one pob? Can't to see any pob except for leveling

I really dont like pob and dont use it ever so you guys simply extract my character in pob it should be public. SadPandaAncientOne
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Nabsta2201 wrote:

First of all, thank you for such an amazing build. It has a decent amount of damage and insanely tanky as well (at least if compare it with my glasscannon builds). That's my first minion type of build that turned out so well.

Second of all, any plans on updating your Summon Crit Mage Skeletons guide yet? :D

Sorry if it's annoying, I really want to try skeletons out too. I bet it's good as poison SRS if not better.

I would like to do skeletons but currently im working on my looper cwdt build, after that I might revive my crit mage skeletons ^^
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
MrsDeath_ wrote:
I would like to do skeletons but currently im working on my looper cwdt build, after that I might revive my crit mage skeletons ^^

Thank you for the answer! I hope cwdt build won't take you long :)
MrsDeath_ wrote:
JibbiddyBo wrote:
HEY! Thanks for the very best build I have played to date! I have been following
your- [3.22] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide| Ubers done and have found it very easy to follow and appreciate the time and effort put into the gear through the acts- and just everything! It's really involved! I have a question on what to do with the jewels and clusters, as the guide kinda leaves you hanging on where they go and if you need to respec nodes, etc. I pretty much have everything sitting on go- I am playing t8 maps and look at the bosses sideways-DAID! (DEAD). Currently level 86 and have just DESTROYED from beginning to now- THANK YOU FOR GIVING US MORTALS THIS GIFT!!!! To put together a build like this is really an accomplishment, you dunt real good...

This is a bit too much but I think I can create a tree that is fitted to lvl 90 poison conversion.

I think my day 2 build is the perfect example of low budget conversion to poison from ele minions.
I will also add it to the main post.

Thanks for the response! I still don't see where the clusters are being used? I can see the jewel nodes but not what is being used in them. I have seen you say that the minions are pretty much point men meat shields and that you wanted to take care of your toon which makes perfect sense to me. It would be A LOT of points this late in the game to fill up a large cluster and I can see where you have gone beyond into my uncharted area at level 87. Are the two jewel nodes shown where you would use the Green Nightmare and Amanamu's? Thank you for the help!
JibbiddyBo wrote:
MrsDeath_ wrote:
JibbiddyBo wrote:
HEY! Thanks for the very best build I have played to date! I have been following
your- [3.22] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide| Ubers done and have found it very easy to follow and appreciate the time and effort put into the gear through the acts- and just everything! It's really involved! I have a question on what to do with the jewels and clusters, as the guide kinda leaves you hanging on where they go and if you need to respec nodes, etc. I pretty much have everything sitting on go- I am playing t8 maps and look at the bosses sideways-DAID! (DEAD). Currently level 86 and have just DESTROYED from beginning to now- THANK YOU FOR GIVING US MORTALS THIS GIFT!!!! To put together a build like this is really an accomplishment, you dunt real good...

This is a bit too much but I think I can create a tree that is fitted to lvl 90 poison conversion.

I think my day 2 build is the perfect example of low budget conversion to poison from ele minions.
I will also add it to the main post.

Thanks for the response! I still don't see where the clusters are being used? I can see the jewel nodes but not what is being used in them. I have seen you say that the minions are pretty much point men meat shields and that you wanted to take care of your toon which makes perfect sense to me. It would be A LOT of points this late in the game to fill up a large cluster and I can see where you have gone beyond into my uncharted area at level 87. Are the two jewel nodes shown where you would use the Green Nightmare and Amanamu's? Thank you for the help!

Let me try pobing it.

Ok this should show all the jewels and the other stuff on it.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Best thing i can say about this build after playing for a while:
I went from player waiting so much time to get carry on big bosses to player doing carries :) Ty

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