Why PoE 2 will again not get a Auction house? (or trading system)

I always find your type funny. I beat all non-uber content without overgearing. For you, it takes 10x more gear.

And somehow you want to brag about that... really? Ok. Your brag is that it takes you more gear to achieve the same content.

Also, yours is private, reflecting some serious cowardice if you are judging others by it.

Really...Make that comment then panic hide your character tabs? Hahaha, wow. Ok buddy.

(Mods, if you are going to delete my comment, please review who I am responding to and be consistent. Profiles are fair game, or not, but be consistent.)

I don't think you know what you are talking about either.

Let's say you want a wand with Tier 2 attacked speed or better, 9.0% base crit chance, Tier 2 or better flat mana and global crit multi Tier 4 or better. (a mid to low level item for a COC MOM wander)

Thats not super rare or should be super expensive because you don't need high rolls on everything nor do you need 6 specifics. Its a 50c to 2 div item maybe, depending on crit multi roll.

However, if you try to trade for that, you can't skip the first few nor sort solely by cost or you will pay 50+ div when a 2 div item works.

For an item like that, you're going to message 20 people, alt tabbing each tab, generally getting ignored. As you cycle through the items, you have to figure out your other gear's stats because each item you buy might change what else you can/need to wear. So each one is a boring, slow endeavor.

You would know this if you engaged in normal trade, so again, you just dont know what you are talking about.
Last edited by trixxar#2360 on Oct 28, 2024, 3:08:42 AM
The actual Trade market ingame + faustus + the trade tool on this site are more than enought. It only need an auto-accept when the price offer is the same than price asked, it would be quicker and avoid price manipulation.
666lol666 wrote:
MadMossy wrote:
PoE will never have frictionless trade, because it would absolutely ruin the game.

Sorry but this is pure bs. If I could buy a 20/20 gem without having to ask 10-12 players before finally I can buy it how would that ruin the game? Because ""TY" "TY" is such a great player interaction? Or because wasting 3 minutes before getting the item is the best? It makes no sense and it never has!

Ideas and people can change.

That comment was from back in August (2nd) after only a few days of playing Kalguur.

With several months in the league now, have less friction for item trade would actually be beneficial, as long as checks and balances are in place to prevent exploitation.

One of the issues with kalguur was having both the website and in-game options available. In game was often hugely inflated in cost over the website. Removing the website entirely would be a good thing.
Last edited by MadMossy#1934 on Nov 11, 2024, 4:14:57 PM
HOLY they're GGG and they're doing GGG things no matter what they say who could have POSSIBLY expected HAHHAHAHAHHAHA

Squeeze lemons, get lemon juice. You never get orange juice.
Kurnis#0620 wrote:
The thing is, they could literally just make trading the same as it is now, but BETTER.

They could allow you to have those FABLED AND LEGENDARY "meaningful player interactions" (that don't really exist) while still not having to use some shitty third person site


because ggg doesn't really care

you really want the game going to shits, because you don't care and only think about your own advantage.

same argument.

"player interaction" as a means to prevent bots does exist. i mean it's in effect now. but if you can't notice a bot trading with you i'm not wondering about the stuff you wrote
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
They should just go all-in on both games now, Faustus goes core and eventually gets all items in the game available on him just like an auction house, but costing gold to use to prevent complete botting. And then just delete the Trade section of the website, so people have to use Faustus and the prices aren't scams anymore since atm its sometimes a bit more expensive to use him than the website. Or in some rare cases Faustus will not have a specific currency or catalyst or scarab or whatever you need because people don't use him enough, but then you check the website and people have listed that item there lol

Would probably also be easy for them to link public stash tabs directly to Faustus, so if you list something for sale then he can sell it for you to another player automatically while you're just mapping. Seamless and no need to interrupt gameplay or go to some guy's shiny hideout that takes 10 mins to load after having whispered 50 players that are far too busy to respond to this trade.

After having this NPC for the 1-2 months I played settlers I can never go back, the only things I'm buying from the website are things not on him. So random rare gear that I'm too lazy to craft. But its inevitable that they will add uniques and rare equippable gear to him eventually. And never having to whisper 200 people to convert your damn alteration orbs or fusings into chaos again feels so good. It's just a few clicks with Faustus. I just sell all my scarabs with him and that's so much good currency.

We've already gone in the direction of automation the moment they added that Direct Whisper feature on the trade site, even before that you had live search which was also quality of life.

This is just the next big step, and it can't come sooner. Faustus, or the Auction House because that's what it is has literally only improved my experience with the game and made it so much smoother to make currency for buying my gear or whatever else I want. So yeah turns out adding this feature improved the game a lot.
the auction house system in poe2 is absolutely useless and will make 60 percent or more quit the game like in poe1
There is already an Auction House for currencies, and the half-baked trading system currently in use for items, is unfortunate for a few reasons.

- Trading takes the player away from playing the game to manually trade. (imho the BIG problem.)
- It is inconvenient when the player is involved in mapping etc.
- Trades can only be completed when online, which for casuals can be a real issue.
- It necessitates poor social behaviour, ie messaging many players and also ignoring many players. It's quite a stretch for this to be considered interacting.

The current system reflects poorly on the game imho, when players are forced to stop playing to complete trades. And it will lose players. I, for one, stopped playing POE1 mainly due to the convoluted trading. I am really enjoying POE2 and hope that GGG implements a proper trading system.
Last edited by Rediron#1411 on Dec 23, 2024, 6:44:07 PM
They want to make sure players spend as much time as possible in the game.

So the AH system is GOAT
Rediron#1411 wrote:
There is already an Auction House for currencies

It's not auction house, it's currency exchange. It has nothing to auction where the seller is able to set the time limit for the offers.

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