I agree, even at level 20 I tried carrying 2 people through act 1 executioner and it was insanely hard and we couldn't complete it
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If they're going to make changes that nerf builds into the ground during this preview phase they need to make refunding passive points free or way cheaper.. its not negotiable they need to do this.
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Well I just wanted to say to the OP, that I finished Kalgur's league achievements from 12 to 40 in 3 days, proving that anyone can and it's not a big fuss to do 40/40 in any league, if you have good game knowledge.
Because of this race to finish and proving everyone dead wrong I got banned for some month's, but I really hope that the OP stays banned forever because she deservers it. GGG proved that even if you try to sugar coat them after doing a bad thing won't make the ban hammer hit less hard, so yea...hope she stays banned to the end of this forum. Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
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POE2 WILL BE DEAD in some weeks when 80% of the community is frustraded about playing a soulslike game instead of a hack&Slay!
and also cause their builds got nerfed by just a tiny bit. around 500% dmg or so IGN: Elron
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Please devs, you need to allow us to zoom out more (maybe 20-25%). Some fights I can't even see the boss, can't target them properly or react on time due to not being able to see them.
Also please fix where item drops disappear inside of boss rooms when you die after deafting the boss. D2 never had that issue. Imagine losing out on a SOJ because you and the boss died at the same time. Thank you! |
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Words cannot describe how much I'm loving the Overpowered-ness of the warrior, specifically the mace strike/rolling slam/earthquake build... If I ever get angry cause I keep dying on my other toons, I hop on my favorite class... The tank class! If I could post a pic of John goodmans character on the emperor's new groove where he kisses his fingers describing perfection... It would be for this warrior. I know a lot of people don't like it cause it can get boring af, but I love it, there's always gotta be a powerhouse tank class and tbh that's the reason for a tank, don't take blizzards path and keep nerfing the tank, that's how it's supposed to play, there are other classes/builds that done require one tapping enemies and quickly dealing with bosses... Play those.. please don't nerf this class GGG I'm loving it like I said! Keep up the good work !!!
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" whats this copium lol I rarely see anyone complaining about the game in the game's chat, people who're having fun are spending their time playing instead of yapping on forums like this. this forum and the subreddit are mere echo chambers and you're led to believe that you're the majority because of this, which isnt the case. you are not the 80%, you're like 20% at most, as we can see by the steam reviews. the same trend is obvious when you compare poe 1 subreddit to poe 2 subreddit, poe 1 frogs are just mad that the new cool game is different from their adhd fuel while poe 2 subreddit is full of happy players the game's amazing, and it's MUCH better than poe 1 "buff grenades" - Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades) Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Dec 14, 2024, 5:52:31 AM
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Ermahgerd GGG this is the best tank class I've played pretty much ever since dragons dogma and oblivion.. even then like I said it's a rolling slam/mace strike build and it's sooooo fun. I'm deleting enemies, definitely a tank class.. if I ever keep getting killed and want revenge I hope on my warrior and he pretty much soloes anything, I'm almost to Lachlaan at level 9 I think and its amazing! I love an overpowered class!!
Please don't nerf it 🫣🥹 |
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PoE2 will not be dead!! People need to read, this game is easier than Diablo 4, it took me three seasons on d4 to learn how to build, took me less than 5 hours on PoE1 to learn the warrior is op! Just read your build, if you have trouble remembering write things down I have a rolling slam warrior that's basically walking through act 1 and I love it!!
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Is there a way to change the look of armor you've acquired/salvaged like in the devil game?
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