I hope GGG sticks to their vision of a slower PoE 2

Path of Exile 2 looks amazing and I really hope they dare to make it different from PoE 1, especially toning down the super-zoomy late game.

With that said, this doesnt mean I want snails-pace gameplay. I get that the video footage of PoE 2 is from early acts and that it will increase.
I just hope they keep the rate at a moderate level.

Atleast personally I get really bored with super zoomy characters, and this league I by mistake went there.
But at the same time there is no denying the game rewards Zoomy playstyles.
Problem is that I think the game actually becomes more mindless the further you get, not to mention there is no visual clarity of what is happening.
Everything just starts feeling the same.

Rituals - I pop potions and barely see whats happening. If shit goes badly its usually over in an instant.

Immortal Syndicate - I do the same thing, I know they do moves and shit buuuut once again I can barley see them and might aswell just blast away.

Incursion - Once again all about speed and blasting things. I barely pay attention to what the architects are doing.

Delv - Same thing.

There are so many advantages of toning things down for PoE 2.

-Deeper combat gameplay

-More timing on flasks/abilities

-More visual clarity

-Easier to balance.

-More time to react to threats and less unexpected insta-deaths

-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

-Easier to play Hardcore

-Easier to play Co-op with friends (Its a nightmare currently)

(And yes I know Ruthless exist as a option, but its too extreme, maybe 5 years ago it would have been an option. But not really now when I got a family and a full time job)

Anyway can't wait for PoE 2 and I hope they stick to their vision. PoE 1 can always exist for those who want that super-fast gameplay option.

Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 2:27:53 PM
WickedSausage wrote:
-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

it also means u kill less. and in a game where killing a ton of monsters is kind of the point of the game i don't see that as a good thing.
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
satanttin wrote:
WickedSausage wrote:
-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

it also means u kill less. and in a game where killing a ton of monsters is kind of the point of the game i don't see that as a good thing.

I disagree.

Can be a slow ability or a combo that kills an entire pack.
WickedSausage wrote:

-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

Like the other guy mentioned, you kill less stuff which pretty much takes the purpose of a arpg hack&slay. The hack&slay part just disappears and you end up with a game like D4 with barely any mob slaughter fun.

It's like going to McDonald's to order a cheese burger but with the request to remove the cheese from the burger.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Oct 8, 2023, 3:38:03 PM
A balance between speed and actual combat should be the goal. PoE is a little out of control with speed and screen exploding but we dont want to go to far to the other side where we are playing dark souls of exile.

Its still an ARPG.
Ceahlau wrote:
satanttin wrote:
WickedSausage wrote:
-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

it also means u kill less. and in a game where killing a ton of monsters is kind of the point of the game i don't see that as a good thing.

I disagree.

Can be a slow ability or a combo that kills an entire pack.
kiling a pack in one hit is not zoomie to you?
with enough movement speed it's the exact thing is it not? unless zooming is doing a map in under a minute and nothing more i suppose.

and tbh i think the game well poe 2 could be less zoomie and still be more fun. maybe if they done it the right way. i don't wanna be mapping at a maxed out toon and be sleeping through the map. nor do i want it to be to hard when i have a maxed out character. and with maxed out i don't mean mirror tier.
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Pashid wrote:
WickedSausage wrote:

-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

Like the other guy mentioned, you kill less stuff which pretty much takes the purpose of a arpg hack&slay. The hack&slay part just disappears and you end up with a game like D4 with barely any mob slaughter fun.

It's like going to McDonald's to order a cheese burger but with the request to remove the cheese from the burger.

Actually Path of Exile started off in a very different way and people mocked it for being so slow. And over the years they have worked on increasing it to a level that really is far, far more extreme then most typical ARPGs out there.

Both sides of the spectrum has its advantages and disadvantages. I certainly dont want it to go back to PoE 2013, just to be clear.

But currently the problem becomes when you no longer can tell whats happening. For the enemies to pose a threat they too need to be boosted in speed, damage, random unique effect etc...
It gets to a point then where its not much options besides just chugging pots and holding down left mouse button.
As soon as something goes wrong, like getting frozen or some other unforeseen thing, its not really possible to adapt to it.

What looks so great about PoE 2 is that you actually seem encourage to use a combination of abilies, the effects are not blinding everything and they want you to avoid mechanics.

WickedSausage wrote:
Pashid wrote:
WickedSausage wrote:

-less zoomy speed, means you dont spend as much time sorting stash between maps.

Like the other guy mentioned, you kill less stuff which pretty much takes the purpose of a arpg hack&slay. The hack&slay part just disappears and you end up with a game like D4 with barely any mob slaughter fun.

It's like going to McDonald's to order a cheese burger but with the request to remove the cheese from the burger.

Actually Path of Exile started off in a very different way and people mocked it for being so slow. And over the years they have worked on increasing it to a level that really is far, far more extreme then most typical ARPGs out there.

Both sides of the spectrum has its advantages and disadvantages. I certainly dont want it to go back to PoE 2013, just to be clear.

But currently the problem becomes when you no longer can tell whats happening. For the enemies to pose a threat they too need to be boosted in speed, damage, random unique effect etc...
It gets to a point then where its not much options besides just chugging pots and holding down left mouse button.
As soon as something goes wrong, like getting frozen or some other unforeseen thing, its not really possible to adapt to it.

What looks so great about PoE 2 is that you actually seem encourage to use a combination of abilies, the effects are not blinding everything and they want you to avoid mechanics.

kinda weird how when they did they it went from a niche game to a dedicated and rising playerbase.

I think PoE/PoE 2 should remain the fast-paced alternative in the ARPG genre. There are plenty of slower alternatives out there. And if we IGNORE everything they've shown us from PoE 2, and only listen to what they are saying/promising, PoE 2 will still have one-button builds and a zoomy endgame.

I still think dramatically reducing the speed of PoE is like removing the queen from chess. Sure, it might work, but they are both integral parts in what makes the games what they are - and what makes the games unique. There are reasons why A LOT of people are disliking Diablo 4, and I strongly believe that the lack of action/density is one of the main reasons. For me, the worst part was the forced use of basic attacks.

Anyhow, time will show. Personally, I think every move that makes PoE more similar to "other ARPGs" is a bad move. I say embrace what makes PoE unique, and the speed is absolutely integral to that.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
PoE Good D4 bad, That is all!

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