
Never in doubt. =^[.]^=

Editorial addendum: The above quote was made before GGG finally deigned to tell us that PoE "2" was not going to be a separate campaign for the original game, but a separate game altogether.

Seems like the new game IS a "massive" deuce. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Last edited by Raycheetah#7060 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:06:25 AM
Biggest complaint is the mandatory auto aim, I just want my abilities to fire where my mouse is but it just fires at the highlighted enemy and not at the angle you want and if you keep holding the ability and move your mouse to a different enemy it keeps attacking the same highlighted enemy. I have always hated auto aim in ARPGs, why cant we have free aim?
What's the point of an evasion monk if he doesn't evade? Even "evasive minions" (NPC enemies) are evading my strikes but the second I'm mobbed I'm insta killed... Can we get a solution to this please
Biggest complaint is the mandatory auto aim, I just want my abilities to fire where my mouse is but it just fires at the highlighted enemy and not at the angle you want and if you keep holding the ability and move your mouse to a different enemy it keeps attacking the same highlighted enemy. I have always hated auto aim in ARPGs, why cant we have free aim?

As a console player free aim makes the game mechanics even more difficult... I actually like the aiming in this vs d4.... D4 is geared specifically towards PC and PoE2 gives console players versatility so I can understand your point but like I said as a console player I disagree
Biggest complaint is the mandatory auto aim, I just want my abilities to fire where my mouse is but it just fires at the highlighted enemy and not at the angle you want and if you keep holding the ability and move your mouse to a different enemy it keeps attacking the same highlighted enemy. I have always hated auto aim in ARPGs, why cant we have free aim?

As a console player free aim makes the game mechanics even more difficult... I actually like the aiming in this vs d4.... D4 is geared specifically towards PC and PoE2 gives console players versatility so I can understand your point but like I said as a console player I disagree
I suppose that's precisely why we now have no travel abilities—just an ugly roll brought by consoles.
Biggest complaint is the mandatory auto aim, I just want my abilities to fire where my mouse is but it just fires at the highlighted enemy and not at the angle you want and if you keep holding the ability and move your mouse to a different enemy it keeps attacking the same highlighted enemy. I have always hated auto aim in ARPGs, why cant we have free aim?

As a console player free aim makes the game mechanics even more difficult... I actually like the aiming in this vs d4.... D4 is geared specifically towards PC and PoE2 gives console players versatility so I can understand your point but like I said as a console player I disagree
I suppose that's precisely why we now have no travel abilities—just an ugly roll brought by consoles.

I’m not sure what you have against consoles but consider this, PoE is on console and has travel abilities. This has nothing to do with any perceived limitations and more to do with creative choices made in the overall flow of the game.
RNGeeze#9762 wrote:

As a console player free aim makes the game mechanics even more difficult... I actually like the aiming in this vs d4.... D4 is geared specifically towards PC and PoE2 gives console players versatility so I can understand your point but like I said as a console player I disagree
I suppose that's precisely why we now have no travel abilities—just an ugly roll brought by consoles.

I’m not sure what you have against consoles but consider this, PoE is on console and has travel abilities. This has nothing to do with any perceived limitations and more to do with creative choices made in the overall flow of the game.
Obviously, PoE 1 was not designed for consoles, unlike PoE 2. That’s why it was difficult to play on consoles. But the console player base means big money, so GGG is forcing everyone to use WASD and dodges. It’s a Procrustean bed. Game developers nowadays have no choice if they want money—either force PC players to face the same limitations as consoles or give consoles a gameplay advantage, like auto-aim in shooters. Both are cancerous.
Obviously, PoE 1 was not designed for consoles, unlike PoE 2. That’s why it was difficult to play on consoles. But the console player base means big money, so GGG is forcing everyone to use WASD and dodges. It’s a Procrustean bed. Game developers nowadays have no choice if they want money—either force PC players to face the same limitations as consoles or give consoles a gameplay advantage, like auto-aim in shooters. Both are cancerous.

Interesting thing is PoE feels better and less janky than PoE2 on PS5 imo. The interface works well, I can’t say it ever felt like PoE was hard to play simply because of controller. Not sure how consoles influenced the use of wasd, that’s likely more a sign of the times or following trends from other games. It was likely never intended for console but they did a great job bringing it over.

This one needs more work to iron out issues but there’s promise, as for auto aim/lock on I feel it’s almost a necessity so let’s hope they offer a toggle for it.
I spoke too soon I guess... Had someone help me through geonor and act 2 is way easier, act 1 monster DMG should be throttled just a little, not the bosses! The monsters even maxed out in act 1 should be slightly easier in my opinion... That's my opinion. I'm a elemental monk and it's fun as hell... Like I said though act 1 is a bit... Aggravating
I agree with above said post, it has been improved, but like I said before I feel evade should be more effective than it is.. kinda like being "unhindered" in the opposite franchise. I'm just saying a monk should be able to escape a mobile surrounding him via evade or teleporting. Just spit balling there...

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