Why PoE 2 will again not get a Auction house? (or trading system)

Allowing people to trade while AFK (= make a proper, ingame auction house) would probably enable faster & more trade and lead people to not buying 999 extra premium stashes for all the **** they dump into a sales tab and forget about it. Most folks would probably periodically clean out anything that didn't sell for a couple days.
We need ah so badly this is shit in curent form and those boters fliping market is awful i hate the game becouse of that
Last edited by desper940#2462 on Dec 30, 2024, 11:40:43 AM
We need ah so badly

No we don't
I post my item low, get 40 or so messages in a few seconds. Ignore all the message and raise my item price. I repeat this process until the messages either slow or stop then take one step back in pricing and BAM pure profit. For all those people that kept messaging me over and over again, sorry, but its all about the divs.

This is what trading is in POE 1 or 2. Of course all the bots already have it locked up.
Last edited by bobothewizard#1818 on Dec 30, 2024, 11:09:10 PM
I'm not a big player of the original PoE, so just my thoughts for trading:

Allow Premium Stash tab holders to sell a maximum of x items (say 5) at any one time with a buyout. So a player goes to the site, can purchase an item with 'buy it now,' the currency and item is automatically transferred into a 'purchased' tab.

This helps to solve two problems: players artificially lowering the cost of items by listing them at prices they are not sold for, or selling at a price merely to gauge interest, and it allows for some AH-type functionality/convenience without gutting the existing system, which can exist alongside it.
Trading via Website is a disaster, i hope they will change that.

Nobody is answering a trade request! Thats a rough waste of time and we are talking about 30 Mins-1 Hour trying to buy ONE Item. Whispering 10-100 of Players.

Now im swapping Gear between my Alts, so i can Resistance Cap my fresh Character.

I am all for some kind of trading upgrade. The current system does not stop the bots and it creates a divide for newer players. Bots were still rampant in PoE 1 and are still Rampant in PoE 2.

An auction house won't stop this, nor will it make it worse. In Actual fact we are only one step away from an AH currently, we have a very defined search function on the website and we can directly contact the player.

Bot's are usually players who are still playing the game but running a bot char or 20 in the background to either sell the currency or buff their current toon. An AH will not really help them all that much.

An Auction House would do the following:

Stop people from undervaluing items on the market to encourage others to do the same and then buying cheap and selling for 100x the value or more. (This is illegal IRL for a reason) If you are unsure of an items value then place it up for actual "Auction" which is rarely used in these games but needs to be encouraged more.

It will allow people who PLAY the game to actually buy/sell items with greater ease without having to spend 30+ minutes trying to buy items. Giving them more time to play the game and get more drops, increasing the currency/items available on the market.

Far more lower level sub par items for leveling alts will become available due to ease of trade, opening up to more newer players being able to progress in the game. All those 1Ex trades will become non tedious.

Item availability will become significantly higher, a lot of players are unaware, lack the confidence or don't trust price checking on the website so they just don't use it. They just hoard the items for potential later use. This will stimulate the economy by giving people access to a proper and trustworthy means of checking an items value and determine whether it is usefull by said value.

I am no expert on economics but this seems pretty obvious to me. I have yet to see a reasonable thought out informed post with regards to WHY an auction house would be bad. The trade manifesto was just the thoughts of Chris back in the day, it never really had any solid backing behind it so I don't really count this.
Last edited by Cyriac_Darakus#1022 on Jan 1, 2025, 6:02:16 AM

Does GGG win anything from letting this happen? An AH would fix this...no more pricefixers, no more scammers.
Do all the smart guys here talkimg about how auction house doesnt belong to arpgs and how it would destroy the game know that ah is pretty much confirmed? Such long posts only to be so wrong.
Also Ah is the number one thing this game needs right now.

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