[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!

Kumbas wrote:
Best thing i can say about this build after playing for a while:
I went from player waiting so much time to get carry on big bosses to player doing carries :) Ty

This made me smile big time ^^
I may have lost a potential customer in the future but this feedback is worth it all ^^
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Hi everyone,
I just started this league few days ago and rolled this random build i found, felt like playing minion build this league.
So far I'm having a blast, I think i died only once or twice so far, and I bet it was on act 1 or something. Gear is dirt cheap and im doing everything so far without trouble (just entered yellow maps).
Only thing that this thread is missing IMO is as mentioned before: finished POB with few phases (lvl90 before poison, lvl90 after switching, lvl~94 mid tier gear, lvl98 end-game gear).
Saying that because I'm still lost in terms of what to upgrade on budget version -> mid game -> end game.
Shield was nice mention of Dawnbreaker, but many other slots need some clarification, maybe how to efficiently craft +2 helmet, or what eldritch enchants to seek, or what lab enchants are best.
Also I'm having some trouble reaching spell supression since we don't have any nodes on the way for it.
Anyway, rly nice build, ty for guide :)
Denyken wrote:
Hi everyone,
I just started this league few days ago and rolled this random build i found, felt like playing minion build this league.
So far I'm having a blast, I think i died only once or twice so far, and I bet it was on act 1 or something. Gear is dirt cheap and im doing everything so far without trouble (just entered yellow maps).
Only thing that this thread is missing IMO is as mentioned before: finished POB with few phases (lvl90 before poison, lvl90 after switching, lvl~94 mid tier gear, lvl98 end-game gear).
Saying that because I'm still lost in terms of what to upgrade on budget version -> mid game -> end game.
Shield was nice mention of Dawnbreaker, but many other slots need some clarification, maybe how to efficiently craft +2 helmet, or what eldritch enchants to seek, or what lab enchants are best.
Also I'm having some trouble reaching spell supression since we don't have any nodes on the way for it.
Anyway, rly nice build, ty for guide :)

Glad you liked it bud ^^
Perfect timing to remind me that I have to do a roadmap to the updates of the build from starting gear to endgame gear. I will make a list to follow of our upgrades and important keypoints of the build.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
I will attach this to the OP:

The road map to the upgrades from budget build to endgame bosser:
- Acquire your severed in sleep and 100% poison chance to start the poison version.
- Covenant chest piece
- Darkness Enthralled
- +1 or +2 helmet (how to craft it: dense+pristine+metallic on a helmet above ilvl 75)
- Suppress gear, achieve 100% spell suppression
- Surrender shield
- Dream upgrade on weapon, free some jewel slots for spell suppress after surrender upgrade.
- Replica Dragonfang's flight on amulet, 15% rmr on it with charisma allocated, this will allow us to introduce perma haste aura to our build, this is important.
- Start buying alt quality gems, like divergent srs, divergent melee splash, divergent multistrike etc.
- Amanamu's gaze update.
- Void Beacon jewels, flesh and flame.
- Ashes of the stars upgrade, 15%+ rmr any quality %
- Awakened multistrike update, this is big for single target.
- Last but not least, Mageblood upgrade, at this point our build becomes incredibly agile and tanky.

Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on Sep 6, 2023, 4:43:11 AM
MrsDeath_ wrote:
tatyrll wrote:
Anybody wants to critique my character Eikonishida as well? Can probably do short goal adjustments to my character. Still farming for the ashes and covenant. Thanks

Hey buddy, in short term, yeah go for covenant first then your shield and try to get suppress cap if possible.

thanks for the feedback - got the covenant and the shield now and things have improved.

any tips though as to killing essences? I've went essence farming as my main currency farming this league, and it seems that they always change target to me, instead of attacking SRS or golem. should i suck it up and get good or do i need to change something in my build? thanks!
tatyrll wrote:
MrsDeath_ wrote:
tatyrll wrote:
Anybody wants to critique my character Eikonishida as well? Can probably do short goal adjustments to my character. Still farming for the ashes and covenant. Thanks

Hey buddy, in short term, yeah go for covenant first then your shield and try to get suppress cap if possible.

thanks for the feedback - got the covenant and the shield now and things have improved.

any tips though as to killing essences? I've went essence farming as my main currency farming this league, and it seems that they always change target to me, instead of attacking SRS or golem. should i suck it up and get good or do i need to change something in my build? thanks!

I would always draw a circle around essences and try to leave a brand on them and cast srs - move - cast srs - move, thats how I do it mostly.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Hey guys, im loving the build so far, but sometimes i just die so easily, I am aware that iam low level, a i doing something wrong?
Should I drop haste and run vitality?
I dont think i should be being one-shoted that often...

Warsong87 wrote:
Hey guys, im loving the build so far, but sometimes i just die so easily, I am aware that iam low level, a i doing something wrong?
Should I drop haste and run vitality?
I dont think i should be being one-shoted that often...

Vitaltiy is very important but it cant do anything for 1 shots, I would say get your vitality level lowered a bit, like 15 or smth and try opening it at that point.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Hello, can i play with this Build Endgame Content like Delirium and Beyond? Dont want to play it as a Bosser it works?
PoEzocker wrote:
Hello, can i play with this Build Endgame Content like Delirium and Beyond? Dont want to play it as a Bosser it works?

Of course, build can also clear those contents with ease with melee splash.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!

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